Blizzard plz! Hybrid classes NEED changes in Season of mastery

First of, calm down, you sound like a raging child.

Second, go listen to Kevin Jordan’s videos about class design. He made a ton and he explains adequatly that spec were not thought out to have a specific role, but fantasy was first during design. It is 17 years of player discovery that have decided that “Arms must be for pvp” for example. Vanilla design is not about peak performance for every spec of every class, it is about living a RPG fantasy.

Third, come back only when you are enlightened by the deep comprehension of vanilla’s design. So after you have listen to, studied and understood these videos and streams. Your opinion doesn’t count if it comes from ignorance.

Unplayable retry paladin? They are op at 1v1 encounters, warriors are pure trash in a world pvp situation.

-.- roll a warrior u r a “support” class if u cant fit in it, its ur fault not paladin’s fault… class is just right… besides u picked a nobrainer buble become unkillable class with the highest armor possible best gear scaling possible coz it scales best with both AP and SP and other stats… and u can wear all the kind of armor/weapons besides ranged. and as u said U can heal… dispell/become unkillable. warriors got 3 stances and all 3 of them share half of the same spells -.-, and also they have draw backs like zerg takes extra dmg while def does less dmg, u should have a drawback too, imagine a paladin with an instant hit procing over and over crusade weapon seal -.-. broken af.

The reason for changes is surely that there seems little point just rehashing world of warriorcraft over and over again.

But I guess they like it on Private Servers, so why not regular ones.

Retry paladins are useless? the most fun class at world pvp…

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U just dont get what i mean.The problem is that i want DPS in raid content AS RET PALADIN but i cant coz my spec is so bad , I DONT WANT TO HEAL i want jsut dps in raids on my class that i rly love. My class is dog poop in pve content meanvile most and rest classes doin very good in pve and pvp and have good working specs. U are just meta/loot/logs slave u will not understand me anyway

Just don’t join a tryhard meta slave guild. There have always been ret palas in my AQ40, NAxx raids in classic… If you can’t get a raid as ret then it might not even be because of your class/spec, it could be something personal.

The problem is 99% of guilds are min/max meta slaves. Its rly hard to find casuals like me

That means 99% of the guilds are retarded and therefore it’s not in the interest to raid anyway… no matter what class/spec.

its also not fun to get into raids as a retri paladin or any other low dps class in raids and know u are getting carried becuse you dont do any dps its funny seeing alll these warr mains that dont want to share any glory and just want to stay on top lol why not balance all classes so every class/spec can be used in raid without feeling like you are geting carried does not need to be better then a warr on the dps meter but maybe do more then 5% of the warr dps

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have u not seen warriors 1v3 and stuff in classic era i dont see that as useless in pvp

Atleast 1 person who actualy understood what about i was talking! :pray:

Well, you mentioned warriors “as example”, but who else have so many roles viable?
Druids can do differents roles quite ok, but they are restricted to 1 one per role in raid setups of 40 ppl and not best in slot anyway.
All other classes have only one viable raid role and it looks like a solid vanila raid design.
As of warriors, we all know it’s a master class of the game:

  • it has toughest leveling experience
  • best gear scaling
  • available for all races
  • best to 2 raid roles

So, if Blizz ever going to make more specs viable per class in raids, they should do it for every class at the same time, and it is a good point for next season:

  • they will have time to think about it and balance it.
  • SoM will show real differentiation between all specs and all their tricks. Classic couldn’t do it with wb active and buff/debuff slot limits.
  • it’s a huge altering to the game which doesn’t fit #slightllymorechanges.
  • solution may come like WoTLK talents to the account as some players suggest
    and so on

Warriors can’t win 1v3 in same conditions, they can’t win in 1v1 against same skilled/geared people… If you want a balanced pve/pvp class at classic you should play as rogue but they are not fun as warriors at bg or as powerfull as paladins at open world.

Just because a ret does less dps does not mean the ret gets carried. Ret is still a support class that brings more to a raid than just dps. Rets can dispell poison/magic while autoattacking, they can lay on hands the maintank. Pala buffs increase the performance of the raid. It’s not all about the DPS.

Everytime someone dies early during a boss fight, they get carried.


I’m far from an expert in WoW (in fact, I’m the filthiest casual out there) but I wouldn’t mind if “meme” specs got an improvement. I may not raid myself, but I can fully understand the pain that hybrid class/ “meme” spec aficionados feel.

What some “pure” class players do not understand (or are not sensitive to) is how different each spec feels for classes such as the shaman and druid. In fact, they almost feel like different classes. A boomkin plays completely different from a feral, they need different gear, different consumables etc. Which is why you see not only class pride, but even spec pride among hybrid class players.

In addition, what is maddening for many heal capable class players is that their non-healing specs are so damn awesome and thematic! But they are often forced into healing because the raiding specs have been designed to accommodate that first and foremost.

That been said, I don’t think that hybrid class DPS should be on par with Warriors, Rogues, Mages etc. However, they could be buffed to improve the DPS of pure classes even further.

E.g. for Ferals, Leader of the Pack Aura could grant Rage/ Energy/ Mana on crit (which would require a rework for the rage-on-crit in bear form talent), or it could simply grant an Attack Power increase to the group as well as the crit chance buff. (Probably crappy ideas, but just examples of how a hybrids DPS could be buffed while at the same time improving the effectiveness of the entire melee group).

Just my rather mouldy 2 copper on the matter :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, please increase the mana regen of elemental shamans. I want to electrocute Kel Thuzad :zap:

DPS as retri paladin… hm… so r u soo much addicted just watching ur auto attacks every 3 seconds without doin anythin else? Coz this seems rather lazy to me… “let me dps as i am, doin nothin but watching my char auto” wanna be dps? roll rogue/warrior/hunter any other dps class u can even roll enha (in classic era, not in SoM) but u seem to have the auto-attack-syndrom. Imagine rolling a support/healer class, and be “I DONT WANT TO HEAL” - " i just want to dps in raid on my class that i rly love" with a healer. Does it even cross ur mind that perhaps the wrong is at ur side, and not at the rest of world?

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then bring a holy paladin not a retri one lol we are talking about doing dps not dispelling there is no point in bringing a retri paladin when u can bring a holy one so yes if u bring a retri paladin in a raid u are carring that paladin its not hard to understand

they could balance all classes so every talent could be used without feeling like u are being carried by the rest of the raid instead of just 1 for paladin for example