Blizzard should bring back Quinton Flynn and apologise to him

The amount of people willing to ignore his clear evidence presented infront of a court. He had enough evidence for a court case, Yet Forum experts are here defending what’s happening to him. sickning

So we have a case of a female stalking a guy, trying to ruin his marriage and telling lies and altering personal adult conversations between them to make him look bad. People defend him for the evidence provided that a judge agreed with too, However Barry who plays a level 12 paladin knows best. We even have people in this thread trying to race bait. What’s that got to do with the subject?

What disgusts me is the people trying to make it out like it’s ok because accusations can be real, that’s really not the point is it?

Is robbery ok because armed robbery exists? And when people stick up for a robbery victim they don’t need the subject to be changed about armed robbery and told to be quiet about it. We even have people in this thread suggesting people are sexual assault supporters because they don’t like people lifes being destoyed over situations like this without warrent.


Yet you’re jumping to conclusions constantly in this thread? And are willing to jump to conclusions about the guy without knowing what happened. You’re saying the point of the people in this thread who said Blizzard shouldn’t be replacing his voice in old content until they know for sure what happened. It seems it only works one way for you?

It seems your conclusions where wrong after all, Read above. You’re as bad as people who think all women are liars. You’re damaging someones life with witch hunting and supporting it.

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I’ve not jumped to any conclusions except to say I don’t believe its wrong for a company to err on the side of caution. This is about reputation and who you choose to associate with, theres no upside for sticking with him and infinite downside.
They are fully in their rights to choose not to work with a contractor.


Crazy how fast blizz work on removing things over allegations…

So yno what to do… report all balance druids for being sex pests… maybe they will pull their finger out and do some balancing!

On the serious side they have money to drop on new voice-overs willy nilly but cant actually invest in their game balance???

Nowonder everyone is jumping ship


Yea, it’s deffo a global conspiracy, against single men, living in their Mum’s basement.

That’s what happens after everyone gave JS, JE, etc, etc, the benefit of the doubt, for decades… yet everyone also raged about the lack of reaction to allegations, with the benefit of hindsight.

Peeps: Innocent until proven Guilty!
Also Peeps: So he IS guilty, why was he presumed innocent?’s an outrage!!!

You really should watch the reboot…full disclosure, I wasn’t a fan of the original series.


I’ll stick on my watch list.


I got snowed in, a few years back…had the boxset on the shelf (ridiculously low price on a ‘Black Friday’ deal)…probably the best binge watch session, ever.

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Yes, yes it does. I picked at that, because this is a serious issue that needs addressing, but we need to be realistic about it.

This is why for false accusations there should be a custodial sentence, which currently in the UK there is, I don’t know how it works in other countries.

The problem is, that the term is thrown around so much, that it has simply lost it’s currency. Someone disagrees with you? Cancel Culture. You’re not allowed to be unpleasant against some people you find distasteful? Cancel Culture. It is a meaningless buzzword created by -certain- Social media sites. Problem is, it has been so overused, so abused, that the crazy thing is, the people who use it, and terms like SJW, and Leftists are just not taken seriously anymore. When people use terms like that, I just picture (Possibly wrongly) an angry teen who has binged on Twitch. I can’t take them seriously, because the language they use is just so ridiculous, and I know for a fact, I am not alone in this, in fact they are a running joke amongst people who -did- grow up in times where these things were a problem. You know what? We didn’t need a new catchy phrase to rebrand what it means, there was already, and had been for ages, an actual word to describe it.
Censorship. Being Censored.

So ‘Cancel Culture’ is a meaningless phrase that automatically detracts from the argument the person is making, you form a (Possibly incorrect) perception of the person making the argument, and it actually does detract, because you just think of an angry teen, rather than looking at their points in an analytical fashion, which is in itself perhaps wrong.

You see my point though? “I Love you” “I love you too darling” “Let’s get married” “Oh yes! Let’s” “Cool, can we ehh sign this legal contract saying that if we split up, we go 50/50?”

I mean -whenever- you bring that up, it is going to kill the mood and kill the trust. Probably kill the romance too. The whole concept of Pre-Nuptials originated with very rich people, and celebrities, people who have a ‘brand’ so to speak. Normal people don’t do that. They don’t have a need to. They also certainly don’t also find in case of the woman every time. My current romantic other is going through a rather messy divorce, and she is not getting everything, at all, in fact less than she is fairly entitled to. It isn’t a one way street.

Oh Good Gods no, they have the same capacity for betrayal and malice that men do. I -was- fortunate, neither myself or my Ex-wife were having an affair, we just drifted apart to the extent that we were basically housemates, not husband and wife, but in the case where one party has clearly wronged the other, then the courts are generally going to find in the favour of the wronged party, whatever their sex.

