Blizz's PvP BG's are Garbage!

I just re-sub recently and reading this post… BLIZZARD, You have failed the community…

You choose the wrong game. Classic is 15 years old game, with outdated mechanic and a skillcap that is extremely low. Was not designed for that.

Try Fortnite/League Of Legends/CSGO/SC2/DOTA, the real game. Boomer will said “KEK Fortnite”, because they don’t have the brain to handle the APM and reaction time required for it.

What we have is the AV version that came around in Naxx towards the transition to TBC. This is where honor in BGs gave you honor points which you spent on gear. Its not the Classic version of AV. Blizz have cheated you.

We have TBC AV. Not Classic AV.

I did and I loved it. Best premade EVVVVEERRRR!!!

I thought Fortnite was some kids game that 11 year olds play?

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pvp is garbage indeed sir !!! WORLD OF BOT CRAFT !!! full of leech honor the latest software people use in av in order to leech more honor !! share account with at last 20 ppl in order to stay online 24/7 even streamer doing it they selling premade av spot for $100 a week :smiley: this wow become trash >i report more then 1000 ppl total afk scripted jump in cave or bots like nothing happen to them … morning they play at at night there bot play so fair !

i report a lote this is profs

There was never any skill involved 15 years ago either, just play nonstop.

You are right, however the ranking system paired with the pre-tbc watered AV has created a combination that never was part of the vanilla experience.
The time when the current version of AV was introduced ranking was more ore less meaningless since everyone was preparing for TBC and nobody farmed AV for ranking.
So the problem with pvp is not ranking or AV themselves but together as a combination.
Either AV should be the 1.5 version with long lasting battles so WSG would be the best honor / hour farm spot or they should add TBC pvp system with the tbc AV.

And crossrealm should have come with phase 6 or something. Vanilla was a lot about server community. Playing against people which names I can’t even read (russians) is very much against this.


I can’t wait for it.

This has turned one the most important parts of WOW Classic into a joke

Imagine actually thinking PvP aspect of WoW is “important” :joy:

They really, really need to add AB as soon as possible since it’s better honor than AV. Alterac Valley is not just about spending time, it’s also about getting lucky with queues and not getting the Ally premades or the uppity Hordes who delay you. It is extremely frustrating. Since they did add updated item stats that made Molten Core much easier there is absolutely no reason to not add Arathi Basin.

AB wont change a thing. Premades, bots and afk-ers will trash it.
Since the ranking system motivates bots and afk-ers, whatever BG gives the more honor the bots and afk-ers will go there.
Anybody who actually cares will join premades and we’ll be back at square one: premades will farm afk pugs (mindless honor farm and boring gameplay) while pugs will be unplayable.

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we need system premade vs premade, pug vs pug :frowning:

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Premades never gonna play against premades.
Premade vs premade could be fun but not efficient honor / hour, also people try to maximize any unfair advantage they can get.
So they’ll just send someone to scout the BG instance and only enter if the opponent is not a premade.
Pug vs pug will be like today’s pug vs pug AVs: horde wins - alliance afk, since all alliance who care will be in premades.

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The only real solution is to prevent alliance from doing premades by implementing some sort of system or by hiding the AV queue numbers.

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It’s going to be very different with Crossrealm BGs, scouting the opponents BG entrance isn’t really plausible for example. Also a premade is going to be much more likely to encounter another premade in this version which would hold them in the game for a while and make you more likely to miss them.

If you prevent alliance to do AV premades then AV will be dead in a week.

At the moment AV is a gamble for horde:
vs premade = hard fight (and have some chance to win) or lose fast, both with decent honor
vs pug = granted win with max honor

While for alliance AV pug is simply unplayable.

If they prevent alliance AV premades the number of AV instances will drop radically (from 100-150 to 5-10) and horde queue time will be easily over 2 hours. And it’s the most optimistic possibility because most likely you can’t get into any AV the whole day like on retail in low level brackets.

To be honest the title was always kinda worthless if you are looking at the individual player skill. I’ve seen enough Ex-R14s not being able to get over 2200 ranking in TBC arenas. In Vanilla you just had to be in the best ranking group and sometimes social standing (guild leader etc.) was more important than skill (reminded me a bit of high school sports teams).

The point where i wholeheartedly agree is that the major part of pvp took place in real battlegrounds where you had to beat the other teams by outskilling/outsmarting/outgearing them. That took the competition to a whole new level and besides the arena times in TBC was the most enjoyable pvp experience for me in WoW.

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So best thing for pvp is leave AV as is this now, and wsg/ab for fun.


Do not touch anything.

We have the perfect system at the moment.

If you don’t like it, goto retail please.

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Not enough trolling today I see?

exactly what i’m doing right now after i got my 4 pieces of pvp gear for flag running.