Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

Believe it or not but I actually vote more on the left. Both sides do stupid things. I also don’t use twitter. I form my own opinion on things and I don’t go off what someone says on twitter, I also don’t go about deciding what I feel about something based on “left” or “right” saying it.


Drop it, this would get you in temp ban over something really silly.

If you two met irl you would most likely never go so far.

I think that a war game is too agressive, they should change the game, make it only about herbalism and minning.

Great maps to travel, just remove the war parts.

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O…kay…Interesting take on things, but what does that have to do with selective removal of a swear word towards one specific NPC?

say no to everything, cancel it all!

Aw nooo I loved that line and thought it was a refreshing change :frowning:

We did not make SJW gods, twitter did and when the corporates started to listen the vocal minority.

Nothing to do with the average every day forum user, who is just tired of some people elsewhere determining where and when we should be offended or upset.

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Kid, you’re lying to yourself. Your opinions lack any and all originality. You’re so predictable, you wouldn’t even pass the Turing test. You’re just another e-person who sees ‘muh sjw’ and ‘muh feminism’ everywhere. You don’t vote your opinions by yourself based on personal experience. You form them based on what media you’ve consoomed this month. As much as I dislike feminists, if you had even a slight conversation with a few of them, you’d see they don’t mind women being treated like adults in media. In fact, they want it.

You forgot to add NPC with rainbow farts in capital cities…

I’m 31 years old “kid” My personal opinions are that the Far left gets what they want. Which is an issue. You’re the one who seems to go with what the internet tells you, not me. You also seem to be a fan of guessing what a stranger is like and throwing around petty insults, Shows more about you than me.

Keep fighting your fake causes, Go you! try avoid the big bad swear words incase you crumble though.

Far left = praised and hypocrits, So I have to argue against it more than the far right, As the far right actually get dealt with. Both are bad.

Mr righteous.

Also I’m the one going with the evidence that’s at hand, Not guessing in the whole thread like yourself, You can tell what I read and my politcal views based on a world of warcraft post about removing a swear word? K. Sounds more like “I’m offended about a swear word, agree with me or you bad” Typical you.

Next you will be telling me I’m a racist. I’m perfectly normal towards women, ty. Here you are thinking they are little sensitive snowflakes that must be protected at all times. While I think they don’t?

Pretending you’re fighting Sexism while sprouting rubbish doesn’t make you a hero. Everyday people are laughing at people like you who want to remove things from media due to over the top sensitivity.

I can’t believe someone that’s wanting a swear word removed from the game and speaking for women like they are one collective set off sensitive beings that need him to stand up for them thinks I’m the one reading fake news. lol!

Btw since the forum rules are so important to you. Why do you keep going off topic and breaking other rules? Practise what you preach?

Since I was 18 I’ve voted on the left, Every single time. I vote left but read/watch right news. Makes sense, lol! If you had a conversation with me you would see my post “wasn’t kidding itself” but you don’t know me. My poltical views jump back and forth on the spectrum that you would be confused since you’re the one being a hypocrite and seem to follow news sources like a religious book since you think that’s how everyone else works that disagrees with you. You’ve show your true colours. So keep fake judging.


You are so predictable, mate. Your opinions that you form by yourself are completely shaped by the media you consume and the prejudices it instills in you. It’s kinda why I stopped consuming editorialized media - I don’t care about anyone’s political opinions, I don’t care about their takes on the news… because I found out that I, just like you, am internalizing their thoughts and believing them to by my own. This is not me reaching the same conclusion, this is me joining their hivemind. As you have, clearly. Because everything you say is predictable. Reading your post, I roll my eyes.

As for “bad swear words”… mate, I’m pretty sure I’ve made a name for myself around here insisting on warmode being mandatory and basically pushing for more nastyness. You approach me with complete prejudice, because I said something like “hey, some feminist writing isn’t all that bad” (Read Rat Queens), and you assume I’m a feminist now? What? Your mind is completely surrendered, kid.

If you’re going to try insult me at least come up with something more original? The “kid” insult is overused and boring. Is that all you have really? “you read things on twitter” and “kid” My parrot insults me better than you.

When did I call you a feminisit? Arguing with yourself now? Hearing voices?

Oh such a bad guy, Wanting Warmode to be mandatory, such a tough guy.

I don’t need to be original if my unoriginality irked you so much you felt the need to write a 600 page novel in response to me and edit it 4 times.

I’m replying to your posts the same way you are with mine. My face has a smile on it while I eat my fish fingers atm. Anything else you want to assume? Fixed typos as I’m a messy typer. Want to scrape the barrel some more? I also don’t want to double post, It’s against the forum rules after all?

Bruh, stop lying. I’m seeing your edits, you’re adding complete sentences right now. You’re clearly tilted, calm down.

Constantly refreshing the page? lol!!! Again using generic replies, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Can you stop spamming now with off topic nonsense?

it’s a crime to edit posts people, you heard it here first.

edit 5: Hi Popgligor, hows it going?
edit 6: you know your post had more text than mine?
Edit 7: Still not showing this titled emotion you speak of. Sitting smiling. You aren’t reading the edits now?
Edit 8 , Everyone please remember how hard Popgligor, He’s well known for his approach on wanting Warmode to be always turned on, He’s up there with Ronnie Pickering. I guess I better sleep with one eye open now.

You don’t know how edits show up… right? I don’t need to refresh, it’s all live. As long as I keep the page opened on my second monitor, I’m seeing you lie. Live. I don’t need to refresh.

I just did this quest line. He says, “watch your mouth b” when it came up I thought how silly, not only is it offensive but he was talking to the queen. Not realistic, glad it has gone.


that is so pathetic…and cringy.So they have changed it to ‘‘Subjugate Demon’’, lmao.

Will they change Thrall’s name too, which literally means ‘‘Slave’’ as they explained in the lore.

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