Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

sure it is

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Well I don’t get the point of mentioning it then?

I know, look 2 posts up from yours.

I brought it up to someone else entirely(Twiluna) as she was discussing how the word is used by players.

Please focus on the response I wrote to you instead of just jumping on everything else I post.


When did they even do that? Is it one of those spoken differently from the written one things or did they actually remove this part?

Really? a Monster? Does this really sound like something a character like Garrosh would say?

It added to the tension of the moment between the two, I remember thinking “she won’t forget being called that” You could feel the tension between the two. It was also one of the most detailed quests I ever done since the revamp in Cata. You didn’t have quests with as much tension or detail as that before.

I wouldn’t call a random female a “bi***” in an argument, However two npcs arguing about a situation we would never get into using the word is a different story.


To an undead? Very likely. The B-word felt out of place, and judging by the tweet posted in the comments here, Blizzard agreed on it and it is now gone in the beta.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it is a good quest and it did add tension. But it also to me personally felt a bit out of place. I don’t know what other words could have been used, but something would probably have worked.

And it seems I wasn’t alone in thinking that, and Blizzard thought so too. And as I said before, that’s an opinion and has nothing to do with being sensitive either.

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Quickly! Let’s apply historical revisionism to avoid calling a necromantic genocidal mass-murderer something bad that’s gendered.

Just California being California again.

You know, in 5 year’s time or so they’ll look back at this malarky and facepalm so hard it’ll go straight through their skulls. Just wait and see.


Not really. Garrosh hated the Undeads and particularly Sylvanas for a long time. So long that it would have been ridiculous for him to simply had call her “a monster”. And it was in the game for quite a while. Years after, they suddenly decide it does not fit his character, just like that? Yeah, sure… I’m not buying this. That’s just some SJW / 3rd wave Feminism Censorship. They are actively doing this instead of actually fixing their broken game mechanics and unfun class designs.


But “ma’am.” That just takes away the feeling of how annoyed Garrosh was with Sylvanas. It tones down the fact that in many of our eyes, Sylvanas had employed minions of the former Lich King.

“Watch your clever mouth, worm!” would be much better, if they have to change anything.

“This fool leads the Guards!” would also be ideal, when they change Maiev’s line.

Now, what can Sylvanas say to Arthas instead of “son of a b!tch” which is a direct insult to Arthas and indirect insult towards Queen Leanne.


Wet Teabag
I’ll leave now xD


Blizzard deciding to remove something on their own accord isn’t censorship.

Everything else is also just speculation. But I’ve said my piece on this already and getting tired of repeating myself so I am going to duck out here. But also just for safety, I’m going to put you on the ignore list since you lost any credibility by falling down to the “its all the sjw’s and feminists fault meh meh!” It’s laughable and very Incel’y.

Safe journies in Azeroth to everyone else!

Not that it’s important but ‘3rd wave Feminism’ would reclaim the word and use it liberally. And it pretty much started and ended in the 90s.


Ok I actually like that one, If they change it to that, I’m ok with it.

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Also agreed, because on the context there it felt in place. It has nothing to do with Sylvanas being a woman or telling it to Arthas a man, but in wc3 and in that context it didn’t feel out of place.

I can’t take people like him seriously when they start with that stuff.

Anyway I’m leaving this thread now as I said, have a wonderful day everyone!

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Why wouldn’t I look in the mirror. I look beautiful

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So long as other lines are changed, I’m happy. Change Maiev’s line in Legion and perhaps, use a better word than “ma’am” to suggest Garrosh’s annoyance

What I don’t think will be helpful is if we start seeing lines such as Lor’themar’s about “that human WITCH!” being changed.
I mean, no other word would fit better, as Jaina was going around killing his people in Dalaran.


So I guess it would be the 4th one then.

Jeez. Are they gonna go back to Warcraft 3 and remove the line with Uther asking if Arthas was going to pee-word on his father’s corpse?

Don’t be naughty, mamma Blizzard will give you a slap on the wrist for saying those words.