Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

The more time passes the more I feel like we’re living in very different worlds when I look at the US of A.

Ah well…


I always tought she was not the dog but what the dog left over every days or so , * Rainblood land a critical hit *

They also removed it from godfrey’s line in the sfk dungeon.

Also in the comics, varian also call her “b.”, and sylvanas also call Arthas “son of a b.” in wc3.

Blizz gonna remove those too?

Is there a new #metooagain rising?


Let’s talk about in game /slap. You know what I picture more harmful than the word Bi*** to describe a zombie playing with corpses who is just a bunch of lines of code? Imagine a female who suffers from domestic abuse sits down to their only escape, World of Warcraft. I don’t know her and I walk up to her and do /spit /slap. This is tottally within TOS but Go you Blizzard, fighting sexism. You’ve changed the world with your Silverpine forest quest.

It’s almost like we shouldn’t be comparing npcs with real peoples feelings. So yeah I’ll happily spit on your character but don’t dare call Slyvannis a Bi***

If you’re going to go all anti offensive, Be consistant.

Constant hypocrisy everywhere.

I suggest we use some sort of sensor bar when using sharp weapons too, Because We shouldn’t be stabbing each other and calling each other bit***es in real life.

Just a word of wisdom Blizzard you have money , lots of it, How about putting your money where your mouth is and trying to find and help the women you claim the word hurts? Don’t forget to post about your good deeds on Twitter to farm retweets and likes. I suggest yous prioritise actual abuse victims over people who don’t like a word though, But that’s just my opinion. However maybe you want to concentrate on Tyrande feelings about a tree first? Since pixels saying mean things are worse to you.

But hey this is the company who likes to fight justice by ignoring what’s happening in hong kong, Everything is offensive until it costs you money right? Good PR, Nice!

Not all heroes wear capes, But Blizzard certainly does and likes to show it.

Is it a bird? is it a plane? No it’s Blizzard farming PR likes and retweets


Seems like such a waste of Dev time to go this many years back into the past to remove 1 ‘naughty’ word.
Why was it not an issue for the longest time and now it suddenly is?
Makes zero sense to me. :man_shrugging:


“Actions speak louder than words” J. Allen Brack. *As long as it’s gets us likes on Twitter and doesn’t cost us money. I think his mic cut off when he was getting to the part I added in.


It always felt out of place, tbh. There isn’t a single other instance in Warcraft’s lore where it or similar words are used. There’s always some more in-universe version, such as the /insult emote going “You think X is a son of a motherless ogre.”

That being said, I do feel it should have been replaced with something more fitting to the setting. Perhaps along the lines of “Watch your clever mouth, banshee.”? Further having Garrosh put the focus on her being undead and thus not natural.


I have to agree. They didn’t remove it because someone got offended, but because it seemed so “off.” Garrosh sounded more like an angry human then than an orc, and even though I found it funny, it didn’t really click with me.

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“Agreed. Garrosh’s point of view comes across just fine after the edit. I make no apologies for removing the word. Everyone, of course, is entitled to their own opinion. But we felt it was time for it to go, and it’s not coming back,” noted Danuser:”

Any more doubts about that this writer is a Sylvanas fan ?

“Former Vanilla World of Warcraft team lead Mark kern also took notice of the removal of the word and speculated that this implementation of a “change that never needed to happen” would eventually lead to his removal “from the credits like they did with [Minecraft creator] Notch?”

Edit: typing.



It seems people like to ignore the evidence of it being removed for offensive reasons. It’s clear people can do what they want these days as long as they don’t stright out admit it,

My nephew claimed he didn’t eat the chocolate bar but the chocolate on his face showed otherwise. As long as he said to me that he didn’t eat it, he must have not done it.


I see you are working with everyone’s money on something of importance and of the present for a change, must be a tuff work being in your place removing a b, clearly the time to ask for a raise !

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Slyvannis has been saying the B word since before Garrosh, You know in World of warcraft the characters actually aren’t speaking english. It’s translated for us to understand. So saying it doesn’t fit orcs lanuage doesn’t make sense.

