Blizz's PvP BG's are Garbage!

I don’t know in which 2004 you lived but we had a vent server for multiple raids and pvp.
Well you either do AV to get r14 or you do wsg for fun and don’t get r14, it is what it is.
70k honor in one day of AV and 40 marks to turn in, too bad they only last 24h in mailbox. Passed halfway to revered as well. Already passed most wpvp gankers in one day of AV, life’s good :wink:

this is perfect to rank, dont depend on others, can do 24/7 and can even afk doing it watching movies with the kids.

Exactly. Wtf is this ****. I was used to do PvP in BGs etc. Now it’s just rush for some boss? The world PvP was more fun than this garbage. I was looking to this moment so much but after single day I am already bored without the will to play :frowning:

Yes, AV sucks big time. :slight_smile:

I did my grind of ranking in Vanilla, though, I grinded it in AB… I also did my share of endless AVs (and loved every bit of it) which sometimes lasted literally for few days. I hated new AV back then and I hate it now (despite I’m doing it - for rep).

I also knew we are getting “new” AV but hoped they will change their mind and give us old one. Old AV would fix this “honor farming” madness, but nope, they had to screw us over. All of this is most likely intentional and they are just waving with their carrot on a stick, giving us bits but screwing us over in the long run.

As a side note I’ll just say that I had no intention of grinding past rank8 (eventually rank10 - depending on how hard is competition) this time. Even then, this AV madness ruins my experience with classic so much that quitting sure does sound like only viable option.

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Whats stopping you from doing wsg?

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Insanely high queue times (for horde at least) and fact that you cannot rank up doing them (because AV gives too much honor - for those that care about ranking that is).

Everyone is in the AV. It looks like no-one goes WSG. I waited 35 minutes and nothing? And this is cross-realm? Idk :frowning:

You are absolutely right

Regards, Robokus-Mograine

Horde right? :stuck_out_tongue:
Instant queue for us alliance players on WSG xD.

Ofc it’s instant for alliance. :slight_smile: Horde has sucky QA times. :frowning:

I dont think its blizzards fault per say I think its more the community’s fault for constantly taking the easiest way out of every single raid/bg thats released be it old players or private server players classic has been widdled down into simple step by step paths to follow depending on what your doing.

That said I do think the Russian grouping and portal /afk report abuse very quickly needs to be addressed as its becoming extremely toxic and dangerous to even try and que at this point because your risking a 15 min CD for doing absolutely nothing wrong other than taking a spot that some guild wants for their team mate.

Blizz turning wow classic to a farm game. No skill needed for being grand marshal! Just spent more than 12 hours per day even dismounthing your mount and you are “grand marshal”. Ty blizzard for another big dissapointment again…

sorry nope… on pserv and back then R14 was commonly obtained by those who shared acc or those who as a group manipulated their factions honor gain.

cross realm actually prevents that old cheat.

Cross realm BG looked ok only because of the possible Warsong gulch meta, you would meet premades from the whole region, but that wont happen. because most efficient farm is AV (and no its not communities fault, players will always go for most efficient route, it was always like that, stop being stupid). SO naturaly its now basicaly a PVE dungeon where you try to get in same BG as a premade and if you pug you end up with random people that you have no idea who they are and PVE’ing versus players you dont know and they dont matter.

I think a lot of people were waiting for PvP as the last thing before quitting, but blizzard actually managed to ruin even that.


I got my rank 7 in wpvp and i am happy with that. I won’t do any more ranking now as it’s only about idling in AVs 24/7 the next weeks.

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I don’t think Blizzardians understand or get what our issues are, they see mad little zoomers typing and it all goes out through the other ear. They can’t communicate properly, don’t really care about community feedback etc. They just give us SOMETHING and call it a day, a job well done.

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Except if everyone is doing it, no-one can. That’s how a ladder system works.

It’s always been farm game, you do not get the point of this post at all. :slight_smile:


Blizz actually did a good thing with this AV. If it gave less honor per hour than wsg then that would be cancer too and the grief fest in wpvp may have continued. This way rankers are forced into AV fixing the game…at least for a short period of 2 or 3 months. By then AQ will prolly be launched or close to and the gear will be kinda obsolete and paid transfers would prolly be up.

Just uninstalled and cancelled subscription. That AV fail is a joke.

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