Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

I’m able to post the video though, this is just stupid.


I’ve figured it out, Blizzard is Mr Mckay. They should add the “it’s easy m’kay song” from the South Park movie.

These bad movies and games have warped our tiny minds.

Haha, they should ban m’kay then :smiley:

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I find this a hilarious example of hypocritical, $-driven nature of American morality. Whether it is done by “donations” or interest group pressure.

Genocide - OK as long as it’s done to some other people
War crimes - A-OK, when it’s our people doing it
Exploding headshots - Kids see things like that everyday in news
Stealing - SO BAD when it’s poor people doing it, must be punished by prison time, OK when it’s rich people doing it, slap on the wrist, they will know better now
President talking about grabbing women by their genitals - It’s our crazy boy, let’s vote for him
Topless girls - OMG hide it, it’s sexualization of female body, you can’t show a nipple in US! And don’t even think of showing a kid being fed mother’s milk in the natural way!
Shirtless guys - totally A-OK role models who are definitely not being sexualized in any way

Sylvanas calling Arthas SoB - A-OK, because it’s the main writer waifu doing it and dignity of 2 humans has no value
Garrosh calling Sylvanas B - That sexist pig! Is there nothing he won’t stoop to anymore?! Theramore could be forgiven, but THIS is too much! Cancel Brigade, deploy! Retcon this out of existence!

Posted it in memes/gifs topic already, but couldn’t hurt.


There is no evidence of anyone complaining about this.

They seriously changed the insult to, “ma’am”, instead of replacing it with “banshee” or just cutting the line short? :rofl:

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That makes me a sad panda :panda_face:

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OK, here’s explanation for you: Interest group pushes for something to be changed and succeeds.

Now insert “Steve Danuser” in place of “interest group”. Aka “lobbyist” aka “guy interested in changing things so they’re more to his liking”.

Add the fact that there is quite a lot of evidence of him being biased as all hell in favor of Sylvanas. “Senior narrative designer’s waifu” jokes didn’t come into existence from nowhere. There’s Latin saying “cui bono?” - “who profitted?”. Or more accurately in this case: Who had an interest in this?

And notice that they didn’t remove/replace any other potentially sensitive words. Like “savage” in context of “culturally/technologically/whatever less advanced than some other group”. A lot of people do get incensed by this, as it sounds to them like racism. Filthy Horde savages, anyone? Or bastards, when it’s not type of a sword. Maiev yelling stuff about belves & nagas being spawn of questionable parentage in that W3:FT campaign scenario where you tug Illidan’s cage somehow isn’t being retconned. Sylvanas using pretty much the same bad B word as Garrosh in FT cutscene isn’t being retconned. So it’s very selective retro censorship, making it seem like one party is allowed to do stuff otherwise considered bad, but any other party is not.

See the picture? Or do you need to have dots connected for you too?


It’s possible they were forced to remove it by the ratings board. They made them remove some Brewfest quests in EU so it’s just as much a possibility with this one.

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-Sorry I’m late, but I had to put Sylvanas in her place.

-What She did tho?

-I was just about to leave when she said, “lemme show something to you”


-And then she started rasin those undeads, like the lich king.

-No way.

-I looked this woman straight in her evil eyes… And I said… I said…

Looks around few times

-AND I SAID B****************H

-Did you said that though?


-Did you call her B****?

-Yeah I called her that.


When I first saw that line I was pretty happy, since it told me that Blizzard was moving in a direction with their storytelling where they’re not afraid to touch on more sensitive issues and get on with the dark and gritty nature that WoW lore is.

Now, I’m just sad to have that gone, since I was hoping to get more of these kind of things.


They took something memorable and successfully managed to make it very generic.

Kind of like what they are doing to everything else in game.

Game companies: Add content in their games
Blizzard: Remove Prune Remove


What exactly is it that you feel you aren’t allowed to do?
And which specific ‘interest group’ is targeting you?

That would be understandable but it doesn’t seem to be the case from the developer’s tweet:

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But it was such a memorable scene. I remember the first time I did it. I was like woah he just called her a b!


Steve (Mr. Nathanos) Danuser continues to improve the game.

Ah, I didn’t see that :slight_smile:

To be fair though, the amount of times people have complained on the forums for being penalized in game or on the forum for bad langauge and the usual appeal is “You use the word B! in your own game and I can’t use the F word?”

just use m’kay :smiley:


It was memorable yes, I think we all had the same reaction. It did however also feel way out of place for WoW.

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