Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

technicaly the mistake they did was removal of daily WQ - i bet 99,9 % of players were not aware they plan this before launch .

then they tried to reverti but Preach and Asmon and their simpls whined do big daddy Ion reverted it

and we are back to having absolutely nothing to do in game but leveling alts . but then why level alts when there is nothing to do in endgame on them too besides spam m+ when those open in a week.

dead game on launch .

gg Ion .


professions are timegated behind reputation that we can’t get due to: no dailies to do…
Renown is gated behind the exact same thing.
Mount looks are fun and all, but that’s not really content, neither are more mounts that we can’t even really use in this expansion due to dragonflying


Would’ve preferred if they stuck with the original change but it’s not that big of a deal and there really is plenty to do anyway. How long that will last? No idea and they might still change it again down the line.

Do love reading how achievements, collecting and doing rares is suddenly not content anymore :sweat_smile: I guess some people are just being argumentative for the sake of it.


out of what you listed then maybe the rares are worth doing. but i bet majoity of people gave up on those too after getting 3rd int item on their strength/agi chars . because blizzard cannot code even this correcly

so its colelct mount number 43244534958340 or pet no 3405934324324. wow such content much wow

if there is no power progression people dont do stuff. thats why DF is such collosal failure already


dont worry once their actiity metrics shows heads will roll in blizzard.

i apploud people who wanted to salvage whatever is left of DF but they failed because Ion bruteforced his decisions.

if he isnt fired now then there is no future for wow indeed. shame. game cannot survive another such collosal failure after SL . and DF shapes up to be much worse then SL.

I’ve heard you say this over and over. For someone who hates the game you sure do post on the forums and play a lot.

Maybe get yourself a new hobby?


I just want to point out taking a stance, communicating it and then changing your mind isn’t ‘lying’.

Seeing it as such is just throwing your toys out of the pram because you didnt get your way.


its actually a success in my eyes. No longer you are a treadmill slave. Logs into an alt - > Feels guilty that you are not on your main and doing that 1243565th daily quest for that 5 AP.
Now on the first week. I can log on my third alt and play it…guilt free, is an absolute freedom feeling.

If you miss being a slave and running your 8645456 dailies for those 5AP every day… well Stockholm syndrome is real you know.


It wasn’t really like that but alright. There’s still slave grinding to do if you so wish to play for 16 hours to get somewhere, such as Wrathion rep.

However - Even I as a Mythic+ player am disappointed in this decision, I bought a game where there’s nothing feasible to do yet. I am NOT sitting 16 hours doing something to min/max (and replace in a few weeks time), I just want something to log on to, something non-grindy to do while waiting for M+ to open.

I don’t play alts, as Monk is the only class I currently find fun. Tried to go back to my mage but why bother playing something boring.

We can discuss how exaggerating or not in a different topic.
But for me, the principle remains: Actually feeling that your current char is “done” and you are free to do something else.
Instead of facing the decision:
Continue to farm power on main char, getting real tired and burned out but if I stop, I will fall behind
Have fun doing something else but always keep in mind that you are starting to slowly fall behind everyone else.

Argue against it all your like, but for me. I am happy that I no longer need to make this decision and no argument will change my mind.


So WQS are the one and only power gain in the entire game now?

For those who want to go try hard and gear there are ways. If power gain is people’s primary concern they have plenty to knock themselves out on.

You can gain renown doing various things in the game. If you want to go and farm it hard you can.

Not when it doesn’t fit an argument! I even got comments for enchanting my gear as someone who is levelling their enchanting.


You’re already behind. You didn’t farm Wrathion rep for 16 hours.

You are either a troll or delusional.
Dragonflight is a huge success. What happened was that the small miniority wanted to bring back in poor systems that most people hated so they started trying to bully blizzz into making the game for them. Blizz started to cave but then realised after an uproar from the player base that almost nobosy wanted that change so they stuck to their guns and reverted back.

If you dont like the game then go play something else. Dont try and warp it with daily nonsense so that everyone else gets burned out.

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Atleast no lifers will have these things to do more often. I can imagine casuals dont really care about doing all world quests all the time. But i see no harm in people being able to farm this more quickly. Its not like the azerite grind wich made you lose player power if you didnt do it every day. As long there is no player power grind behind the world quests then they can just pop up daily or even faster

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Wow forums are so toxic about such a minor thing in a freaking videogame jfc do you guys ever go outside

Him no be da troll…

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And this is the issue everyone thinks their opinion is the right one

Daily would be too much for alts to do as well and I’d either only do them on my main or hand pick them. Yet currently my main is stuck until she gets loads more renown… which is a little difficult when the only way without burning my brain out is weeklies and bi-weeklies. So I have started alting… and I’m fed up. Maybe they could have compromised with something? If you aren’t spamming dungeons what is there really to do?
Gather mats? Well I have nothing new to make with them until renown gain. Hunt achievements? Ner…
Probably my own fault for playing it all day mind :slight_smile:

I read about this in the Daily World Quest.

I have unlocked world quests. But i cannot see them anyway anywhere. I know how they looks like from previous expansions. But now nothing on map. That means i don’t care about them. Sad … :cry: