Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

It was a non issue to start with.

Well, let’s get Maiev’s line changed because I believe “b*****d” is also a word that goes against TOS.

What are you on about, this game contains no curse words because it’s made for 10 year olds too, stop making stupid conclusions.

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If people keep bringing it up they eventually will do it. But thats not a swear though.

But let’s put it like this:

Why was the word being gone such a big issue for you to go into arguments about it? Instead of “oh okay”.

You also openly stated that your opinion on it, is that it happened because of “sensitive” people, but also proclaimed that because this is your opinion, it is automatically correct.

It’s still an insult and if we’re changing one, then the other should be changed.

We as players are goverened by the ToS though, Blizzard are by the ESRB.

Just so you know, it’s still there in live.


to each their own though, but i still think its because the players kept using the garrosh line an an excuse for appealing silences, a lot.

That’s alright then.
If they were making that change, then they need to look across the board and change those words in one big change…not just a change here and hope nobody would notice that whilst one was changed, another wasn’t.

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On AD specifically we had a big roleplay event months ago where droves of players(mostly non-roleplayers) showed up to trash it by shouting that word along with derogatery comments and remarks about women in general and spammed a bunch of slurs and overtly sexist stuff.

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So nobody gets to criticise a Blizzard decision to change a 10 year old story randomly? I know the story isn’t important to you but that is one of my favourite quests/interactions in the game.

I laugh at this excuse of “Blizzard never said why they removed it” That’s been happening a lot recently. A saying comes to mind that I can’t write on the forums “don’t and tell me it’s raining” fill in the blanks.

Protesting in the game about a 10 year old quest, and you aren’t being sensitive… ok. You’re saying people are up on arms about stuff, How rich. lol.

I can imagine those report buttons got thoroughly tested xD

I saw that and reported each and everyone of them. A large job, but it had to be done.

But we don’t challenge sexism if we allow sexism to exist on the other foot.
I was against the male night warrior when I first heard about it, for the simple reason that I thought it was a male night elf. No other reason, but that is sexist of me and I hold my hands up to it and that I was wrong.


Nobody has done this.


OMG it’s gone in Beta.

“On AD specifically we had a big roleplay event months ago where droves of players(mostly non-roleplayers) showed up to trash it by shouting that word along with derogatery comments and remarks about women in general and spammed a bunch of slurs and overtly sexist stuff.”

What is this then? Read the posts.

That had nothing to do with the quest this thread is discussing.

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It is confirmed they are removing


You are perfectly welcome to criticize anything. But as Dottie pointed out, its sill in live.

There is also a massive difference to criticizing something, and to very aggressivly comment about how this was done due to “sensitive” people etc and how you are factually correct in your assumptions. And how everyone else is wrong and bad because of it.

Again you make assumptions and proclaim them as facts, THIS is why I have a problem with you. I roleplay daily, I’ve adored and still love the story itself despite having issues with alot of the latest writing. The story is very important to me.

That’s fair and you are perfectly fine to enjoy it, but would it really ruin your entire experience if that word actually ended up removed in the end? That is a genuine question.(It hasn’t yet)

It isn’t an excuse though. You don’t have knowledge of why anything is removed unless specifically said. All you can do is speculate, and it doesn’t make your speculations correct simply because you think them up. That’s my entire point.

Again, you seem very delicate for getting so upset over that I said that your speculation isn’t a fact. That is and was my entire point in my talks with you here. Yet you jump on more assumptions about me as a person because of it.

Why can’t you handle that your opinion is an opinion?