Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

We might just have a sequel to WoD in SL, one of the characters looks like Garrosh.

Yes. Because imprisonment was not enough for such a terrible crime like saying “B!tch”! HE NEEDED TO DIE FOR THIS!


He’s been cancelled on Twitter, everyone will ignore what he says and pretend he doesn’t exist with their fingers in their ears because of one word he said 10 years ago.

He lost his gallywix boost community sponsorship due to it too, I hear.


He’s also banned for life on Twitch. Because that one word has crossed the line.


does this mean that Elton John will have to change his famous song now too?
B is back!

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Its the American double standard nipple bad showing mangled/decapitated bodies on tv good.

USA is the one of the strangest country in the world large majority of them live in a complete fantasy world of their own thinking that they are the best people in the world living in the best country ever while rest of the world kind of sees them as a big joke.


cool it with the anti-american remarks!
I love America!

I wish someone with talent would make a Sylvanas version where Garrosh sings the Kyle’s mom is a a ***** from south park.

The word doesn’t bother me but it did seem out of place in Warcraft. They’ve never used swear words and such in the game so it was somewhat immersion breaking for me, always made me cringe. It would have been better if it was “Watch your clever mouth, Banshee.” since that’s the term they all call her. Take Genn for example, always raving about Dat Banshee!

My father kept calling me a b*****d, still don’t know why

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I agree with this, but at the same time the motorcycle with “pwn’d” is just as out of place, i remember this bothering me so much when it came out in Wotlk, so since then the standarts for all of it went down anyway

Whats next? We gonna remove sharp weapons cos its too edgy?

Actually i never saw a thread about that a female player (or any other), felt that line is hurting his/her feelings.

Also, garrosh saying that to an undead, a non exist, fantasy character. Not even to a human. A fantasy character told this to another one. Yes i understand that sylvanas skin is similar to a human (its actually an elf, which is also a fantasy character).

In the next xpac we gonna have little “friendship is magic” ponies, so noone can feel triggered?

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Garrosh was left in charge of the Horde by Thrall.
He explains his reasons to Vol’Jin in this video:

But he ended up fighting the Alliance and losing the support of many Horde members.

Vol’Jin was one of them:

Thrall did a final attempt to bring some sense on him before the SoO raid starts but it was too late by that time.

He lost the War and was trialed as a Warlord.

You might say one thing led to the other.
He lost the war and was trialed for his actions during the conflict.

Honestly I am yet to understand where Thrall thought chosing Garrosh, was a good idea is beyond me.
It was pretty clear he wouldn’t stand for peace, if opportunity would come, since early on:

Garrosh: “I thought I smelled the stich of Alliance pigs.”


Funny how this is removed while there are things that are more… Idk how to call it.

For example

“Prison taught me one very important lesson, well, two if you count how to hold your soap, but yes! SURVIVAL!” - Millhouse Manastorm at begining of stonecore where u chase him.


This change is really petty. It’s ok, Blizzard, you don’t have to go full SJW with things like this.


This has nothing to do with the SJW crowd. I love how paranoid people are, the nebulous SJW, hiding in every corner, runs everything. All bow to it and all fear it. Bruh, you have made a God out of some pierced neon color-haired baseement dwellers on twitter.

I don’t think the game should include words that can get you banned on the forums. It comes off as hypocritical. But on the other hand, Garrosh calling her that felt out of place. He only does it once as far as I know, and there’s no real reason for him to do it, and no other orcs act like that. Even he doesn’t in all other instances of his existence. So I think the reason they removed it is because it’s out of place.

I’m all for profanity, personally I love spewing four-letter words like it’s going out of style. It’s kinda why I like The Witcher so much. Also, this comes very early in the game for the undead, maybe just a few hours of playing, and it’s possible it’s setting up wrong expectations of the game’s tone for new players. Keep in mind the new player experience is a huge focus for Shadowlands.

it’s called “karen” with her feminist assault kekw.

There is a diffrence to calling a real life person a bi*** than an npc doing it in a fake argument. I’m sure someone on the forums shouldn’t be playing around with dead corpses either. Of course the forum rules shouldn’t allow us to call each other such words. However I’m not sure the TOS applies to an orc and undead arguing with each other.

What next Leonardo Dicaprio is a racist because of the things he said in Django unchained? You really can’t tell the difference between a fake character being insulted like that and a human being on the forums? Wow.

I can’t go around acting like Leonardo in django unchained in real life? what the hell! get it banned! It’s ok for him but not me? How hypocritcal of Hollywood!

Comparing a work of acting art with real life situations doesn’t work. I would love to see the movies you would make. No characters that do anything that breaks soceitys rules, No more bad people in movies. It’s almost like nobody calls people “bi***” in real life? So now the World of warcraft universe has to follow the TOS. I sure hope Thrall isn’t botting his cloth.

I can show you an example of what you don’t get. If you say “Bastard means a child born out of wedlock” is tottally within the TOS. However “Baltic you ba******” is against TOS, There is a difference.

But sure SJW logic isn’t damaging and anything to fight against, Let’s just destory art/media incase people get offended. Movies and tv shows are sure going to be boring. I guess we will all just need to stick to Toy story.


More I learn about the writer I think actually no one did and it is just personal power trip to show he is important person.

If someone would have actually wanted it, some sniffers would have filled topics with twitter links already. But seen none.

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Seems I totally misread your intentions, apologies for that.

For me personally, I don’t mind the cusswords. It simply felt out of place since I had never heard it before ingame, even more so because it’s voice acted. It sure made an impact.

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