Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

That was the greatest line in-game. Dammit, Blizzard!


“She’s not a b@#$h, she’s an a@#$%^#-ish c**t!”


Is this very recent? Because I played it like a week ago and it was still there…

It’s not live, only on the PTR

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Ugh, sucks then

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Why not remove dinosaurs? they are offensive to certain religious groups? When does it end really? Wonder what’s removed in the patch after this.

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This ends when ActiBlizz takes a page from Games Workshop’s book and removes rabid fans from any writing-related positions if they can’t grow up and understand their favourite characters/inserts aren’t the only ones in the world. The other authors are still retconning the damage that ONE crazy fanboy did to WH40k lore years ago.


That’ll teach the big dumb orc to never insult the Dark Lady again. :triumph:

I drew an assumption based on where your non-answer leant toward in my very direct question. Other than that, you basically just wrote “I don’t care”, why would I need to adress your apathy towards this subject?

I haven’t made any comparisons, what’re you on about my dude? That WoW lore is inherently extremely violent even if it’s told through a cartoonish way is an observation, not a comparison.

I began this conversation by asking a very direct question, do you think cusswords don’t fit in WoW because of the pg12 rating or because of the lore?
If it’s the first, then fine, you’re right - WoW is essentially a kid’s game despite its difficulty and confusing systems, and cusswords obviously don’t fit around children.

If it’s about the lore then I’m just going to flat out say I believe you to be wrong.

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Activism Blizzard strikes again. Cognitive dissonance and lust for money at its finest. They can’t stay consistent with their own policies.


Blizzard: Put literal genocide, chemical warfare and civilian murder all in one expansion.
Also Blizzard: B word bad :,((


There are plenty of contradictions and hypocrisies in what NPC’s say and what Blizzard deems to be appropriate language. We have quest names that are a word play on a slang term for female genitalia and other NPC’s making thinly veiled references to sexual self relief.


Oh noo, but think of the children :joy: The kids these days are so well versed they could probably give you some lessons :stuck_out_tongue:


The game where you can be spat on and called the son of a motherless ogre with built in game macros while sitting under a decaying hung corpse. Don’t you dare say the B word!


OMG! Dont you even MENTION the B word!!111! It is bad!


Was Garrosh arrested at the end of Siege of Org because of breach of the peace and harrasment? I thought it was for War crimes? I’m not sure now. I didn’t make the trial.

War crimes? HA! Why? Because he cheated in a Duel and killed Cairne with poison? Or because he murdered so many? BAH! He got what he deserved for saying a bad word! :rage: :underage:

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He was arrested for foul language, racism and hate towards minorities. Wait, they might actually go for it… nvm :stuck_out_tongue:


You mean like those creepy kids in Horrific Stormwind who sing merrily about dead people, void and sacrificing the unworthy? :smiley:

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Varian Wrynn blocked Thrall’s Doomhammer swing from cleaning this mess up. And there would be a need for another WoD sequel hook if Garrosh has just been plainly executed there and then.

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