Blizzard pls fix the queue times, which you've messed up succesfully!

This is caused by Blizzard. You can’t blame the players, because they use a service, which Blizzard offers. They will do something about queues sooner or later, they’re just enjoying the cashgrab atm. Who will you blame when we will have faction change? Tons of horde players will switch to ally (including me). Your queue times will go higher, like 20-30 mins, while horde queues will go down. Who will you blame then? Guess what, you will come and whine about horde’s faction changing and having longer queue times.

You are joking right.
Its blizzards fault for making people play the game?

How about you grind trough boring vanilla content to play an alliance human mage, then you can BG

How about letting us play, when we pay monthly?

Then change to alliance

you wanted #Nochanges this is #Nochanges


Is the server up most of the time? Yes.
Can you login? Yes.
Can you run around, use your characters abilities, queue up for BGs? Yes.

So you can play.


Even before classic released, we proposed faction specific login queues. We were shouted down, usually with #nochanges!!!!!!!!, I guess because some people were worried that they wouldn’t get their superiority in numbers if such a change went through.

People wanted #nochanges
This is what #nochanges + minmaxing mentality looks like.

So it’s time for a new hashtag:



You can play. Blizzard gives you more than enough options right now, but you dont want to choose them, because you and the others have somehow problems with spending more time in the game.

Blizzard wont do anything about this player created problem, especially not when the release isnt even one month old. Many people have started new characters and some servers are still increasing in population. Blizzard will wait two to three month after release to gather more statistics until they do anything and in this time the problem has most likely solved itself, either by people changing factions on their own or by stopping to play the game.

Its also so cute that you guys think they are doing this here for the cashgrab. We are like the lowest community of all their games. Its pocket money for them.

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Instead, we got #somechanges and #somequeues lol

you mean #longqueues

Or #instantqueues and #freewinsaspremade … if you play alliance that is :sunglasses:

People will keep boosting to the Horde side, because most of them are retailers from Horde.
Unless something is radically changed, like in my suggestion:


Yeah, its amazing against War and Rogue, they cant… well you counter… I guess you can… well, the Warrior cant taunt I guess… big!

Yeah and warrior can’t shout, nor fear, cs is good against rogues, because it’s instant combat, you know. As I said, you’re clueless.

You heard it here boiz, use your Belf racial on a Rogue you cant see on the off chance you hit him to enter combat and prevent that sap for…2-3sec… wait what do you mean better to save it to prevent that instant heal on low hp, or big defensive? pff, you’re clueless m8 ! l2p clearly ! The meta is all about hitting stuff in stealth randomly w/ aoe silence !

Oh and ofc, what says skill if not preventing that Warrior from using battle shout ! yay !

Hehe, you’re a funny guy, see you above 2k!

What ever you say, slick :slight_smile:

They are stoping you from playing?

I guess this is just a very low trolling attempt, huh… :expressionless:

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O here we go… Who is stopping you from playing? And how is your time more valuable? You have people in PvE that can’t get a tank for 2h and more. Should Blizzard add the dungeon finder?
Your sub entitles you to a working game. That’s it. And no a long Q is not a broken game it’s the game working as intended because one of the factions (guess who!) is overpopulated by min/maxers.

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