Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

No, but this isn’t really the time and place for a history of critical theory :slight_smile:

A quote from “Third-wave feminism is an iteration of the feminist movement. It began in the United States in the early 1990s and continued until the rise of the fourth wave in the 2010s” - Wikipedia

Also, according to Vox, theguardian, britannica and wikipedia. It is.

yes, Its the players fault

What was the original dialogue ?

You can still use it as a shorthand way of saying you’re worried that those nasty women, sorry ‘females’, are trying to take away your things I suppose.

I agree, it can be considered as a censorship.

It always starts with some small, trivial stuff and then goes and spreads really fast… And then there’s no way to stop it

I’m not a fan of that. I can’t see a reason behind this decision. I mean why even bother deleting this type of stuff? Why waste time on things like that instead of fixing bugs and issues related to the game?


“Watch your clever mouth, b!tch!”
In context, Sylvanas had just commanded her Val’kyr (former Lich King servants) to raise a group of dead Humans into undeath.

This is being changed to “Ma’am” which takes away the frustration from Garrosh. If it needs changing, then “worm” is a better word, since he didn’t like the undead anyway and Northern Lordaeron is full of plagued worms.


While my own opinion is that Blizzard’s decision was rather silly, they aren’t “censoring” anyone. It may have been in the game since Cata, but it is their game and their decision to add/remove whatever they feel should/should not be in the game. If they’re pandering to the “SJWs”, so what? It is one word. You may disagree with their decision, but it makes a marginal difference at best.


I do not know if I should laugh or cry. 1984 was meant to be a warning, not a guideline.

But at this stage I am not even surprised. Blizzard operates from US, and they are victims of their environment. Maybe the AAA companies should just move their studios to somewhere else. Away from such hostile and toxic environment that encourages such censorship over nothing.


But it has to be one shoe fits all.
If they change this, then Maiev’s line to Stareye needs to be changed.

I don’t think anyone thinks all women think that way about a situation like that. There would be women who laugh at Blizzard removing it for that reason.

Everyone is their own person when it comes to stuff like this. There is guys who agree with it and disagree, It’s nothing to do with sexism at all. That’s more the point most people are trying to make.

I’m not aware of that. Enlighten me, please?

I don’t think it needed to be changed for the record.
I also don’t think them changing it is a problem.

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I dunno, always felt that word was out of place in WoW.

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6:55 - 6:72

And this isn’t the first time they had Maiev use the bd "word either. In W3, she referred to Blood Elves and Naga as "b* races, that stand against everything the night elves stand for."

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Just increase the stupid rating to 16+.

WoW isn’t 12+ friendly you need to change much more than just a few bad words to change this.


Bastard? It’s not a gendered slur (which I’m fairly positive is their reasoning behind removing Garrosh’s B-bomb).

So sad to see a rare moment of drama changed because of some RL ‘drama’. The reason it’s not such a trivial thing is that the shock value from it made it a memorable dialogue gem to so many people.



But it’s still not right that it’s kept in.

If these words are to be removed, then it’s got to be across the board.
Plus, Sylvanas herself has used the word “B!tch” when calling Arthas a “son of a b!tch.”


lmfao. Thanks for the laugh. You’re all overreacting like dramaqueens about something this trivial. Fake outrage as usual.