Blizzard! Nothing in AV needs Fixing

Blizzard addressed the issue of botting, AV’s starting with too few people and spawn camping in AV. All issues that their patch effectively dealt with. There is nothing in their post about stopping premades happening.

Playing AV in a pug as Alliance is an absolute nightmare. Playing in a premade is the only way Alliance has a chance of winning. Cue the Horde trolls on this topic but its true. Premades returning means the horde have gone from winning 95% of their battles to winning 80-85% of their battles. Those are not numbers that favour Alliance. Premades actually balance the system in AV and Horde still beat Premades regularly. This huge fuss that Horde are making is in my eyes unjustified given the current situation.

Yes, Horde queue times are unfortunatley long however premades will actually help reduce those numbers as premades create/fill rooms fast.

I’ve even seen Russian horde premades and heard of big Horde discord servers who join rooms based on which AV they are in and move to a room for that (I don’t know if thats true or not). So the system isn’t perfect but right now I see it working.

AV does not need fixing imop.

I’m not going to refer to your opinion, I’m just curious where did you get your data. Like horde winning 95% before, and now 80-85%. Really curious. Did you play 100 battles and lost 95 before? …

Why human paladins from roleplaying realm are allowed to create new topics ?

It’s a guesstimate based on experience in premades and pugs and from what people have told me of their experiences when ive asked. Do you have more accurate statistics to share?

I got exalted with AV today on this alt.

Since the Blizzard Fix, I have lost EVERY SINGLE GAME IN AV. 100%. EVERY-SINGLE-ONE.

I played AV all day every day since the fix to reach exalted with Stormpike (AV Alliance Faction).

Before the Fix, we had like a 10% chance to land with an Alliance Premade by accident and we’d therefore always win. This is how I got my Crossbow, courtesy of a premade.

Αs stated here and on Reddit, Horde groups we play against are almost always half premades consisting of various Rank 11,12,13’s and 10’s 9’s etc while our PUGS are mostly alts in greens/blues and a few Rank 9 and below people. Alliance PUGS also include like 4-5 Level 51’s, 52’s, 53’s etc while Horde groups have none.

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Actually, the premades makes specific hours of the day/week more populated in the pool. But as a consequence to that, they also reduce the amount of players on the alliance side when they aren’t queuing (and we all know they don’t tend to queue all week long), so this in turn creates spikes where the queues are sometimes really long for the horde side, and other times only half that. It’d be better when only thinking of the queue times for there to be no premades so people would be queuing all week long instead, at random hours based on individual ability to play.

They haven’t. Not even a little bit.

Αs stated here and on Reddit, Horde groups we play against are almost always half premades consisting of various Rank 11,12,13’s and 10’s 9’s etc while our PUGS are mostly alts in greens/blues and a few Rank 9 and below people.

Yeah except they aren’t, because short of Russians its practically impossible for horde to premade at all. The reason you see high ranks on Horde side in AV is because Horde rankers are playing pug AV, Alliance rankers are only queueing premade AV. Which pretty much means the majority of people queueing for Alliance pugs are low rank.

I have played so many AV matches that people from the Horde I play against surely recognise my name.

I have also come to know certain Rankers from Horde whom I play against every day. One specific Horde Premade consists of Greek rankers whom I have played against almost daily.

Because I play against the same and the same people every day in AV, I don’t believe it’s an accident and I believe these people have found a way to queue AV’s as a half premade.

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1258 AV Matches Played
597 (47%) for alliance
661 (53%) for horde

Premading is the only choose for alliance they even choose premading av over wsg just proofs u guys dont wanne play pvp at all… stop crying and ffs stop premading u naps roflmao

We lost all AV’s(pugs) before fix aswell, but atleast then it was a 50/50 chance of going against pugs in WSG, now there is basically only horde premades in wsg…

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