Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

I posted it somewhere else before i found this thread but to think kids the age of 12 don´t know curses like “bit-ch” or even far worse ones is more than delusional. Same situation with the “f-word” when it is “censored” in media. Everyone knows what it stands for, so why bothering?
Personally i think it is hillarious that something from way back in Cata gets changed because someone was upset.


They said it stood out. But i have to say here: That was the point? Garrosh absolutely DESPISED Sylvanas in every possible way. Especially with her being like the LK in that moment (keep in mind that in the lore Garrosh led the charge against ICC with Tirion). Removing this part of the conversation is taking away a big part of his character.

Would actually love to hear Patrick Seitz thoughts on the issue.

Edit: On the other hand Blizzard never cared for Garrosh in the first place. As visible with them straight up ignoring the community in regards of stonetalon (it doesnt matter that it isnt intended. Its still in the game and the community loved it) or pretty much his entire lore.


Garrosh and Blizzard having dinner together.

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While the alliance that stormed the forums calling sylvanas a genocidal maniac inside a game that should not be allowed (ingame) its pretty much the mature faction right?

Only your statemenet shows your lack of maturity by tagging millions of players just because “storyline does not suit your alliance supremacy needs”

Didn’t you hear? “Bi tch” is bad for the kids, and the parents contacted blizzard “Hey I don’t think it’s mature that the big Orc guy is telling the elf that my son adore, a bi tch, this is an outrage and I will make sure it’s getting changed”

Even the Harry Potter movies had a b… word. Sense the word is used so rarely in teh game it was heavier. Look at the view from an impulsive Garrosh, I think a much rougher word would have been used it that really would have happend.

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When he said “b…” I remember going OH OH :open_mouth: because it was a shock - so thats why it should stay in - not that anyone will see it again anyway


Lets be honest, Blizzard are leaving worse swear words in the game, so I actually do agree, it was not jarring for Garrosh to use that word, he was a deeply unpleasant man with no respect for anyone, and he -hated- Sylvanas. He’s also a -Warsong- Orc, so is going to be -very- familiar with the term of what you call a female dog/wolf.

It added emphasis because like real life swearing, it was used so sparingly, and is one of the very few times we hear it actually spoken as opposed to in quest text. Thats how swearing works, and should be used (Anyone who says swearing shows a limited vocabulary is welcome to look up the modern equivalents of words Shakespeare used, the guy who, you know, invented the most words in the English language ever). Emphasis.

Now If Garrosh had been constantly stomping around the place dropping F-Bombs it would completely have lost its impact, and he’d sound like even more of an angry chav on too much cheap cider than he already did, but the usage in that case was perfect, timely, and for emphasis, which is what a good use of swearing should be.

Lets be fair, when they’re leaving worse words in there, but Steve ‘I think I’m Nathanos’ Danuser is saying they’re removing the naughty word insulting Sylvanas, I think we know the real reason here…

Oh dear…Oh dear…just when people were starting to be sensible. So tell me how this works in your world, if someone decides they want to main Alliance after previously playing Horde, the instant they select Team Blue they suddenly advance in age? Like one of those 80’s films where fathers and sons swapped ages or something? Does it work in reverse? If I start spending more time on my Alliance characters does it have a sort of ‘Portrait of Dorian Gray’ effect? How many years will I lose? I was pretty good at 35, I’d settle for that…

This is true, this is absolutely true. However, as can be seen with how they implement -other- swearwords in game, -some- Americans don’t really understand how to swear properly, or rather when it is used, and how. So this can lead to panicked flailing like this, when in fact if they go back through everything in game, they have far, far worse in there. Was it the priest or the paladin order Hall (I can’t remember) in Legion where they had some ‘funny’ text dialogue about two females arguing who got to ‘play’ first with a bound and naked male (Hey, I guess its funny if it is female on male right?, Right?) Yet a very, very mild swearword is axed?
Reminds me of the quote from Marlon Brando acting as Colonel Kurtz in ‘Apocalypse Now’ towards the end. “We live in a world where we train young men to drop Fire on people, yet we won’t let them paint the word (Redacted) on the side of their aircraft because -That- is obscene?”

Consistency Blizz, Consistency, if one B-word is unacceptable, then you have far worse things in your game, which are not being removed…


OK OK guys We all know that the devs son mother is karen so when she heard about this from her baby, she started threatening her husband to remove it from the game.

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Americans are sensitive about such things…

I dont care about swear words.
You missed my point, the person up there mentions rape inside an MMO to prove even further their anti-sylvanas crusade correct. Its still a game, there is nothing but a fictional story here.

So, the b-word is not allowed but everything in this sentance is fine then?

Or wait, hmmm maybe its ok because its not aboit Sylvanas hmmmmm


Awesome example of hypocracy right there. Someone in california office is simping hard :rofl:


Almost what happened.


