Blizzard why do you keep ignoring reports about FULL premades in epic bgs?

requirements to stomp on randoms

we dont enjoy rated (cuz we get matched vs other premades)

u cant pick ur poison here, if the whole wall of the bg section in this site is full of complaints about prems posts, then u might consider that not everyone is wrong and you are right


It is important. We just dont want people like you around. Max conq gear but still play your class wrong.
Why should you carry something like that every time?
Your thinking is so limited that you still dont understand that you can play random pvp for fun.
But when you use words like cringe, your brain is still developing or not

You play with Fado, what are you coming here with your double standards for?
And before him didn’t you play with Rezal?

i dont play with fado or rezal, you must mistaken me for someone else for the 2nd time, rezal quit back in season 1 , fado is horde, this char is my main

The fact you guys can just list off a bunch of people all with their own separate premades just goes to show how big of an issue the problem is.

You’re inept of forming a coherent sentence and you have the brass neck to try and talk smack about other people? Okay :face_holding_back_tears:

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Yeah Nuashoa’s head is so swollen from his supposed awesomeness but there’s nothing much going on up there.

warrior in wpvp is a dishonourable kill. you will derank

mate its random bgs and you’re premading with multiple gearcapped healers. i’ve no idea how you have managed to attach your ego to premading random battlegrounds, but, there it is, you’ve done it.


Truly an impossible enemy facing Pandora’s premade in Epic BGs. The way she’s created and fosters her community is impressive to say the least and the amount of powerful players joined together with her makes her group the strongest in the world by far.

It would surprise me if they have ever lost. Except that one time when they joined late after Rezal’s /afked out.


Hey man. Thank you!
It’s quite rare these days to find this type of comments!


I completely agree with you its so unfair when people actually play the game and have gear.
That wasnt planned. Lets tell it our mums

Dear english teacher i speak 3 languages.
Besides it would also be unfair if I knew all languages well.
Then you would cry here in the forum about how unfair it is that some people can speak more languages

You’re welcome. I hope to make you lose one day.

its not a surprise that your ego is attached to your winrate in epic bgs, because when we peel back the curtain and look at how you perform outside of your premade, its not pretty:

if i had nothing going for me i’d cling onto anything i could, too - anything at all, just to give myself some illusion of self worth. i’d probably opt for something less embarrassing than “guyz i win a lot in epic bj in my premade!!”

The topic here is premades in Epic Bgs.
Does it make you feel better to bring up character infos of people who dare answering you here? I think my pet battles stats are quite crap too, if you wanna look at it.
Stopping premades in Ebgs would be quite simple I think - like give a deserter buff for declining a queue pop. But Blizzard is doing nothing about it.
Point still stays the same as all the other threads - there are many Ebgs communities, we just do it better than them. Live with it.

Just so you’re aware, someone is impersonating you in game and soliciting donations. I reported them for it so they should be banned:

Interesting. Was this a level 1 character?
What server was it?

aggramar and yeah im assuming so

Did they whisper you this?


ten char