Blizz's PvP BG's are Garbage!

Im waiting 2 more weeks, thats when my sub ends.
Noone is asking for wsg to have more honor than av make them aproximatley equal in honor gains and let people play what they like most. Dont know why that is so hard to understand for some people on this forums

Nerf AV honor gains please so that wsg or Ab becomes the new meta for honor gains.
R14 should be about pvp, not pve lmfao.


Nothing, mate. My guild and I win 95% of all games but its seen as a waste of time since WSG gives a max of 1399 honor and AV gives a max of 3.1k honor.
Both games take on average 7 mins to complete if they are rushed.

Its just a PvE paradise now.

Only real Pve Players can get rank 14 now ;D join AV and go semiafk. and u got it. BIG JOKE

AV… not going to waste many words on it: its trash. Only good thing in there is the fishing :crazy_face:

A precious few battles have had a semblance of old. Most are rush fests that usually end in defeat.

Never expected a full return to the good ole days but this is just horrible.

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AV max honor is way more than 3,1k mate. I think its 5k8 if you free all wingcommanders and summon the bigbosslord

To be fair,im pretty sure many in the Blizzard office was either not born,or very young, during vanilla. They have no clue what we are talking about.

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I play cause im having fun. When you hate doing a major aspect of the game, its kind of meaningless.

I’m playing it for rep and honor. Only way to accommodate my disgust for this version of AV is by ignoring all objectives and trying to get as much 1vs1’s midfield.

Yes, everyone knew they’ll add this abomination of AV but noone remembered how good honor gains are in it. That’s something that should be fixed (screw all #nochanges, a lot of things are already fixed and not like they were in vanilla).

There is one thing, and one thing only that can satisfy the #nochanges-community, and that is a time machine.

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I honestly believe that #no-change community is actually in 99% of cases people who have actually never played vanilla in the first place. If they did they would of have known that 1.12 patch is something that’s not vanilla at all and that vanilla experience cannot be replicated.

1.12 is the final iteration of vanilla, and the one most remembered by those who played.

Sorry, who said that?

You are some fanboy I reckon, only such person would say that. Version we are getting is version that was lowest amount of time available, it was band aid version until TBC comes out.

Hell, we are not playing 1.12 version either! It’s been proven numerous times already. You can go with #nochanges crap there where light does not shine because we are getting changes, but not good ones or ones that should be here.


Well having played since March 2004 (FilePlanet closed alpha invites), almost none stop for 15 years, I’d certainly think “fanboy” is an accurate description…

Blame people, not Blizzard. Blizzard can´t influence how people play AV. You can´t delete 15 years of experience and “playing with most efficiency” approach from peoples heads :wink: There were under 4 minute AVs during Vanilla, it just wasn´t how majority of people played.

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You got 1.12 AV which is exactly what they told you to get. What are u trying?

To get better version of it. Isn’t that kinda obvious?

Poster I reacted to blames Blizzard for giving us 1.12 AV. Which was the information we were given about 1 year before release.

No, you won´t get better version of it. We were told to get 1.12 version of Vanilla WoW, not some kind of Classic+ which picks best things from all patches from 1.0 to 1.12. Just like you won´t get original Vanilla experience simply because players were bad back then, gaming was different and you were younger (we all were).

1.12 patch is simply most complete Vanilla patch containing most content (all raids/cross BGs/dungeons). That´s why they chose to run Classic on 1.12. Someone likes it, someone does not. Thats how it is, you can´t satisfy everyone. For someone Vanilla is 1.5, for someone its 1.8, for someone its 1.10, for someone 1.12. Its just like retail - patch 8.3 is coming, someone likes it, someone does not.

I think u should go back to retail.

Maybe come too our X-realm :slight_smile: