Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

Bad Worgen! Bad!
Smacks Räbies’ nose with a rolled up newspaper
Don’t agitate the already stressed Sin’dorei!
They are already ashamed to have him without you poking his insecurity

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you trust them with a sub,

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Oi do NOT hit me with a news paper.
I love poking the elves. Soon they will get angry and do something stupid.

They should cleanse themselves from their horde opressors and join us once more!
Imagine playing in the same faction as Rabies the Magnificent.! What a dream


You sir are a troll. I will no longer respond to you.

have you considered yourself the troll with all these edgy pointless threads here lately ? bruh…

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You Sir, are wrong!.

I am utterly amazed that the alliance has not pushed foward into silvermoon during BFA.
It was an expansion about the faction war.

The Bloodelves got their demonic power in outland. A large portion of them allied Illidan and got slaughterd by the Horde and The Alliance. The rest Occupied silvermoon untill this day feigning themselves the rightfull rulers, when we both know that after the Sunwell was restored the highelves should have, and deserve, regained controll of Silvermoon bringing the Highelves back into the Alliance.

But BFA was a dissapointment and a let down and Silvermoon remains occupied untill this day.

That or

I am responding as a troll to your obvious troll post so… yeah


You Alliance will never take Silvermoon from us blood elves!

Go and claim Thunderbluff with your traitor Tauren friends and leave our beautiful Silvermoon alone!

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I love to think it was because the level of respect hte High Elves earned during the years spent with the humans
Attacking their ancestral home and slaughtering more of their - lets face it, already on the brink of extinction - people, knowing nor the Alliance nor the remaining High Elves have the resurces to keep/rebuild Silvermoon and defend what remained of Quel’thalas would been a huge mistake and insult

Stucked in time, dated back, with floating Fel crystals with evil eyes…
Reeeeeeal pleasant to the eye

After the Glorious slaughter of the Bloodelves. I promise you the Worgen will stand with the High Elves in the rebuilding of Silvermoon City.
And knowing Azeroth… There is probably an island with a million of those elves just waiting for a rescue party one way or another. Because why not. We have walrus people and Fish people and fishy goblins, so why not an island with lost High Elves

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Yes, how is the rebuilding of your Gilneas going?

Making such plans for taking Silvermoon from us blood elves you must almost finished with your own city…


It’s a good thing they haven’t just been idle and followed their useless king around all these years, uselessly sitting around in Stormwind or chasing and failing to catch Sylvanas all the time.


Gilneas is still under horde control, surprisingly, another fallure on blizzard side.
Just wait untill after shadowlands ! our time will come!

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And that was the story how he got burned.
No, in all seriousness, OP. It’s just a game. Nobody’s taking the belves away from the game but they will give the Alliance more options because these models are the dominant contribution factor why the Horde is so popular.

The plot simply demands it that Sylvanas is too slippery for everyone. Bad writing is the problem here.

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So long as Blood Elves don’t stand alongside Stormwind - I’m happy. Talk about your typical stereotype from LOTRO.

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That is why I like blood elves on the horde. It rbeaks with boring and outdated LOTRs stereotypes.

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Not only that, LOTRO has both “Elves” and “High Elves” as playable races.

Void Elves are already getting pale skin options (which I do like, because I do RP my Void Elf Hunter as a High Elf - plus they are getting purple arcane eyes), but there’s a limit to that and it shouldn’t be crossed.

EDIT: Also, on the BETA - many of the High Elf NPC’s have been given purple eyes, such as Elsharin, the high elf mage trainer in the Wizard Tower in Stormwind.

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The High Elves were never part of The Alliance.

The playable Blood Elves are the High Elves that fought for Silvermoon and the High Elven heritage. Do we really need to go over this every time?

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No they are not and no Lor’themar and would you grow up instead of impersonating other peoples charachters

I did find it very odd when you did a 180 on your (wrong) opinions
Didn’t realise it was a different character

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No you are not part of the horde and no matter how many times you write those lies wont make it anymore true and the quicker you learn to accept the facts that they dont belong the faster you can go and relax.

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