Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

incase you not aware of it if Erevien would do that he would just get himself flagged since he is the one trolling people with his topic

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Why was I seeing Baine in Stormwind in 8.3? and Mayla for that matter?

They are Anduin bootlickers so it is no surprise that they show up in Stormwind. Baine showing his true colors.

Say what you will about Thalyssra looking/being born a Night Elf…at least she helped set fire to the place and she wasn’t their after Windrunner said “**** you all!”

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Ian is very pro Blood elf and pro Horde. Trust me nothing will happen to the Blood elves. It’s all a irrational fear. You will go through Shadowlands and look back at this post and laugh.

He is only joking. He wanted to piss you off and you fell for the bait

As everyone is saying: Take deep breath and relax.

Forgive me but you are no Warchief to decide who belongs and doesn’t belong in the Horde. Your leader (the Highmountain) was standing inside Stormwind.

She was probably giving her weekly report on horde troop placement to the alliance leadership

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I’m confused. are you the same Kim as the other one? :eyes:

Our names are different. Also i am reasonable and able to see the truth which makes us very different


Ahahahahahaha… but sure if you want to list this as a positive go ahead.

Imagine being proud at playing the worst race in a vidya game.

That has to be hitting rock bottom in life, surely.

I don’t see anyone being proud of playing noem in here? :thinking:

No and i never said im a warchief either but unlike some other people here i use facts and lore incase you are unfamiliar with those words

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No you are not reasonable and you never use truth as you are only acting in a disrespectful way by pretending to be me and mock the facts i given

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I never asked if you were worried all i did was give you the truth as you like spreading lies about the horde

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We are behind you on this one.

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no you are not. Posting on an alt character doesn’t make you more legit.

Lets be fair, he’s not. He doesn’t even know their lore, as proven when he made that goof about eye colour. To be honest he’s not pro either faction, he’s not a lore guy, as he admits (Which is fine, you need different specialisations in any business) He’s more a games mechanics and number crunching guy, which given his previous career makes sense, he’s just not the most lore aware person at Blizz.

Really? Have you seen the character creation screen? Blizzard and the Lore disagree with you on this one, but then, you’re not one to let an inconvenient thing like ‘the truth’ get in the way of your wailings, are you?

Such as? What lies? Are you going to say “I told you already, many times, I have the best facts, the very best, just scroll up and you will see them, I wrote them, cleverly, in a post, Bigly”

This is a post about the Elves native to Quel’thalas, what precisely are you bringing to this conversation apart from a rather juvenile attempt to pick a fight? Take your Trolling elsewhere.

Come come now, Forsaken are actually pretty cool once you get past the Pantomime Villain depiction of them…

Yes, but…you’re not very good with words are you? You’ve used them wrongly in the past, and when shown dictionary definitions have argued that your -wrong- version is more correct than the dictionary definition. So forgive me if I am somewhat sceptical that you do know what ‘facts’ and ‘lore’ mean, as you have proven unable to give either.

Oh I don’t know, they seem quite reasonable, and use punctuation, I like to think they are a future you, who has travelled back through time, to give us their insights, now that they have grown up a bit, learned punctuation, politeness, and the difference between opinion and fact. They probably have a nice house somewhere and a steady job, loving spouse and happy smiley children, and a pet dog, a little scruffy thing, but an adorable scamp.
Why not embrace that future when you become adult, rather than just talking rubbish? Future You can teach you a lot!

By the way, Kim the Younger, You seem to be -HUGELY, MASSIVELY, GARGANTUANLY- Terrified of answering a simple question.

You kept saying ‘Gelf’ in a previous thread. Once could be a typo, but repeatedly was not, so do please do your level best to for once answer a question. “What does the ‘G’ in ‘Gelf’ stand for?”

Come on, you can do it, I believe in you…


The dog is named Jimmy. He is a grey dachshund

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He has not the double agent achievement.
It’s treason.