Blizz's PvP BG's are Garbage!

A vast majority of players either come from private servers or remember vanilla. One key experience they both have in common is the struggle to claim the PvP ladder and reach Rank 14.

It use to be a case of getting the maximum honor through WSG premades but in Classic the maximum amount of honor is gained from the more PvE friendly AV, in Premades are simply just killing bosses over and over again.

This is not the PvP experience I remembered in Vanilla when I was ranking. It was WSG Premade vs Premade. And now??? Its just ruined by Blizzards friendly approach to giving casuals the same recognition as try hard PvPers.

This has turned one the most important parts of WOW Classic into a joke and nearly every single ex R14 in my guild simply refuses to rank because WOW Classic Grand Marshall is nothing more than a PvE title now.

My guild isn’t just any collection of random players. It has a lot of HOTA and high rated PvPers in it along with a lot of passionate Challengers seeking to learn new skills to get better at the game.

I wanted to play with old friends, improve in PvP and learn from the best.

Blizzard you have robbed me of this experience and Classic now is nothing more than FARMVILLE.

Make changes or see huge amounts of PvP players walk and play a different ranking game.


You’re still gonna have to play 16h a day for a couple of months to get r14, but in av instead of in wsg now


do you even understand that post?
what he complains about is that everyone can do it now since it’s just a join AV and idle issue instead of actually pvping against other premades in WSG/AB.
he is right, makes pvp titles worthless.


The titles are worth a lot. If you compare this AV-farming for 15h a day to a regular job (15h) where you earn let’s say 20euro/h. That’s 300euro your wasting every day

I mean, if you really hate playing bg in classic…


You cant play with your friends !!! Thats the worse part!!! If you ranking you have to play with 39 other randomers from russia



Those dont have jobs.
Rankers are 8-18 yo.

No offence. My 8 yo dauther playing this too cuz this ver. of wow content is perfectly adapted for her. Even too easy sometimes
She got leveling mage atm on PvP server
Brave like dady!!!



My kids mostly play tablets but my son (3y) like to fish in wow


AV is a PvE battleground.
WSG is a PvP battleground.

Back in Vanilla WSG premades gave the highest amount of honor above AV premades . In WOW classic it is AV which gives the highest amount of honor.

It should be changed because back in 2004-2007 players did not have voice communication on a level that we do now.

Players are quing for AV bgs and telling their raid what AV BG instance numbers they have. When they have more than 10 they enter the BG. This then allows them to influece the Zerg more and get max bonus honor + a potential win.

In Vanilla you wouldn’t have this kind of communication. At best it would be a 10 person teamspeak/vent server and players would have to communicate in private channels.

The dream of WSG premade has been abolished and all we have left now is a boring farm, no pvp skill required and players grinding NPCs all day long to get to R14.


All i can say Can I have Your’s stuff and BYE.

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A thousand times upvoted.
I’m tired of people with no interest in ranking or a grudge against anyone higher than private screaming about how rankers deserve this version of AV that is frankly not even remotely tuned as glorious 1.5 was.
The result is people must choose, play fun game with friends in WSG, and have no gear or ranking or progression, or get gear and ranking progression, but have no fun with randoms. It’s absurd.
Either change AV to the version everyone cautioned you to pick in the first place, where it can’t be zerged in 5-10minutes, or even just literally disable honour in that AFKfest.

If this released as a private server, it would’ve failed. Because Blizz has delivered a product inferior to that of random volunteers, because Blizz has no passion for their game.

Imagine if you had to pick between LFR with loot, or raiding new content with friends that gives no rewards. That’s pretty equivalent to the garbage we’ve been given.

Never resubbing.
Supremely disappointed.


Its even worse than that. Its like riding with friends for no loot or doing wsg for pve loot

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I never had a problem to play with my friends. We just all enter the queue at the same time and always ended up in the same AV.

Sure this might not always work depending on number of players in group or bad luck, but it works most of the time so to me this is not a big deal (but yeah… I also can´t see why they did not allow queueing as a group, would be much better…)

The problem is however that current version of AV si boring. So I can play with my friends, but why would I…

It´s not really a BG. It´s PVE event…

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Bump this ppl!

True. Who would have thought people would actually need PVE gear and build to top the PVP ranks. Well at least I will save a lot of money as I clearly don´t need to respec and can just keep playing AV with my PVE build.

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I mean…sound kinda ironic…get your pve builds on boys, the race for rank14 is a long one!

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My friend, seems that the %&€! %) € in Classic will never end!

I actually returned to classic because i missed those looong AVs.


Then you must be sorely disappointed


Do you really expect EVERYTHING (Including the community) to be exactly the same as in 04/05 ?

Vanilla is almost 20 years old. The only thing that could possibly satisfy the #nochanges-community is a time machine.


I agree with almost everything Whoopy said. BGs suck.