Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

That’s cool my dude, seems like we’ve come to an understanding now. Stay good mate.

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Woah really? That interaction made me laugh so much since I never expected it, that’s sad.
Blizzard just won’t stop hating on my bro Garrosh…

No, no, no. You completely miss the point. It’s about what words Blizzard condones. Surely if they’re fine with that word being in the game, they should be fine with players saying it. This is an RPG, if characters in it act a certain way, then it should be fine for players within that world to emulate their behavior.

There’s one video of an interviewer asking Samuel Jackson about the “n-word” in Django and Samuel refuses to even engage with the question until the interviewer actually says what word he’s talking about. That movie is so damn good, by the way. It shares top spot as the best movie ever made along with Fury Road and Terminator.

Again with the “SJW”. You guys are so afraid and paranoid. I don’t know how I feel about SJW becoming a God in your eyes. They are the modern day Gilgamesh. Personally, I’m not a fan of SJWs, but they have always only been as relevant as you make them. And boy, do you insist on making them relevant. Everything that happens you attribute it to them.

Depends on the context. Context is very important.

ignoring people that’s changing creations for silly reasons, including books doesn’t help anyone. You can sit and allow people to use their “feelings” to determine what our entertainment should look like or world and think it’s ok all you want, That’s up to you, However don’t dictate how people should take it. Every year it goes to the next step. Next thing you’re losing your job for some stupid reason because of something that doesn’t make sense.

I’ll call out hypocrisy when I see it, Including the idiots on the opposit scale.

The moment I can’t call a blood elf that word because of the “ToS” or because Blizzard filters it automatically or even the fact that I can’t make a forum post containing it means it shouldn’t be in the game. For a world to be immersive, you can’t have systems in place that prevent players from acting like the characters they see around. A good way of going about it is ensuring your own characters don’t break the ToS, especially in such a callous and needless way. That insult was frivolous at best and had zero consequence. If Sylvanas shot Garrosh right there and then, if it had consequence, then keeping it would’ve been kinda alright.

The problem with what Blizz has created is that you now need to be creative in insulting people. Can’t call someone a string of four-letter words and call it a day anymore. Nah, you need to reach deep down and attack a person’s soul, using perfectly clean language. In that sense, you’re like Arthas, hurting people’s souls. But that’s alright, you can emulate that and not get immediately censored.

Good. I don’t want him saying bad words about me considering I was a much better Warchief.

Instead of removing it, they should add more conversations like it


Also homophobia ‘isn’t canon’ even though murder, genocide, slavery, war, racism (or rather speciesm) are.

Homophobia is in fact ‘canon’ in Dragon Age because Darian (forget his exact name) experiences it if you follow his story. This is from BioWare, yes, BioWare.

You know when you have ridiculous disparities like this it’s hard not to see the blatant political panderings rather than for good narrative reasons.

To use one of the greatest quotes from movies for a main character ever:

“From my point of view it’s you (the jedi) who are evil!” So can one really say that Sylvanas is evil? She just has a different point of view. Insulting her for that really goes too far, especially in a video game where people murder each other on a daily basis.

In Dorians case it isn’t really a phobia, more of not being socially acceptable because of the whole “Every family must strive to make the perfect mage offspring” mentality.
You are allowed to be homosexual, you are just not allowed to show it in public, it has to be hidden away.
Tervinter is weird =P

Neither is clever mouth B? The times I’ve been called a B or have called others a B for acting like a B are probably higher than I can count. (given the fact that I can only count up until the number of my fingers, which I don’t know without counting, that isn’t really high, but still)

B is not a gendered insult, the only way in which it is gendered is that it references female dogs. Looking at things such as Pulp Fiction where men are being called a B, acting like a B or looking like a B, I feel like the argument about B being a gendered insult is just silly.

Is it mainly used towards women? Yes. But is it gendered, or an insult that can only be used on a woman? No, it’s not.

Also I’m pretty sure some of the Worgen on their roleplay servers would even identify as a B. Maybe some Vulpera as well, not sure, don’t think they’d genuinely qualify.

Also if they’d genuinely use that argument, they’d be digging their diggy diggy hole even deeper, because let’s be real, most people who aren’t on the extremist left are kind of getting bored with all this extremist left stuff that’s being thrown around.