Close, I am Gentry, but not an actual Knight. I mean if I was, do I get a white horse and a sword? Because that would be cool.

Different Teams that work on VA and Game balance. Also VA’s often work from home studios, It’s like saying "Well why can’t this Nuclear Physicist work on Virology? They’re both Scientists! The people at Blizz who work with VA’s are not going to be the same people who work on Game Balance, because they are two entirely different aspects of the game, basically. :slight_smile:

I thought it was Westworld (TV).

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You can’t wage about how it’s unfair that people here are applying some doubt of innocence when an accusation is levelled against a man and then stand there and declare “oh btw I don’t believe women are innocent” and tend to assume the worst, because you’re essentially stating you don’t even stick by the principle you’re vehemently defending, at least as far as women go, which if true, is a wildly misogynistic view to hold.

So which is it, is applying some doubt reasonable? Or do we all have to (even you) assume people are innocent of wrongdoing until you have facts to the contrary, you can’t have it both ways.

Also you thank the historically patriarchal justice system for that assumption of women’s sweetness. That has nothing to do with women and everything to do with male dominated courts assuming women were inherently less capable of criminal behaviour than men due to lack of aggression and rationality.


You need serious help.


You’ve argued for a principle, and then outright stated that you don’t apply it to women. Unless I’ve misunderstood what you meant by the comment “I don’t believe women are innocent”? Why does me pointing out this inconsistency mean I “need help”? Or is this just a way to try and distract from the fact you’ve made a whoopsie with that line?

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Not someone disagrees with you --> cancel culture. Cancel culture is when people loose their jobs, life over tweets, or accusations. Why would cancel culture be not agreeing with someone? You’re confusing that with racism, since that’s the main card being thrown at people when they say don’t agree with things (mostly far left things).

Far left IS cancel culture. Very recent, this Asian actor of a new upcoming Marvel movie, a trailer appeared and then the twitter (cancel) mob goes on Twitter looking for a tweet he posted 10 years ago, and wants him to be cancelled over a joke about some pop artist that can’t sing (his expression was a bit different, could also have called it the sound of an alley cat :smiley: ).

Then they tried to cancel the Quartering (good luck in trying that :smiley: ). But we’re talking death threats here, things like that. For me THAT is cancel culture, not disagreeing with someone lol, for me that’s all good, it’s just these far left nutjobs that can’t take a different opinion, and it seems companies support them somehow.


You have a good day.

So basically something like what happened to Colin Kaepernick over his support of BLM?

That was pretty far left of the conservatives then.

Apparently you take one example and poof strike :smiley:

That being said, and I don’t know the story, if that is the case, it is also the same (but I don’t know this particular case).

I looked it up, and I sense it is correct what you say there. Companies get rid of people when it jeopardizes their business. So in this case, I actually agree, even if I don’t agree with him, he shouldn’t have lost his job over this. Same as this dude who spoke out for Hong Kong, same situation.

What happens in society most though, is cancel culture coming from the left. And if you don’t see that, then that’s what it is.

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Historically it has been a tool for the conservatives, only now when the societal norms have kinda pivoted, it’s become more known for something that lefties and wokescolds employ effectively as of late.

Also, it’s actual effects tend to be somewhat exaggerated, people are saying as if everything is getting ‘canceled’, nothing is sacred or safe, which is hardly the case.
Like the Swifty thing, as unfair as it was to act on allegation in his case, he’s still streaming and making his living the exact same way that he always had. It’s a little strange to say that he’s been cancelled, yes?

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Then people need to start using the term correctly, because that is not how a lot of people use it. That is what I mean by it ‘losing its currency’ any term, if overused, or used incorrectly makes it very easy (and natural) to simply ignore it.

No, I’m really not. Racism is a very specific term, and does not apply to people who don’t agree with things. It also is most certainly not unique to the far left, but applies through every aspect of the political spectrum.

Not correct. Assuming we accept the term ‘cancel culture’, instead of the word that predated it, then it most definitely is not the province of the ‘Far Left’ but instead has rather enthusiastically been embraced by the ‘Far Right’ also.

It just ain’t as simple as which side of the political fence you sit on, in the same way that -people- aren’t that simple. You couldn’t pigeonhole my political beliefs for example, and I -know- I am not unique in that way of thinking, so people can’t really say ‘The Far Left’ as if it were some monolithic hivemind, any more than they can say everyone on the ‘Far Right’ wants to wear armbands, Hugo Boss uniforms and have skulls on their hats. Human beings are far more complex than that, and most people kind of just sit in the middle. Shutting people down, Death threats etc, these are all things that the Far Right have done also, so we can’t pretend it is just one side of the political spectrum that does this. It is nutters on both ends of the scale who are unable to listen and accept other people have differing points of view.

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