Blizzard, please open PvP to PvE realm transfer

I think this would be the only fair solution at this point. I’m sure most people are also willing to pay for this.

I have to admit, not coming from a min/max pserver mentality and not having had this experience in vanilla wow, I naively rolled on a PvP server. Additionally, I’m a filthy casual so I just don’t have the time to re-roll on a PVE server. I’d rather quit the game then grinding again. I’m pretty sure a lot of people who made the mistake are now willing to pay for it. As a business Blizzard can only win in this situation.


No, the fair solution is you live with YOUR decision, or you reroll.


May I ask you, what did you expect, creating a character on a PvP realm? It was told more than 100 times that when Phase 2 starts, the War will begin.


Lol what war, it’s usually just a massacre of raid groups mowing down solo players / groups of 5.


Played, vanilla and vanilla pvp is what I expected. Not a zerg of 5+ people with hand of Ragnaros spawncamping a lvl 54 Warlock, that just didn’t happen or at least not on a regular basis.


No, your parents credit card wont save you from your decision.

Grow up and take some responsibility for your actions


this is just total bs of an immature answer to counter another presumed immature remark, gg. You can’t expect everyone to presicely predict how the gameplay will unfold when certain patches will go live. Sure, ppl have predicted this, but do you yourself take every post from a random player for fact at face value? I don’t think so. The vast majority will make decisions based on their mindset on that moment and will see how things go.

I wish ppl would stop with these narrowminded replies like “you rolled a pvp server deal it with”.

In it’s core, WoW is a MMORPG regardless of what server you choose to play. It’s ridiculous to presume that you’re excluded from PvE and RP if you roll a PvP server, or from RP and PvP if you roll a PvE server.

Right now, the situation is preventing a large number of players to play the game in one of its core elements, which is questing and leveling, especially in Classic a major component of the game.


Thanks, unlike the pimple faced no-lifers in their moms basement I take care of my own money.
Something tells me Blizzard indeed is interested in my money and they will open PVP to PVE sooner or later, and then PVP servers will be probably dead, and responsible for that is every single unfairly ganking basement kiddie.


To be fair, some of us tried to explain what would happen in PVP servers before the game launched because I thought some people had a somewhat romantic idea of PVP servers which was very far away from reality. Maybe people did not believe us or did not see our concerns, I don’t know. Either way, I think that your suggestion would be a good choice for those who now regret having rolled in a PVP server.

They would have to open new PVE realms though, and I don’t know if they will bother doing so. It seems to me that they prefer to have overpopulated servers until enough people quit because of it.

Regardless, expected or not, it is a real problem for a good amount of people and I believe it should be addressed sooner rather than later.


You triggered? lmao.

What the hell does “growing up” have to do with a video game?


Sigh. This argument is baseless when the servers are overcrowded, people want PvP but when even grinding in Silithius means you’re going to be doing more corpse runs than playing due population saturation then we have a major issue.


Hey, not everyone has the time and patience to scroll through every thread on forums and read other people’s warnings. The valuable time I have beside work and real life obligations , I spend playing and not reading through 1000s of forum posts.
I only joined the forum after I saw what a sh*tshow phase 2 is.
I’ve done my class and quest research for sure, but nowhere there it was mentioned that pserver mentality and min/max geeks have ruined this game.


Funny how I recall at launch seeing posts of PVP Server players saying Pve Servers are for plebs and bad players. Those threads and posts aged very well. Come join Mirage raceway :slight_smile:


PvP servers are fun, when they aren’t heavily overpopulated.


the only thing blizzard need to open are the battlegrounds… so this bunch of gankers can go in their sandbox and stop annoying normal ppl


This is an exsact description of the problem everywhere. Overpopulation.

Please open some more realms. At least one - 2 or 3 would be better - “refuge” PvE realm with free transfer from all PvP realms.
Then one or two PvE realms with transfer from all PvE realms - we need space, please.
Then one new PvP and PvE realm without transfer at all - so that newcomers could have the pleasure of a virgin realm.


lol, what does the realm tooltip say again?

In PvP servers, you’re automatically flagged for PvP anytime you enter contested or enemy territory, where you’ll spend most of your time after early levels. Pick these servers if you want to fight other players often or like the omnipresent threat of PvP combat.

this is not even learn to play issue, but a learn to read issue.


Well now a lot of you want to go to pve.
I still remember 3 months ago where the most of the community looked down and laughed at the people choosing pve. Well looks like the tables have turned :slight_smile:


We who did not remember Vanilla with Rose-tinted glasses as so many did, really thought through what server we should go to. As someone who has played on all kind of servers, knew what would I would expect if I would roll on a pvp server, so I didn’t. Fights on pvp servers were extremely seldom, being ganked and camped by large groups of high levels was the norm, as when hitting 60 there is to be fair not much to do, except gank other players or stand around in the capitals trying to look cool in the last epic pixel drops you had.
What I am wondering is what will happen when the Bgs open, will you demand that you must have a paid transfer back? Are you going to be that guy who levels a character on a pve server and then transfers to a pvp servers so you can also can gank low levels? That is the problem with paid transfers from different kind of servers. Sad to say it, if you want to play and don’t want to be ganked and camped, you will have to start fresh.

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No sorry, group of level 60s with legendary weapons ganking and spawn camping lvl 54s just didn’t happen to that extent back then. This came with min/maxers and the toxic pserver geeks.

For the rest, no idea what you are brabbling about. PVE to PVP transfer was never a thing, unlike PVP to PVE. And bg’s exist on PVE servers as well, so why would I want to go back?