If their argument is “it’s a 12+ game and these words have nothing to do in them”, my questions would be: Why now? Why only this and none of the many references to intercourse between people of different races, or the same races, or three people at once?

And if it is about being derogatory towards women, then there’s still the quest “Betrayed” which say, and I quote here

I may have made a grave mistake, . I trusted a blood elf. What’s worse, I trusted a woman!

Let’s be real. There’s no good reason to remove this single word from a questline, which this word specifically made memorable to no ends, but none of the dozens of other things.

It’s just that the people who currently write for Blizzard are too far up their own butt to realise that nobody except themselves enjoys their fanfictions about their favorite characters anymore. And well, Nathanos himself tweeted that he did remove that word, so guess why he did it?

“Bad bad mean orc called M’lady a B :cry:. AM GONNA REMOVE THAT!”

That’s how I imagine that guy.

There is a nuanced difference, we have no evidence to think that Leonardo de Caprio is a racist in real life, in fact all things suggest that he is not, but the -character- was a racist, and he is an actor. When someone posts on a forum if they are expressing racist views, that -is- themselves, and not them acting (Unless we are talking about an online RP game. It’s like Brigante the character would say “I’m not racist against Trolls, but I hate Amani” whereas in real life if I said “I’m not racist …but…” Then I would sound racist).

The late great Bruno Ganz did an excellent acting role as the silly moustache guy from WWII (Everyone knows the one, Downfall memes!) despite having nothing in common with the guy and not empathising with him, because a film is -clearly- people acting a role, and not acting as themselves (He actually loathed stupid moustache guy, and just prior to his own death said how happy he was that his performance was being used as a meme, to mock that loathsome person)

I happen to agree with you that removal of that insult, whilst worse ones remain in game is a regressive step. Garrosh was a monster, and for him to insult people in such manner would fit the setting.

I’ll admit, I have problems even saying the word, I was once running a tabletop game of Vampire: The Masquerade where an NPC was a member of a certain organisation that wore white hoods, and I actually found it personally uncomfortable using the N-word as part of his dialogue. Strangely I have no problem with calling people “Paddies” and “Jocks” but then that is because I am part Irish and part Scottish, it’s -my- words to use, same as I will use the term “Eppy” because I -am- Epileptic, but I’ll only ever use it to mock myself, if someone else kept using it at me as an insult, it would rile me.

It is very good, and I agree about its standing in terms of films, Fury Road is brilliant because Charlize Theron as Furiosa is what could be called disabled, lacking her lower left below the elbow (Maaaan, the man hours that must have gone into the CGI there would have been immense) but the best thing is that it is never really referenced, no one comments on it, its just -normal-, or at least not a thing that is deemed worthy of comment. I’d add ‘Dunkirk’ to that list of films as well though, Tom Hardy’s performance is astounding, especially as until the very end he is having to act with just his eyes, he is in a tiny cockpit wearing a flying helmet, even so, he acts the socks off the role of Fortis One.

This is also very true. Most people are just people, most people aren’t crusaders for some imaginary social cause, they’re just, people, usually decent people who happen to think that racism and things like that are bad. The instant they express that opinion however it is suddenly ‘Virtue Signalling’ or being an SJW, or an easily offended Snowflake. When did certain people become so thin skinned that they need to use labels to apply to people who are just like “Ehh, let people be people”? Must be terrible to live your life getting offended by people being inoffensive.

Thing is, that is what I in real life do, if I really hate or loathe someone to such a degree that I am seriously incensed by them I will destroy them, As with most Brits, if I am talking with my mates, I will casually call them four letter words in a jovial fashion, and they will me. People know when I am seriously angry, because not a single swearword comes out of my mouth, just cold calculated verbal malice designed to wound. Fortunately though I am a very chilled person and have not spoken to someone in such a way for about twenty years, and when I did, had good reason.

