Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

I am pretty sure the feedback from it is either from some butthurt blizzard own employee or ingame ticket whine as i doubt the game itself has deemed the word offensive.

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Pretty sure? Or just looking for something to be angry about?

"@chaoticdruid1 @Krexxal Agreed. Garrosh’s point of view comes across just fine after the edit.

“I make no apologies for removing the word. Everyone, of course, is entitled to their own opinion. But we felt it was time for it to go, and it’s not coming back.”

Confirmed that the Blizzard staff felt the way people are talking about in the thread? “nobody complained” sounds like they are doing what people don’t agree with in the thread?

Also I want to know why throwing corpses in an unmarked grave and commiting genocide in the same scene is less offensive than the B word. I just watched a video of an Iraq man who had to go through that experience in real life when ISIS shot all of his fellow army recruits right beside him. He got lucky and the bullet didn’t go off and the isis idiot didn’t notice. He played dead for hours before escaping, I’m sure the scene of corpses lying in a ditch would do more damage to that guy than to a random women hearing the B word?

They’re doing what they want in their game.
I’ve never seen anyone complain about the word being used before - and neither have you.

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I have , in this thread.

This thread about it being removed. After it has been removed.

You’re making no sense really. You have Blizzard on twitter confirming they removed it because it’s offensive and they didn’t like it, They are acting offended for people, Which people are saying is wrong in this thread. Then you keep repeating, “we don’t know why they removed it” and “nobody complained” This is Blizzards way of trying to look good on Twitter.

Butchering a major plot line for attention.

That’s what people don’t like, What’s infront of you.

Not angry i have never even done the quest i just dislike stuff like this people nowadays are just too soft about everything.

Its the exact same crap when they censored the armor of sylvanas because Metzen’s daughter had problem about it nobody cried about the armor in forums or i don’t remember ever seeing anyone complain about it either.


My point is that your not giving examples of these alleged 'SJW’s/Feminists/females/Simps - whatever group you’re angry with today - making this happen.

The world isn’t out to get you. If Blizzard wants to change it, let them.

Did I mention any of they terms? in any of my posts? I don’t like a 10 year old story that I’m attached to being altered because Blizzard want to look good on twitter?


This guy either doesn’t understand English or is a troll. No matter how much it begs, no matter how much it cries, don’t feed it after midnight. Or before.


Or just disagrees with you.

That’s so stupid to remove it after like 10 years.


It’s the way the Blizzard guy said it too, Like he was all smug and high and mighty, it’s never coming back! Like everyone that’s fine with it is a sexist pig, What it sounds like to me. I told my female friend about this and she laughed and said “that’s dumb”

As I said in an earlier post , it’s not a guy vs women thing, There will be women who won’t like this change either and find it stupid.

Also throughout my life I’ve heard women refer to other women as a “bi***” more than men have, Is it just me?



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Might be just that guy Steve Danuser thinking it was offensive, so he removed it.


Isn’t Nathanos basically his self insert? Can’t have anyone disrespecting his queen


Well, tbh I’m not at all impressed with the writers in WoW, so I’d expect anything from them.


Yeah. This causes certain problems… for him. Did he think we had forgotten? Did he think we had forgiven? Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Internet!

Made another low effort meme about the whole thing. For some reason I prefer to laugh than facepalm that there are so many lore problems and THIS is what they work on.
Sometimes it’s better to have the B word you know…


I am sure the stuff she does is still in there, i mean, a male calling a woman a ‘B’ is bad and should be removed, yet all the evil crap she does, which involves the murder of innocent civilians, is fine…and accepted…yay hypocrites.

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