Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

Why now? That’s one of the best quests in the game. I seriously hope that they didn’t listen to that 1 person who complained(if there where any complaints)

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Welcome back! Nice seeing you on the forum again!

I still miss hear during the Jaina fight when she is called an ice witch, I think it’s b!

Best quests in the game? It’s literally just walking to Silverpine forest and watch a small rp event.

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The forums are ‘allegedly’ a place for civil and constructive discourse, but they are tampering with story of a game based on fantasy warfare and bloodshed. Apples to Oranges. :upside_down_face:

Why? It’s been used since Warcraft. So an insult that’s been used since the beginnings of wow is out of place? Strange.

That’s what story quests are? It’s not about how you start the event, it’s about the actual event itself. I don’t even know what to say to that logic tbh.

An rp event about the current warchief at the time falling out with the forsaken leader is a “small rp” event. okayyyy.

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I love that line - so cutting.

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Good start, but I don’t think it goes far enough.

The edit should be changed to “Watch your clever mouth, and don’t forget that black lives matter”.


Welcome to 2020, where everything is offensive


Certaintly looks that way, since so many here get offended because Blizzard changed it.

Why does it feel out of place according to you? I personally thought it fit perfectly, especially in a world like WoW where you find conflict at every corner.

Is it because of the PG12 rating or because you feel like it doesn’t even fit in WoW’s lore?


oh no the 20something wow players will read a mean word on wow chat…the horror…

blizzard fix your lag , your faction balance, your class balance and stop waste time on such nonsense


Man i would like to see these 2020 cancel culture snowflakes who are upset about everything and everyone be taken with time machine to the 80’s when i was kid i bet it would look like Raiders of the lost ark ending with melting faces.


Nobody complained about it before it was removed.

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Sylvanas calling Garrosh:

-Hello there you unwashed savage, Steve says you’re not allowed to call me the B word anymore!

-Times change, eh? OK boomer!

Well somebody has to have cried over it because its removed.

Personally i don’t get people who are upset over nonsense like this and want it removed people nowadays are really seeking with magnifying glass for something to be upset.

they probably hired a ‘‘wokeness’’ PR person to sift through every text in wow

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Again, I’m not seeing anyone who was upset over it.
And it wasn’t requested that it get removed.

Or that never happened.

Oh it does, it really really does…

Two beautiful examples, one of which shows how even with a common language you can still get it wrong

Orc Sea Dogs in Silverpine, “I may or may not have just XXXX myself” You can do the google check, the polite and CoC friendly term is ‘Micturated’

Still an English Swearword, (Although an extremely mild one in fairness)

And my favourite, Alliance side questing in Twilight Highlands, and you rescue that Wildhammer Dwarf and he says “You Alliance XXXX took long enough to turn up”

Now the beauty of that one, is that I don’t think Americans understand how that swear word works, The word used rhymes with the classes who traditionally protect other party members in dungeons and raids, and take the hits, whilst others do damage and heal.

But they’re using it wrong, and I don’t think they realise how severe an insult it is in English, I mean it’s not as bad as the F-Bomb or heavens forfend, the C-bomb, but it’s still not the sort of language you would use in polite conversation in front of potentially a 12 year old audience, So you have this bizarre situation where Forum moderation precludes language used that is actually -in the game!-

This said, Garrosh’s insult to Sylvanas should not have been changed, because whilst it -is- an insult, it has mutated and changed and is actually an insult to -both- sexes now, in the same way as the other B-word (although arguably whilst it technically can apply to both sexes, is predominantly used towards males). It’s mild, a lot milder than other words they have in game, but if they really are trying to prune rude words out of their game they need to a) apply parity in this matter to the sexes, and b) Really look at some of their quest dialogue.