Ah well, thats because Homophobia has a different impetus for it, that differs from your other examples there. Everything else you describe, Murder, genocide, slavery, war, racism have been factors in human behaviour since the beginning of recorded history. Not pleasant factors, but factors nonetheless. Homophobia was not. It was an artificially created construct injected into society by the big Three religions, the Abrahamic faiths, all because all three of their Holy Books says that same sex is bad. Before then no one cared. Then we were -made to care- by Priests, Rabbi’s and Imam’s. Thats not bashing those religions, my current romantic interest is a devout follower of the religion with the fella on the cross, but that -is- where this concept of Homophobia comes from. Literally nobody else cared. Romans? Pfft, good quick route to power, Egyptians? Who cares, Greeks? practically compulsory in some circles, ancient barbarian macho peoples like the Celts and Germanic tribes, Vikings too? Pfft, nobody cares.

Thats where we get Homophobia from. It isn’t a natural state for human beings, it is conditioning by almost two thousand years of being told it is -bad-.

For Homophobia to exist in WoW, there would need to be a similar religious or perhaps philosophical impetus to have engrained that into the thought processes of the people of Azeroth.

There is no such impetus, so yeah, Homophobia in WoW actually makes no lore sense. I mean that doesn’t mean everyone is swinging both ways, the character of Brigante is very definitely what would be defined as ‘straight’, but thats just personal choice and he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow if someone is into same sex stuff, because there is no reason in game for it to even be an issue.

Quoted for truth.

It should not have been removed, it made sense for Garrosh to call someone that, and whilst leaving male directed cuss words in there is not a healthy look if they were trying to go for equality.

Lets be fair. They did it because Danuser doesn’t like his Waifu being dissed…

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I think you’ll find homophobia has always existed in some form. In exactly the way ugly things like racism and murder can be explained by human impulse and even rather uncomfortably built into us-- murder to take out competing tribes and families, and racism likewise (dislike/suspicion of the other).

Homophobia could be explained equally in that it’s part of the human impluse to procreate, as in that’s what animals do-- that’s hard to accomplish back then between two people of the same sex. I’d say it fits in exactly with all the other nasty ‘isms’.

Let’s just stress, even though it’s stupidly obvious, or should be, that I’m not in any way supporting this but simply explaining something which seems pretty apparent. We DO have to keep on guard for this unpleasant animalistic tendencies and being aware of them is important.

The point is the common idea that natural=good is rather dangerous. To use an excellent example the Spartans encouraged homosexuality because it was deeply culturally ingrained-- which is not again an opinion but an observation. Remember they were modern humans as well, and they had just as much intellectuality and wits only minus the technology

True, but it was a personal thing, and not an institutionalised thing expressed to be ‘normal to hate same sex relationships because a beardy guy in the sky says so’.

I think everyone gets that, you’re not supporting it, but just saying it is a thing, which is fine and dandy, and in the spirit of discussion and debate.

You are 100% correct, the Spartans had some very odd ideas, they were fine with homosexuality, but regarded short hair as a sign of effeminacy (as well as beards, don’t ask me how that worked). They largely defined themselves by what they were not, which was Athenians, who they disdained for being effeminate ‘boy lovers’ despite enthusiastically engaging in homosexuality themselves. Beards were a symbol of effeminate degeneracy because Athenians would oil and coiffeur them perfectly, whereas the Spartans with their flowing long locks, who used to groom each others hair with oil and braiding before battle were obviously macho. They were massive hypocrites in that regard. Fascinating culturally absolutely hard as nails hypocrites, but hypocrites nonetheless.

It was however as you say, culturally ingrained that an older Spartiate would take a younger Spartiate as their “Apprentice” and that part of that relationship did involve a bit of nookie.

Thankfully for all, this did not make it onto the modern TV show “The Apprentice” or else that would be a completely different show…

I think we’re probably digressing a bit, but it is a valid point you make.

It’s the snowflake era.

it was always the special snow flake era just look how easily offended the raiders are :stuck_out_tongue:


I think we are being distracted from the fact actual game in 8.3 is a piss quality
can we agree that systemscraft and long grinds on alts are poor excuse for lack of content.
i want more dungeons, more bgs

it doesn’t matter to me who removed what if the gameplay gets neglected :unamused:

Sounds like Steve Danuser is trying to get in some womens knickers at the office by acting like he doing something meaningful.


SIMP i’d say !

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i dislike steves tweet more than the change
he sounds so egotistical and self righteous