Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

Oh, there are a few of us like that :rofl: I can’t function until I’ve had coffee!

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Let us remember our accord, ladies and gentlemen and all inbetween, The level 20 Tauren is the real one.

Yeah, but Video’s by who?

It’s pretty much Rommath who was the driving force behind their Exile, Lor’themar took his advice and made it official, because eh, Rommath knows more about Magic than Nature Boy Farstrider.

I think part of the revulsion felt is not the Shadow part, Belves are cool with Shadow Magic, It is -whose- notes the Ren’dorei were studying. Even Umbric admits this during the Starting Void Elf questchain (Yeah, I have one, neglected the poor fella for a while though), He actually says “I can see why Rommath would want this knowledge forgotten”

Because it is Dark’han Drathir’s research they are using. The singular worst Villain in -all- Thalassian elves history, the one responsible for the death of 90% of the Species. It would be like turning up to a massive Synagogue and going “Guys, I’m reading this really cool book, called Mein Kampf, written by this Austrian guy with a silly moustache, is a bit rambling, but he makes some really good points, I think everyone should read it?”

Yeah, He’s -that- reviled. Kael’thas was a traitor and a villain, Dark’han Drathir came very close to self-Genociding his own people.

I think that was a powerful factor in why Rommath wanted them gone, and Umbric seems to agree.

I dunno, they seem to spend a lot of time trying to persuade the rest of the Alliance that their intentions are pure and that they aren’t brooding ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

The Blood Elves are even worse, I mean they -are- Vampires, Just it is Mana, not blood. Still Vampirism. Put Piranha’s in silk coats and they’re still Piranha’s. Thats what makes them a bit horrible.

Blood Elves and Void Elves are just grim in different ways, is all.

There’s nothing really barbie or Disney Princess about them, they’re closer to the old myths and legends about Elves, things of bone and blood and malice, of promises and deceits, magic and self interest.

The High Elves are probably the ‘nicest’ of the three, but even they aren’t ‘Nice’.

Thats what I like about Warcraft’s Elves. They are not -Nice- people, or they can be, as long as there is something in it for them. There is a reason they were referred to in old stories as “The Kindly Folk”

Good Duck Gif, I always like it when things walk like a duck, quack like a duck, and look like a duck…


Yeah but isn’t Rommath the guy that blamed Vereesa for not fighting in the war, when she was pregnant and obviously couldn’t fight?

Isn’t he the one that ordered weapons against Auric?

He seems very pro Sin’dorei and has this kinda “untrusted” vibes towards the other elves.

Which is why he is the best bloodelf character we have left. He should lead the race as a whole because he is usually right.

No he isnt the real one as you are well aware of gelf

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No pls.

They’d ruin him like they’ve ruined every other Horde character that gets any screentime.

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I dunno but I can almost guarantee its heavily cherry picked parts of the game without even coming close to mentioning the times the alliance got the better deal than the horde did.

I …don’t recall anything about that, might have happened, but I don’t remember it… I know she couldn’t fight in the 2nd War, because she was too young (So naturally wandering off with a human man twice her age was a sensible choice)
The Third War was only Volunteers led by Kael’thas, so I guess you mean the Scourge Invasion? If so then she made the right choice, because that is exactly what you need when facing extinction of your species, risking those carrying children…right?

Rommath always strikes me as this ultra-conservative type, who is very insular, and doesn’t really trust anyone not Sin’dorei to be honest. The implication is that he is quite old and set in his ways, so that makes sense I guess.

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To be fair they cant ruin Lor’themar as he is already a traitor that people have no respect for Lor’themar is already in a bad situation that he put himself in :stuck_out_tongue:

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That is an unfortunate truth. Its better if they leave him alone and just stick with Lor’themar who is doing a fine job for the horde

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He’s only on thin ice because he happened to find himself around the gigatrash characters of the Horde and the Alliance in 8.2. :pensive:

True - but nobody wants to play the Alliance because we’re way past the recovery zone. The usual community mentally refers the blue team as “the casual group” where you have a harder time when it comes to raiding, which is for many players the end goal in the game.

The reason they gave the Alliance the better racials is likely to steer against the communities’ perception that the Horde is more “core”. Orc/Tauren/Troll/Belf racials still have their place in the game and are in certain situations strong, especially the Orc/Troll-one given the right class.

