Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

Yes iam. And im not posting on alt charachters as the one making insults by impersonating me is not an an alt of my genius…(and no i dont find you a genius so dont take it as a compliment)

it can be hard and a bit lonely sometimes being a genius. people who do not share incredible insight will often try to belittle and demean us but in the end the truth will win when it is just presented enough so it is important to not give up

Just a polite reminder that Night elves are the best elves, always were and always will be ( check new customization )
who shares n2 spot doesn’t really matter to me

No lore dont disagree with me but then again you have shown that you dont know anything about lore as i have proven to you several times where lore diagrees with you.

I have already shown you that and no i have never said “i have the best facts” cause i have the only facts while you only trie to force your opinion on others.

Again im not a troll so ones agin you start with personal insult even though you know im not trolling its is you that is trolling here by making insult about the horde even though you never ones been able to back it up with facts.

Yes iam good with words causer i have never used them wrong as i have already proven so ones again you prove that the names i called you in a earlier post was not an insult but an accurate description of you And yes i have given you proof on lore and facts as you already know

i already know punctuation and unlike you iam polite so learn yourelf to be polite as it is you who started by being rude for no reason and its you who cant tell diffrence between facts and opinion as i use facts while you try to force yor opinion on others

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You ment Nightborne…
It was a honest mistake I guess


Please take your personal squabbles to somewhere else and do not derail another thread like before just put them on ignore and move on stop wrecking the topic with your inane whine thanks .

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I have not derailed anything to begin with as it was Brigante who derailed the last ones because he refused to accept lore and facts and im not whining im telling the truth learn the diffrence thanks

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I do not care just post on the subject and nothing else or leave but stop .Stop blaming others and be a adult and take a share of the problems you are far from an angel .

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Iam posting on the subject. And you are the ones blaming me so take your own advice cause you are not acting like an adult and no i wont take a share of the problem since i didnt cause the problem all i did was tell the truth and i never claimed to be an angel but atleast i act in a better way than some other people here

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then stop yourself cause you are the one who keeps spamming

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We are behind you on this one.

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then stop posting like you say instead of sending spamm

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Keep to the topic thank you .

unlike you i keep to the topic or are you unable to remmeber something people told you just minutes ago? and stop it yourself

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Please stop posting to me and keep to topic thank you .

i do keep to the topic so stop yourself

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Thank you keep to topic and i am not the topic focus on the topic and not me thank you .

I love both belf and velfs both beautiful in there own way @ OP :slight_smile: