Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

“Bastard” is pretty innocuous if you ask me. I do agree with your second point, though.

So that what’s going on in your head, right? “…that I hate women or something”. Well, let me inform you that my problem is not against women. It’s against the small group of males and females who are not fighting for equality but rather for superiority.

And also, my point in this thread was that Blizzard is doing everything they can to please the social justice people rather than fixing their game by fixing class designs and the system designs. I would not have given two s*** about this thread if they were actively working on class designs and system designs. Instead of passively “fixing” things they think are issues.

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It’s still a wretched thing to call somebody, in a 12+ game.

Like I say, if we’re tackling this, then it’s got to be across all boards.

Nobody is doing that.

Who are these people? You’re creating your own monsters.

He’s referring to a grand total of ten people on Twitter.

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I will never understand how B is worse than massacres we do daily…

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This is how the world ends, in fire and Twitter arguments about nothing :roll_eyes:


Fair point, to be honest.

I’m just pointing out that what’s a good change for one is equally a good change for another.
I mean, the biggest character in WoW who swears is actually Maiev.

She called Stareye a B and referred to Naga and Blood Elves as B-races

I want to clarify I am not really seeing it as an issue if they change a word or not, I even find it a bit funny. Hence “I am not even surprised” - what surprised me (honestly) that the B line stood there this long.

In all fairness you can insult and belittle someone without such words and perhaps it is wiser if in games (and entertainment) writers do take the high road level of insults. But since the B was in here, I am not sure if changing it matters much. They just should have been wiser in future.

Also the B will now always be part of the wow-folklore : tales we tell from the good old wow days.

I do not find B word big of an insult due that nothing wrong on being “a female canine”…

Don’t argue about this. Censorship is necessary. How dare he display his toxic masculinity in front of her fragile and feminine being??

God bless the Karen that complained long enough for Blizzard to see the error in their archaic ways.


Given the context it was said, I didn’t have a problem with it, because I wasn’t a fan of what Windrunner was doing.

She was going from my favourite character (hence why my main was a Blood Elf Survival Hunter in Cataclysm and Blood Elf MM Hunter in WoTLK) to a character who’s just…seen, but I ignore.

People who don’t like bi*** being used in Wow, I would honestly love to see your reaction listening to a Bizarre(d12) verse in a song. What about movies? Remove the word from the dictionary?

We haven’t actually found any yet.

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No, don’t remove the word. Instead, any time it is used, regardless of context, a random woman receives $1000 in alimony. Seems fair considering the mental damage that word causes.

Also, if you double-down and use the word twice, you die irl.

Is it censored in the forums too?

Only one way to find out.

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That’s not just an issue for women. Making out like it’s just guys who don’t pay for their kids is a bit sexist. Hey, sterotyping actual things about a group of people is fine for you but a word is so bad.

Tried to post the lyrics of Kyle’s mom is a b, but forum wouldn’t allow me :frowning:


You disagree with me and I find that’s offensive. Apologize right now!

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I didn’t think it would be allowed tbh, I didn’t even want to try as people just report anything out of context, So it’s just asking for a pointless ban.

Sorry from the bottom of my souless heart.