They are ignoring the real issues and stealth nerfing things that they would like to fix, while claiming #nochanges like in the latest blue post about juju flurry.
The most recent example of a stealth nerf was Blade of Eternal Darkness
It’s hilarious how they said they wont fix a bug that was in vanilla, even if they COULD fix it, but they go around stealth hotfixing things left and right as they please.
What if they just broke it ?
How could one believe in #nochanges after seeing enough gamebreaking changes at day 1 already, is still a mystery to me.
I never believed in it, but its funny that they are claiming to be #nochanges in their recent blue post. Complete lie
I don’t recall layering in vanilla.
Must have memory issues.
What happened to Blade of Eternal Darkness?
I was planning on farming it eventually for my druid as it is (was?) BIS for oomkin.
Blizz silently damaging classic. Blizzard+classic=fail, we need better company for classic.
Still mad over the fact your server is completely lonely, must by fun to play a realm without even 2% Alliance, ouf guess you ruined your game experience for yourself, pity…what a real pity.
I’ve seen a lot of posts like this.
“No changes” is not the same as “An exact replica of ‘Vanilla’”
Blizzard was very clear about the differences between the original product and the 2019 product. Here’s one (of many) interviews on it -
An exact replica was never the goal of the project and would not even be possible, just simply people know now that BWL, Naxx, and AQ are coming and will act accordingly.
The contentious point of layering along with epic trading were very clearly highlighted along with the specific reasons why.
If you or anyone else was to walk into a coffee shop and ask for a coffee, and the barista was to inform you that they can make you a coffee but they have no milk and you agree to buy the coffee you are in no position to demand your money when the coffee has no milk in it.
Personally i’m lucky, I spent a small amount of time reading/watching the odd video on the classic project and I have extremely pleased with the project. This affected the realm, race, faction, class and profession I chose. And I can say with confidence I made the best possible choice for my goals on each of them. Which is probably why i’m enjoying the game
lol, #nochanges died long ago
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Mad? Why would I be mad…
I could transfer off the server whenever I want but I’m choosing not to because I’m enjoying myself
but stay salty buddy
I feel like the Open Beta was actually a much better experience, it was snappy and good to play, the current version of the game feels horrible with all the delays on everything. Not to mention the dozens of bugs that plague every class that were not in vanilla.
I can’t even fathom how they managed to screw it up so badly… O wait it’s activision
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Blizzard is a company and therefore they are liars.
Every few days they changing Dire Maul North since am lvl 60. every single day Bosses behavior is changed, sometimes they are both aggro bugged sometimes only one of them it is totally RNG bugged.I literally know 5-6 times when am woke up and notice different behavior of NPCs and Bosses in DM north since i farming golds there 24h since i dinged.You guys would not believe how and on what ways Hunter spells bugging there.Am attacked even when am deep in Invisibility potion, FD do not works in half of time, pet reaction is Spell batching + some kind of bug delay etc etc, and every few days it bugs on different ways because they changing it so often.
and now it seems like it is not their game and some 3. party is controling it.
You are clearly insane spamming your nonsense all over the forums, this is exactly why you get silenced, you are really annoying! Flagged and reported!
Honestly I don’t think anyone believes in #nochanges. People using #nochanges crap are just trolling around or have no freaking idea how it was in vanilla.
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The idea of #NoChanges is to protect Classic WoW and stop the real trolls from destroying it by transforming it into a 2nd Retail WoW!
#NoChanges are not against bug fixes.
#NoChanges are against anything that would “improve” your gameing experience! Any “ideas” and “suggestions” to change Classic in any way will only lead us loosing Classic and have a 2nd Retail!
“Improve game experience”
These are all clever use of words made up so they don’t have to say the truth that they want to change Classic because they themselves would enjoy it better that way and they don’t care about anyone else!
Game was made 15yrs ago, deal with it, accept it, play it or don’t play it.
Stop trying to mess WoW up a 2nd time you already have Retail!
Classic is popular because it is Classic and not Retail.
“I want this”, “I want that” … you already have all those in Retail!
Because we don’t need a 2nd Retail!
Yep, exactly. Then answer my questions.
-Why can I join AV/WSG while dead or in combat. That was not a bug.
-Why do we have some items from 1.12 and not others. This is not a bug, it’s randomness they decided to implement. If you do not know which items I’m talking about then just take a look at some of rank14 weapons.
-I could go on whole night actually but point is, changes are already implemented and they are implemented selectivity which is not right. Either give us 1.12 or don’t, it’s simple as that.
I can bet with all my heart that you actually did not play vanilla AT ALL and that your only experience with it either “NONE” or from private servers. If you played vanilla you would know that #nochanges bullcrap is just one big TROLLING. You are probably defending it because you are actually getting something out of the game that is good for you and it’s actually a change they made (do you want me to hint you what?).
Get lost and grow a pair of non-trolling balls. Speak up about your thoughts why are so many things already changed, I dare you.
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