Blizzard, why the hell did you screw up Echo?

I’ve read people that haven’t even played the game, never played it before in the first place. Has being seeing the Sylvanas Pulls the past few days and find them ‘‘enthralling’’.

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People who reply “who care’s” why even bother posting if you do not care ? I think it is good fun to watch and learn and see how players can work together and show that guilds still mean something to this day nearly 17 years later. Got nothing good to say keep it to yourself and move on lets people enjoy a brief glimpse of something positive in wow .


I mean it’s literally the Virtual Gamer experience of Football, only difference being. No one is running after a ball and kicking the ball into the goal. Instead there going for the Goal only being the Boss.

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Ah, so anyone writing an article on the event makes it an official event FROM that company? Weird, cause I guess that means it’s an official event from raiderio, kotaku, and everywhere else?

Ah, wait. It’s just Blizzard announcing a race without being involved in it at all! Woops. Can see how a raider in a non-rp guild that rolls on RP server would get that confused.

Well blizz hotfixed boss kinda fast when i am suferring from a simple bug that’s been here since release of shadowlands, they need to fix other stuff before focusing on that 0,1%, it just triggers me.

Watching, doesnt mean doing. In the end all those viewers will not care after race is over…

Oh and they just killed it. Seems all the sheeple crying was for naught.


Yess!!! Great job <3 <3


Big grats to them, super clean kill. They played incredibly well this tier.


Big grats to echo, very well done! Such a clean kill!


Blizzard can’t defeat Echo after all, who knew? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Gz to Echo well done :smiley:


What does this even mean or have to do anything with the topic? What are you even talking about?

Also Gz Echo!

if its not the % then why bother increasing the hp a boss has from hc to mythic at all?

There you go OP, Echo won. Happy ending

blizzard likes to Troll thats why they did it i guess …

Blizzard did nothing wrong in this instance, ofc Mythic has different parameters than Normal/Heroic…

The fact thay Echo EXPECTED it to be 50% does NOT mean that’s the case… They assumed, they were wrong… Simple as :smirk: I’m not hating or anything, i’m just telling it how it is… Blizzard didn’t screw anyone up… They screwed themselves up by simply assuming.

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