Blizzard & Twitch Team Up To Censor Gamers

Oooh there are some posts in this board… good stuff for a good laugh.

Now I have to listen to that Monty Python song. Damn ya.

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Its funny to read through people complaining about the guy who made the video instead of actually— watching— the video and reading the article he actually shows piece by piece which clearly highlights what his video title magnifies which ties to the current pressure from china to “fix” the toxic community in WoW games, or face consequences…

It really shows the intelligence of a lot of forum people…

And their own bias… “looks at PunyElf and Deja”

Hey. What better way to end a post than with a little insult now that China is watching after all. Go ahead, mods. Ban me again.
At least I took the time to watch the video instead of ranting about the guy’s apperance like a child with a 3 second attention span.

Christ some people.


If you’re worried about using certain words or emotes then don’t use them? It’s a private company, they can ban certain words or emotes if they want to. Yes there is freedom of speech, but they don’t have to give you a platform and can take it away for any reason.

So, maybe, if you’re on those twitch streams, just be polite?

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GAMERS ! Rise up !

Get rid of toxic people? I hate blood elfs! Sylvanas is one of them and look whas she have done. You even let Arthas use sunwell! Stupid elfs! Get rid of them all! Do you see how Toxic is Sylvanas? Because she was a blood elf! Kaelthas was a blood elf too and did you see what he have done?

I feel like twitch chat is not a bus for SJW only, and others who are not SJW must stay or get out because they have other opinion.

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The only toxic people in game is Forsaken. I mean they literally manufacture toxins and poison everything around them. Sylvanas is Forsaken too just with XXL sized ears.

Russia had a rather known female sniper in ww2 Lyudmila Pavlichenko 309 confirmed kills not to mention they had female tank crews and even a flying ace though she died rather young but i dunno any on the US or German side

When i saw the news i unlinked my account form Twitch i don’t know if it maters now but i would rather not be involved Blizzard anymore clamping down on free speech.
Sorry Blizzard but i no longer enjoy your games anymore if have to create a fake account to just to watch Twitch to view your games i would rather not watch at all.
Please fire all of the people how are the top and how made these god awful discussions the past years and also please stop catering to your audience that doesn’t exist.

I already made up my mind that i wont be buying anymore games form you expansion of World of Warcraft unless a see unless I see significant changes been made.
Like change of leadership and direction of the company and also start hiring back veteran’s and new talented people on their merits because you need all the help you can get.
The current stat of Blizzard is sinking ship and keeps sinking even more


But did she had purple hair and robot arm?
Of course there are also famous Night Witches and lots and lots of field female medics, few saboteurs (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, for example) et cetera. But not frontline soldiers or assault squads.


how would we know to quote the SJW … history is written by men :wink:


We, the peoplekind, demand herstory!

That video is embarrassingly dumb. Why be outraged when you can easily circumvent this by having a second account that you don’t care about linked to twitch, if you care so much about the issue? Or even easier, don’t link the account to twitch. And the criticism… by coming up with stuff like “hate speech doesn’t exist”. He complains that “moderation is bad”, only to say 3 minutes later that “we already have moderation”. So is it bad or is it fine? These are just samples of the flawed logic used in the video.


so people are upset that they cant be Hurtful, offensive, racist and homophobic?

Dont see an issue…


It’s not dumb if you look at it from the perspective of a streamer. A lot of their income come from subs, and that move will surely hit them hard. Yes, creating a second bnet account is a possible solution, but some of the stream subs won’t bother doing it and instead will just save 5$/month.

Personally I feel that if something in a game triggers ultra-negative, toxic feedback where an audible “WTF” is presented it makes it just as valuable for the community as ultra-positive feedback if something completely catches you off-guard in awe of sheer awesomeness.

There’s a loud minority with poor filters at both parts of the spectrum, but only the negative side can and will be censored, skewing the results.

Can some1 tldr this 2 me?

I don’t watch streams nor do I use my twitch account for anything else but addons.

How will i be affected?

You won’t be.
If you want to use the chat in a twitch streaming blizzard content, you have to link your bnet account to your twitch account

You wont be at all. This is only to affect rude, offensive behaviour in twitch chat for Overwatch Contenders (and probably later overwatch league).

It isn’t all blizzard content. Only overwatch contenders (for now, probably league as well later on and maybe (hopefully) in the far future what you suggested)