Usually you hear that Shadowmeld is the only good Alliance-racial which isn’t true but the other races lack a bit or are more tools instead of a damage boost, too conditional or focused on other activities (like the dwarven Archeology bonus if you compare it to the four PVE-based stuff of a Troll). On top of that, as far as I can judge it, the human spirit racials makes the humans more or less the to go-race for an overall good experience because it attributes to everything in the game.

tl;tr: Alliance bit stronger but nobody cares because FOR THE HORDE!!!1

Blizzard themselves, mostly. We better move this conversation into the future, when Retributor is in the mood again for another Horde Bias 2.0 topic.

Has it ever crossed your mind that Alliance races simply look boring? I mean - Horde gives you the options to play races you otherwise couldn’t, in other games.

Ignoring the allied races, each Horde race offers something that makes the Alliance look paltry.
Blizzard have tried to sort this with Worgens, Void Elves and Dark Irons, but once again - Blizzard dull them down to “Human” levels.

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No no no the reason he is on thin ice is because he keeps stabbing people in the back

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It was Blizzard’s fault not in fostering the other races which is another issue with the developers in general. Instead putting some effort in adding fantasy races which fits the Alliance you can surely bet on it that they get the blue humans as allied race at one point.

I would place a fair chunk of blame on a section of the alliance playerbase as well for that.
They don’t seem to like any time Blizzard try to take the alliance out of their set mold.

I mean, if you look at 2 of the most requested allied races for the alliance its high elves and vrykul which are basically humans and humans.

They tried to make the alliance the bad guys with killing vulpera but they complained the alliance wouldn’t do that so they backtracked for the alliance side of the story.

There are a lot of alliance players that seem pretty content with the box they’re in

I think they’re probably on an enforced nap at the moment :slight_smile:

The Kyrians? I don’t see that as likely somehow, I don’t think any of the Covenant Races seem likely, They just don’t seem likely to be invested in the Factions particularly, and having transcended death, not like Forsaken, or even Death Knights, but literally transcended it, I doubt mortal concerns would matter to them. I mean why would they? Once the heroes have set the Shadowlands to rights, they will probably go back to business as normal. (Whatever normal looks like then) The Covenants also aren’t really faction aligned, even the ‘good’ ones (To a given value of ‘good’ ) like Bastion and Ardenweald don’t contain purely Alliance souls, and the darker ones like Maldraxxus and Revendreth not purely ‘evil’ ones. People go where their nature in life would send them, for example Anasterian would probably have ended up in Bastion, he wasn’t a bad person, and lived a life of duty, Draka seems an odd fit for Maldraxxus, as she wasn’t actually a bad person at all, Kael’thas and Garrosh would have hated each other, yet both are in Revendreth (Albeit Kael’thas seems to be doing much better than Garrosh!)
If the Alliance got Kyrians then the Horde would get what? The Revendreth Vampires? So -another- Elven race? The Maldraxxian undead? Yawn The Ardenweald Fauns? Doesn’t make sense.

No, I think -if-, and it is a big -if- as Blizz have said that’s it for Allied Races now (Though they have gone back on such things), I think what we have is what we’re getting, but -If- we do get other races for both Factions, they will be homegrown Azeroth ones, perhaps ones that join the Factions because of the inevitable Fallout from Shadowlands.

I have some ideas for future races, but would be keen to know what others think as to what races could work and how.

Of course not, the past attempts ended in compromises nobody really asked for.

That part of the story isn’t canon to begin with. Same issue as in MoP and the burning/killing of citizen in Stormsong Valley the Horde-player never sees.

Obviously they are going to ask for the same stuff when they don’t get what they wanted in the first place.

We’re talking about Blizzard here.

As far as I can judge the reactions online most Horde-players would love to have the fawns. Let’s just hope they will not add another human flavor at all to the Alliance, we have seen how the Mechagnomes left a very, very, VERY sour taste in everyone’s mouth.

Everything what can be reskinned works for Blizzard. Too much effort for them to add Tuskarrs or anything else unique to the table.

I dont know why I bothered replying
I should have known i would get a response like this

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But that is the Alliance players’ fault.

I don’t like being villain batted every 3rd expansion, but at least the Horde has something going for it, where each race stands out.

Alliance seem content with Humans, Humans and more Humans and then cry wolf, when they get mocked for playing the boring faction