Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

@Vixí & @Noremorze

Spotted the NA players playing in the EU region.

@OP Yes, Blizzard’s current dev team are hellbent on censorship and political correctness now, so don’t be surprised.


Let me guess? Die hard feminism speaking inside an MMO :rofl:
Did you ever seen that in WoW and you just straight out saying such a BS tier argument because your alliance “fragile feelings” where hurt by Sylvanas?
You should be ashamed bringing up such a serious issue to support an invalid argument.

Yes they are fine because its a game with fictional characters .
If you think its not fine:
start protesting against Sith in Star Wars,
Make a good parade and protest about thanos and his genocide plan,
Protest about joker and all his victims that batman could not save

Do not forget to complain about Lucifer and how he tortures our souls in hell.
Does that make any point to you? If they do, there is a problem here.

Sylvanas is the best thing horde had for since MoP but then it was Garosh and the proof is how many alliance fanbois/girls hate her.

1 traitor since MoP gone,2 more to go.


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You completely missed the point of that post, they were pointing much worse things are in game, so why not this word :roll_eyes:

This is a pointless change, and the line sounds weird, at least to me, since I’m used to the complete, uncensored version.


Strange, they had no problem with sylvanas calling arthas the same, or varian calling her the same in a comic book.

This again nothing but some feminist action. Some men at workplaces even fear to call out a female co-worker in fear of getting reported as sexual offender (for no reasons).


NA has nothing to do with thinking that its not the end of the world because 1 line was removed from a small quest thats no longer relevant in a game.

Be an upset edgelord if you like, but keep personal leaps on people to yourself.

Im swedish btw. Born and raised.

I don’t know what’s more surprising:

  1. The fact that blizzard can get away with WoW being a PEGI 12/ESRB T game when it has genocide, cities assaulted by chemical weapons, fantastic racism, slavery and what not.
  2. A bunch of 30 year olds crying about their PEGI 12/ESRB T game having its language censored.

Honestly if this is all they have to do to keep their ratings then it just shows how bad PEGI and ESRB are at their jobs.


You can’t even breathe without it being offensive these days. Much more so in the US. Very glad I don’t live there…


post edited.

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It doesn’t help the fact, that all of his “explanation” behind this decision is just a load of bull

I mean majority of us know that he is just a simp for Sylvanas, he will do everything for his “queen”.

I’m 99% sure she is gonna receive redemption arc, which is dumb because comparing to Kerrigan (I know people love to bring her up when it comes to redemption arc for Sylvie) she (Sylvanas) didn’t earned it.


If they removed every cuss word from the game, then I’d see a problem. But if they removed it in just this one instance, it would lend credence to the statement that it’s not the cussing being offensive that they saw as the problem.


They removed it from godfrey’s line too on BETA. (when horde players attack him in SFK)


Hmm okay I didn’t know that.

Time for a book(comic) burning! I love a good book burning. The last big one was Noddy in his little yellow car.


Drustvar has witches
Nazmir has leeches
Blizzard no longer has bches. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sorry.

I pointed out that there is indeed instances of such language being used in Warcraft before and you report it for language.

Im not missing any point, they are bringing SJW RL problems to an MMO with fictional heroes just because their favorite faction got kicked.

Its a game guys, get real.

this confirms horde is the faction for children.

Oof that stings!

well most of the children are at bed at 21 or before, and horde have more raiding guilds.
