Blizz's PvP BG's are Garbage!

if they dont prevent Alliance from doing premades , bgs will be dead cause Horde will eventually quit doing em… half of the ppl i talk to in horde dont even bother with pvp at this point cause its just not fun getting rekt from premade squades wsg after wsg , av after av…

Pugs are fun tho. (that would be 1/10 bgs and always end up with a win for horde strangely enough)

Anyways, im getting r10 this week and i ll be one of those guys that had enough of it. On the bright side BWL is arround the corner :stuck_out_tongue:

Kokotina, last week lost only 1 pug vs pug wsg.

Come on bud… horde winning 90% of pugs is a general known fact by now…
Why else would alliance play almost exclusively premade-vs-pug? not to mention the bg dodging when premades face premades, disgusting.

WSG rankers outfarm AV rankers. Even on ally side. So the only premades that go AV are those that fail the WSG grind. And now it is 100% an exploit to premade AV as Bliz have tried fixing it two times now.

No, i have 7:3 wins in wsg pugs as ally, but its not first time i see horde player with high win rate, ally with high win rate.
We must be playing against AI.

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