Blizzard plz! Hybrid classes NEED changes in Season of mastery

Just play Shadowlands bro. Is not everything about DPS, if you bring utility wich paladin brings a F ton, you’re going to lack something. In fact they should nerf Holy instead buff ret/prot KEKW but anyways… #NOCHANGES!!!

yes yes mr main warr but did u even read what i wrote? its no reason to bring a retri pala instead of a holy one and its already changes on this version but i know they wont balance classes becuse that would take some work and we all know they dont do that but it would be nice so every one could play the favorite class and spec without the feeling of being carried like ive said before

They touch classes and no one is playing after 2 months, so not worth for them, easy as that.

Can you imagine a class with a 5 second stun, two bubbles, BOF and healing also doing warrior level sustained damage?
It would be ridiculous in PvP.

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how in the seven hells can u know that lol

can u imagine a class that one shots you? ow yea thats already in classic going by the name of elemental shaman and im not saying the meme specs have to do the same dmg as warrior rogue mage or whatever but do enough so it feels good playing that class/spec in a raid knowing you are contributing something to the raid thats not dispell or buff as a DPS class like the warrior main said you bring buff as a retri paladin well if i was gonna play a retri pala i would want to bring dmg not buff other ppl buffing the raid every 15mins is not what i find fun and i doubt any other player in the whole world find buffing fun

and ye i forgot something no dps class/spec in classic has many buttons to push without cds retri pala has 4 frost mage has 1 rogue has 3 hunter has 2 warlock has shadowbolt and a curse and so on and on so yea if retri pala is lazy then all classes are lazy lol and retri pala is a dps spec not a support/healing spec but it does no dps in pve im not sure why some ppl hate the idea that all classes and specs could be viable in classic when its already changes in the version that is coming why not let every one play the class/spec they love and have fun i tought that was the main thing in gaming is having fun but im not sure why im writing about this cus it will never happend and we all know it

If you don’t like buffing or support stuff, either you chose the wrong game or the wrong class. BTW, after hunter I think ret pala is the class with most nightfall uptime if that works for you :slight_smile: plus ret means + 1 buff and jugement in raid, is not complete useless, is just not “optimal” in a meta scenario like many other things.

As for DPS, if you wanna be on pair with warriors or rogues, just play another version.

So you want to deal melee damage in raids but hate buffing and healing?

Play rogue or warrior.

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Since you don’t appear to enjoy classic paladins, have you considered trying another class that you actually can have fun with?


as ive said im not gonna play paladin in classic hehe

if u read what i wrote is nothing fun with buffing your raid or party with buff is not what i consider fun atleast and im talking about all meme specs not just retri pala

as ive said before im not gonna play pala in classic and i talked about balanc of all classes and specs but i know they wont do that

post like this is why we have no world buffs in raids dad gamers who have no clue


If you don’t like the class balance in classic just go and play retail but stop try to ruin classic !


I’m getting back the faith on this forums :cry:

damn nice to see all these warrior mains showing up trying to protect theyre top spot on the dps meters with such a complex rotation and nothing to do at all with screwed up balance of the classes and thank god Wbuffs will be gone was the worst thing about classic and its not classic any more btw its season of mastery now and im gonna have a good time now when the dreadfull wbuff collection is gone

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Ofc u dont care about class balance coz ur class(warrior) is amazing in this version of game :rofl:
All ur specialisations are great, u always get spot in raids,u play the best class in game ,u deal always top dps. Ur class actulay dont have any downsides

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Nope i played different classes aswell. If you want changes go back to retail. Dont destroy the game #Nochanges

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Yes i know.U played mages warriors warloks and rogues?;d
U are just another meta slave bro

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