Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

I vote going forward no one talks to the level 120 Kim on this thread until they can learn to behave.
Level 20 Kïm is alright though


Thanks i always try to be a good example. Its just not in some peoples nature to behave and be reasonable but there is always room to improve so maybe some day


Unlike you i do behave

No your not trying to be a good example as you only act rude while impersonating my charachter while writing offensive comments wich is the opposite of being a good example

You are the best. Don’t let the 120 Kim bully you.

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Ya be settin’ a good example of dat good behaviour mon. Da loa be pleased wit ya.


All Agreed? We simply refuse to acknowledge the existence of the rude 120 Tauren?

So yeah, on topic, It -will- be interesting I think, to see where they go with the whole Void Elves thing. I think Blizz cannot be oblivious as to how they have been received, with regards a lack of lore, and that they will need to drip feed some lore in during play, they would be better doing it that way, rather than just one massive info dump, as a) that would look contrived, and b) the Void Elves themselves are slowly discovering what they are, so it would be kind of perfect for future lore to come out gradually.

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They already did get started with them in bfa a bit as they were prominently used in the Undercity battle and also Umbric and void elves play a good part in the war campaign. Hopefully they will focus on the void elves being their own thing now and let blood and void elves get separate development

I’m fine with that. More Voidy stuff in the future!

As long as they don’t touch any of the current customization we got.

Go back to your normal cusomization options. Stealing ain’t nice and you are a AAA+ thief.

Oh trust me this isn’t over. We are coming for Silvermoon next!

And we aren’t stealing. We are the same people. Thalassians.

You want us deleted from the game, but we are not and I repeat NOT going anywhere.

When Wednesday comes I will dance outside of Silvermoon with my new customization :dancer:

Enjoy the show :popcorn:

Finally you are showing your true colors. You are now my eternal enemy. Silvermoon will NEVER belong to Alliance dogs.

At least you admit that blizzard is biased in your favor.

Well when you insist on being a troll I will start trolling back :wink:


I be thinkin’ him no troll. Just very passionate mon, maybe too much so. Der certainly be some attempt at trollin’ in dis thread, but de attempts be lackin’ wit or reason. Da OP at least have some of dese, him not da wannabe Darkspear.


Of all my chars at the moment my velf is the only one not using any of the new customisations :woman_shrugging: I’m fine with the original ones tbh.

I think they should have concentrated solely on core races and added nothing to any allied for 9.0, they are all new so could have waited until a later patch for upgrades and especially nightbourne could be given some real time that way.

Just my opinion.

I also wouldn’t be for velfs taking over Silvermoon, my belf would be very angry at that :rofl:

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Hey im super excited for my new eye colours
Well, as excited as one can be for eye colours

Heterochromia all the way
My vulpera is going too look even more awesome

You are the one being rude saying peoples existence should be ignored just because you cant back up anything with evidence

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Yeah, the Velves most certainly are not getting Silvermoon, so we don’t need to worry about that.

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Well, yeah people can be excited! I like the new Vulpera eyes too but I still believe core races should have been concentrated on first.

I’m super hyped for undead customisations tbh, can’t wait to take mine to the barbershop on Wednesday lol

I was only joking. I would be killed just by standing outside of silvermoon