Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

Ok so it seems like the guy that removed it is a Sylvanas fanboy and did it because he didn’t want his waifu insulted, so nothing to do with people complaining, as expected.


It is still bad and this man should feel bad. Also this can cause canon wars. Fun to watch, but not while you’re playing that game, getting hit with the fallout of warring fans using weapons of mass retcon.

Hmmm, if it was a woman that did this, it would be understandable to a degree, but if any woman is a independent and strong woman, then she wouldn’t be so affected by a single insult…just saying.

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It was something that I had never experienced prior to that, even more so since it is voiced. The game always had some childish humour, it was not something I expected to hear. I think most people felt the same the first time you heard him say it. I clearly remember me thinking something like “no way did he say that! lol”

I thought it was neat at the time. However, I’m really not gonna lose any sleep over it. They have their reasons for removing it, whatever they may be. It’s really a non issue for me.

Censor kekw. When did blizzard became sony omegalul.

Are you trying to communicate?

Is this during the “cutscene” when he points at her with his axe and says “watch your clever mouth…”?

If it is that’s pathetic. Especially when the word used to describe children born out of wedlock is still prevalent.


Not with you

A fishy C at that. Ugh just thinking of the smell down there :face_vomiting:


Thanks for replying though. Now back to Twitch with you, where they all type like complete morons.

Yeah, that one. Where Garrosh isn’t taking any of her obnoxious crap and summarizes in 1 precise word what he thinks about her doing it.

Indeed. Let us ridicule this BS.

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Yeah sure, because i watch streamers sometimes, im a complete moron. Nice judge.

In my opinion, you are a complete jerk.

I’m not calling you a moron because you watch Twitch. Learn to read.

We live in a clown world. We have for many years. And guess what, it will only get worse, it does not get better.

Time for the “self insert Danuser just loves Sylvanas too much” comments.

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So it’s really just because of the pg12 rating in other words, meaning that if WoW wasn’t targeted for kids in its cartoonish displays of murder, genocide and all the other bad things, then you’d feel that it would actually be fitting to the game, correct?


Good job cherrypicking from my reply. I’ve explained how I felt about it at the time, nothing more, nothing less. Comparing fictional stuff compared to words that are banned from the forums and chat is some nice strawmanning. Not going to play your games.

Imagine Steve Danuser derping on his new Forsaken. He encounters the quest and upon hearing Garrosh say such a blasphemy he screams in disbelief and picks up the phone.

“Who wrote this script??? I want this quest changed immediately! Sylvanas is not a b’tch, she’s a lady!!”



The whole thing is stupid, but I don’t really mind it. What I can’t stand is the horrible story about Sylvanas they put in BfA. Even a 10 yo could write something better imo.

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