Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

Next they’ll change succubus.

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How come they haven’t already, I wonder.

Wait, they are known to publishing overwatch comics with gay characters in western media, but not in Russia-China.So much for believing at what they do and keeping up to their ‘‘standarts’’.So are these changes western-side only?

Do they even make these name changes etc. etc. also in eastern side or in Russia, or is it western-side only? gets curious.

Tbh going from the past, Blizzard won’t pick an option of losing money. In a way you can’t blame them, They are a company after all.

If I was Russian I wouldn’t want to see wow getting blocked because of a quest line, Even If I didn’t agree with the reason for it being blocked.

I don’t agree with censorship in anyway, Can’t believe what year it is and there is leaders of countries getting away with blocking games because they don’t like something in it.

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Now I’m just waiting for Warfield to get “fixed” in Starcraft. I mean he did call Space Sylvanas a beach too.

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can we also please remove the “thrall’s balls” phrase? it is very inappropriate as well… kids don’t need to fantasise about thralls balls or even hear about them.

No I get that, what I don’t get is why the are still bugging everyone with the ''we so care about the unfortunate repressed ones ‘’ speeches in every Blizzcon or on their twitters when something happens, while they don’t actually care at all as soon as the potential money-loss is involved, such as seen at the Hong Kong and China contreversty.

Do these people realise they are just a another soulless greedy business in that pile now, and it shows.Should just focus on their games…


Well it does not necessary means bad… Maybe he has footballs at his home?

who’s thrall? did you mean Go’el the World Shaman, Green Jesus, the chosen one etc

He’s noone. A failed shaman, a failed warleader, a total joke. They should have just killed him.

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I haven’t read the entire thread, so I am only responding to the first

I did the quest yesterday on another char, and it wasn’t removed.
A bug or is it just a suggestion they are testing with the community? :thinking:

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Hmm. IF they actually put it back in im actually going to fall off my chair.

Wow. I dont believe it. They actually put it back in. Checking Shadowfang keep now

Edit: Shadowfang Keep has also been restored.

Inbefore they remove it again and say “it was a bug that it got restored”


It is now de rigeur to pre-emptively change things in case someone, somewhere gets offended by it. I dislike the paternalism this implies - if a woman didn’t complain about the word being used, preemptively removing the word in case a woman did suggests women don’t have the wherewithal to point it out themselves, which in itself implies a sexist attitude.

As a woman, I’ve seen the dialogue, didn’t bat an eyelid at it, don’t care about it, and it’s window dressing anyway. I give zero conjured mana breads.

It was removed on purpose.

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And I did the quest 2 days ago, where is wasn’t removed…

That’s why I asked the question if they are dipping the toes in the water

The explanation seems a little ridiculous:

"Allow me to explain the decision.

A team member sent feedback that he enjoyed playing the game with his kid, but when they encountered Garrosh’s line, it stuck out from other language in the game.

Several of us discussed the feedback and decided to make a change."

I mean, I believe that this happened, but the reaction seems idiotic. The word isn’t that bad and the game has things like torture chambers…

Maybe it was only changed in the US xD

I’m not levelling to find out though.

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Maybe, they do have differences based on region :thinking:

Some things do vary between the two so maybe we’ll keep the reference or it could simply be going with prepatch and the change isn’t implemented yet.

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It’s removed on beta. It’s not yet removed on live.

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