Your imagination is wild, my dude. You gotta calm down. We all can come up with wild scenarios to imply guilt where there’s none. Your manipulative language is transparent and also pathetic.


Avoiding the forum censorship is bannable.

This is your narrative. In my opinion, cleaning the language up in a cartoony game has nothing to do with feminism, but go off, king.

You were clearly disturbed and emotional writing this reply. This is what caused the truth to slip between your fingers. “Fighting justice”. On one hand, you have gamers insisting that gaming shouldn’t be political, that it should ignore the world’s issues, and on the other hand we have you attacking Blizzard for refusing to take a political stance. In their refusal, they of course did take a stance, because there’s no such thing as neutrality.

It’s people like you who made this a giant deal, you brought attention to it, you decided removing insults from a cartoon game is fascist censorship. So in essence, you gave Blizz the opportunity to farm likes off the back of this tiny event.

In fairness, Danuser was a complete PR disaster for Blizzard to use to make this announcement, if it had been any other of the creative team, people might have went “Oh, right, fair play”.


Takes in deep breath
I am going to say this. Americans don’t know how to swear.

They think they do, they can put it in as many movies as they like, but they don’t know how to swear.

Now that is not saying anything bad about Americans, in fact if anything, it is a rather endearing factor about them. I have two young American cousins and the way they use swearwords when their parents and my mother are out of the room (Apparently I am not considered an adult because I am their eldest cousin despite being almost as old as their parents!) is…so…strange.

Garrosh’s use of language is not jarring. This is a big stomping manchild who actually thinks not once, but twice, that stamping on model boats is somehow the peak of military strategy, who growls and swaggers and has serious anger issues. His language is not inappropriate in game, given that he is a Warsong Orc and therefore has a complete cultural understanding of the word he uses, moreover it -is- jarring that Blizzard are removing references whilst leaving others in, references that have less of a cultural place in WoW’s setting.

Unfortunately, that -is- hypocrisy.

To have left them all in, would not be, to have removed all of them, would not be, to leave some in and remove others because of the -specific- people targeted, is however Hypocrisy.

Understandable hypocrisy, but hypocrisy nonetheless.

Blizzard would have been far smarter, if a different Dev had made the announcement, and not someone with a known obsession with the character about whom the only two removals were made. I think they could have dodged a bullet that way, and I also doubt people would have had the same issue with it.

Mistakes were made, basically.

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Yes, they don’t. Serbians are best at it.


In fairness, Eastern Europeans are really good at that. One of the worst swearing phrases I know hails from those lands, and no I am not typing it here and getting a ban :slight_smile: Equally, the British are -very- good at dropping the bomb because it sounds so unexpected, especially with a posh accent, to use an example from a film about two Highwaymen. “I say, with all kindness, would you mind awfully just (Redacted)ing off!”

That is how I actually swear in Real life, I go very polite, then drop a bomb at the end :smiley:


Yes almost all Eastern European languages have very rich vocabulary when it comes to swearing, but Serbs are just masters at it. I’ve heard one friend swear for more than 5 minutes without repeating himself(I’m Bulgarian, but I understand Serbian pretty well).

Report my post then. Sorry I didn’t think the B word was so offensive considering it’s not offcially a swear word. The nation “Nigeria” is also blocked on “wows censorship” (I find it funny that you called it that) So I kind of don’t know when to take it serious. So so sorry for offending you.

That’s it ignore all the evidence suggesting otherwise because you agree with it. Clap clap.

Talking like this towards a forum user is bannable, Mr forum rule follower.

“in your opinion” So your opinion is right and mine is wrong? Even though the evidence is more sided towards my posts? K

Think you need to learn what compare means. Nice to see you got disturbed and emotional about people disagreeing with a 10 year old story being removed. Anything else you would like removed? Seems you didn’t get the point of the post, Whoosh? as the kids would say.


Seems the Cartoony game is a little to grown up for you? I suggest some 3+ games? There is plenty on steam. Try not get to upset about a swear word. You don’t want the big bad swear word getting you disturbed and emotional do you?

Tiny Event? Clearly not paying attention to the story much are you? Yeah I am against Blizzard getting involved in politics but it’s to late for that. This is why I’m against them doing it, Because they do stupid stuff to please certain people. They are also hypocrites about it when they do it.

Sounds like you think people should agree with the story being butchered because you clearly haven’t followed said story. Just because you don’t mind doesn’t mean you have the right to tell others not to care. Read the other posts, Your tune has changed lots when people hit you with evidence, Then you start to take the “emotional insult route”

I’m emotional? You want to see big bad swear words removed in the game you imply is for “kids”

Refering to the change of a BIG event in wow storyline as “small” shows why you aren’t disagreeing with it. You don’t care about the story when you’re questing. I don’t care about PVP doesn’t mean I have the right to tell pvpers not to dislike a change about arena or pvp that doesn’t make sense.

Anything else? :slight_smile:

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