Blood elves belong in the Horde

Do you think you will date a Nightfallen to mirror him?

why mirror him though?
i can edate anyone :innocent:

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No he isnt. Far from it lol

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Well its fine that you dont agree with my opinion only the rest of the horde agrees that blood elves dont fit in :). Well…agreeing with a psycho like Sylvannas that pour down posion over your fellow horde members so they turn into undeads kinda says something dont it. And clearly Sylvanas cared nothing for the horde and she was chased of because of her twisted ideas so clearly you are not true horde if you openly admit that you find Sylvanas a leader to be proud of


Yeah i seen an average human i see average people everyday

Then how can you say blood elves are below average in build?

I go to a school where half the people are semi professional athletes in various sports and even some of them are in worse shape.

When I then look outside on the street i see a bunch of obese or turbo skinny neeks.

The average person has a garbage body chief


The blood elves dont belong in the horde and they never will

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I am horde. And I agree with Beshird that the magical elves do infact belong to the Horde, How does that make you feel?


Really all you see are skinny necks? not judging but that seem weird haha if you look at the average person where i live the average person is not some skinny
guy with no upper body like the blood elves. And with that said im not saying all people where i live is in good shape where no people are skinny or no people that are chunky but if you take people on average they are in far better shape than blood elves

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The horde accepts anyone who’s willing and can fight the alliance slavers.


Preach it my friend.

Ok now im not sure what you refer to cause all 3 of them are kinda related to magic Nighelf with their druidic magic, and Blood elves and nighborne with arcane and their whole mana addiction. How does that make me feel? well i dont really have anything special against the Nightelfs what is there to say their a buch of hippies that got their home/tree burned down but i have no personal reason to dislike them aside from them being enemies of my faction. And for blood elves they definitely dont belong in horde as i said earlier and my opinion is not changed on that one bit. And lastly Nighborne No dislike to them i feel like they are welcomed addition to the horde as they have both things in common with the other races of the horde and have contributed for the hordes cause

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And please stay in the horde we do not need a bunch of mana addicts running around in stormwind. FOR THE ALLIANCE!

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Someone seems salty that blood elves are superior to them in every way.

Superior how? The only superior race in WoW is goblins. They are in control of moolah.

So you keep saying but I simply don’t think that is true. The Blood Elves do fit in. The Horde is quite a varied mix of races all clubbed together.

As for the poison two different scenarios are shown whether you are Horde or Alliance in the Battle for Lordaeron. I was quite surprised but it’s not the first time we see different events.

Fortunately for me you don’t get to decide what is and isn’t true Horde and I very much consider myself one :slight_smile:


Huh, blood elves have a decently defined chest… decent amount of bodyfat with their abs, freakish arms, bowling bowl shoulders.

It’s completely delusional to say the average person IRL looks better than them


Body wise they look pretty fine to me.


Can you post their bank accounts too?

I still don’t understand what Baine needs to make amends for. He saved the honor of the horde and that means he must make amends? For what? Not having followed the genocidal leader that didnt care about the horde and was just using them?
It wasn’t about Anduin, it was about the horde.
I really can’t follow your logic.