Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

what about the freemason dark iron dwarves? or the shapeshifting drake(onian)s in human disguises?

What about them?

What I don’t care about : Sylvy chan being called a B, C, Merry Sue or anything else.
What I care about : Doesn’t blizzard have any actual job to do after the failure BFA was? Stop wasting time on BS and go work on Shadowlands.

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Petition to put Черно Фередже lyrics when we are speaking about Sylvanas.

Granted, but then I’ll get forum banned(again)

People just don’t appreciate Gencho enough.

One never knows with dragons. You think you’re getting Alexstraza, and instead you get Wrathion :smiley:

Is this true? I mean its the name of real country, why the hell would it be censored? :joy:

yeah, I was talking to my friend about my Nigerian friend and it wouldn’t let her see it. I was shocked tbh. Kept coming up censored. No idea if it’s like that today though, This was last year.

Sorry it was “Nigerian” not “Nigeria” but still. Nigeria and Nigerian are both blocked.

Ok , just checked, it’s still blocked on bnet, lol.

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Lmao this is real woke stupidity on blizzards part. I have co workers from eritrea and sudan, wonder if those are censored too. :face_with_monocle:


Wc3 TFT (2003). Sylvanas says these line to arthas: “you son of a b.” . I was 11 back then when i played that game 1st.

Strangely i didnt get trigger by this world. Maybe i fail to see the point.


The laughable thing is the people using the excuse “it’s because kids play the game” Even though the rating system for games allows the B words to be used for 13 year olds. Anyone who thinks 13 year olds are to young to hear a minor swear word in this day in age is living under a rock. I would be shocked to hear it in a game aimed at a 5 year old, A 13 year old is a different story.


They do?

Pretty sure everyone is aware that the reason is SJW stuff.

in fairness, “witch” sounds like a childish insult, I would expect garrosh to come up with something more creative.

read some of the posts above. there is also another thread saying it’s because of kids.

Mate there are over 350 posts in here, please cut me some slack and toss the link, would ya?

for example, one of the people arguing with me. implying it’s about kids and not because it’s offensive to women. There is to many to link, lol.


I’m assuming your opinion on women and feminists is based on conservatards on twitter and not on real experience. Not sure I mentioned it in this thread but I’ve been reading a feminist comic, written by a guy, called Rat Queens. It’s actually good. I was surprised, cuz usually feminist art is pretty cringe. But this one is crass, it’s offensive, it’s adult as hell, it has insults, hurled by and at the girls. And nobody finds it offensive. You should really, really step out of yourself and see the world around you, it’s pretty weird.

Thanks for the link guys.

Bloody hell, really?! That made it a lot worse.