Also the people who control what an Orc is aka, their god, creator. Decided that is their lanuage, 10 years ago. However a different person decided that’s not what an orc is? ok!


What you described isn’t what happened. Far from it. Also I can see many orcs being different from each other. Not to sound stupid but it sounds like you think you can sterotype Orcs as being a certain way , When they are one of the most diverse races in wow. You have savage orcs that will eat your corpse and you have wise ones who think about their actions like Thrall.

Expecting Garrosh to act like saurfang for example is a very boring way to think. Every Orcs being a parrot and the same as each other, The way you’re describing orcs and the silverpine forrest scene isn’t the way it is, You’re trying to add dramatic over the top point to what actually was said.

Orcs have morales that they try to follow, Sure, It’s important to them, You see Garrosh getting angry when he felt they where broken. Most Orcs don’t see corpses being risen infront of them, So how do you know their reaction? Each Orc is different.


Not really. I am just comparing that one line to literally every piece of dialogue given by an orc in Warcraft’s history, and it stands out like a sore thumb. Every orc, no matter their alignment, follows a similar language pattern. Some stretch further than others, but not always. Thrall states to Grom when he wants to go after Mannoroth “Lets not keep the b@stard waiting.” It fits because of how the dialogue is presented, and it just feels correct. Plus Thrall was raised by humans, so you can give him some leniency.

I also don’t see Orcs listening to MC hammer can’t touch this, and doing the hammer dance It feels very out of place for Orcs, Let’s remove it.

Let’s say you’re right. Let’s start butchering everything that feels out of place. I also don’t agree with you and this thread shows many others don’t either. How about leaving 10 year old stories alone? Then everything is fine?

So what feels more out of place to you, An Orc saying bi*** or the MC hammer dance? how about the Mr T grenades? I can’t see Orcs running around throwing items to put MR T masks on other orcs.


Well you have to remember that BfA had voice acted cussing in it. Gallywix’s line of “Mogul Razdunk double crossed us! It was crazy! I didn’t expect the green bastid to back out on a deal like that! You’d never believe-” before being cut off. That frantic panic and scolding of Razdunk just fit so right with Gallywix. I found it hilarious personally! So it is clear that they are FINE with cussing, but only if it fits who’s using it.

10 years on and what…? I could understand it if;

A) Blizzard were to completely remake Azeroth like that did with Cataclysm when we come back from the Shadowlands


B) If it wasn’t originally intended and took them 10 years to correct it, and by this I mean if, at the time, the voice actor said something like “Watch your tone with me undead” originally and the guy who wrote the in game speech dialogue wrote “watch your clever mouth b!tch” instead.

But seeing as neither option was a thing, they intended for this as a depth of character and story progression.

Hope people understand this, as swear words as used every day and even toddlers pick up cuss words for crying out loud!


Now compare the word B**** to bastard as been done earlier in the thread, You will see why people are annoyed, So you have tweets from a Blizzard guy himself talking about why he removed the line, You still think it’s because it’s something an Orc wouldn’t say.

Your post is almost getting to the point that people are complaining about. You aren’t the creator of Garrosh. The evidence is the word gets used a lot in the Warcraft universe. Old story lines shouldn’t be changed randomly, it’s important that integrity stays for the sake of the game.

If you think Blizzard woke up randomly and decided to change a 10 year old quest because of that reason , I honestly think you have blinkers on. Not to sound mean.

It opens up a precedent for storylines to be changed and butcherd. This now proves we can wake up one day and a famous important line in wow can be changed by some maniac working at Blizzard.

No person rules for ever my son!

Statement from Blizzard “We find people born into power and not elected offensive so we removed the word “king” from the voice line.”


I do not have blinkers on. They saw something 10 years ago that they saw as outdated and do not fit, and so they altered it. As you said, I am not the creator of Garrosh. They are. They did not think that line truly reflected his character in how he’d react to the situation. My personal opinion that despite finding it funny, it seemed out of place for Garrosh, leads me to believe that this reason is an understandable one. You do not hold the same view, and you oppose the change. Granted if they put it back, I’d not be that bothered. That is all there is to it.

Yeah… :disappointed:

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