So they are bringing back the 15th anniversary mount for the big 20th anniversary? And its a problem because you bought it on the BMAH? Great for people who didn’t play 4+ years ago and understandably so.
Blizzard never states that a mount is “GET IT NOW OR GONE FOREVER!”. The only thing that disappears are seasonals because they are like what the word implies, seasonal.
I swear people cant read.
So I am guessing here but you probably have a seasonal. If they had brought that back after you paid for it recently, that would be a problem.
You said you paid for it 6 years ago that isn’t recent… and its in game gold… its not hard to get again.
it was 6 weeks…
What is it that makes not able to read? Because i refuse to believe that you made this post, getting angry on the behalf of your friend and not use the “for a friend” ploy as a diversion? Sure.
As a matter of fact, yes i do have seasonal stuff. And no, i wouldn’t be angry if they brought back stuff i bought because i’m not a lazy moron who buys earnable things by playing the game and then act like you earned it. So no, that wouldn’t be a problem. That would be a problem of you being entitled.
And guess what? Seasonal and anniversary things aren’t the same. And don’t give me the bs “people buy seasonal stuff with gold so it doesn’t matter”.
Bring back the long boi, so i have less reason to be depressed.
Black market is like featuring the items that will come back later for sure
You choose to pay instead of waiting
So many mounts come back and easily obtained, like pandaria remix made it easy, trading post too…
it was your choice, you didnt play it smart
That doesnt make any sense.
He is neither lazy nor a moron. He wasnt playing at the time I dont imagine. The issue I have is that if they knew it was coming back they should have taken it off the BMAH in the run up. Pretty simple tbh.
No idea why you have to be so hostile. I feel like its a prety situation for people who bough it. 95% of things on there are supposedly gone.
i dont see where the entitled things is coming from.
If you buy something and then very quickly after it gets given away for free, you would be annoyed and I dont care what you say, you are a liar if you disagree.
Very easy to act smug when it hasnt happen to you or your friend
Why though? BMAH is a gold sink, you know this, your friend knew this, and your friend decided he was okay handing over a million gold for a mount, that they’ve now had for 6 months to fly around on.
Also, just because something’s on the BMAH doesn’t mean it’s unobtainable (or will forever be) through other means, so that’s on your friend to decide whether or not they want to pay a million gold for that
You can’t realistically expect that any exclusivity will be exclusivity forever. The original T3 was exclusive for so long and isn’t anymore. Should the original T3 raiders complain that you can get it on the BMAH or through the DF crafting system?
Welcome to the forums. Blizz can just breathe and it will be already an “issue” for somebody.
Thats just not true. I personally wouldnt buy something that you can still obtain, like invincible for example. But I might be tempted to buy something that came and went for an event for example. As I wouldnt expect that to come back.
And ive said it before, nobody cares its exclsuive. They can mail it to to everyone for all I care
Just sucks some people had to pay for it
And that’s your choice.
Now me, personally, would be tempted to bid on Invincible, but since I would consider a million (let alone the 10 it would surely end at) gold too much for anything, it would never go past temptation. Other’s would decide they wouldn’t mind forking over that kind of gold.
Same goes for every other item on the BMAH - and again, not every item there is unobtainable by other means - there’s a price and you (as in you, me, your friend, everybody) decide if they want to pay the price for that item.
Does it suck having to pay a lot of gold for something that used to be free? Ofc it does. Does it suck to pay a lot of gold for something that will then be free again? For sure. But ultimately you (everybody) has to decide for themself: How much is this cluster of pixels worth to me and can I live with paying the price and then one day have it be cheaper/free/easier to get.
And then you can press “bid” or you can press esc and that’s all there is to it.
BMAH was always a bad idea.
Content should be always remain permanently available in the game via gameplay challenges and not Cardswiping PvP
A massive fomo collection may make some people not quit but it will make a lot more people not wanting to stay.
Your pissed cos an anniversary mount is returning for an anniversary? Come on
You cant read bud. Thats ok, you will get there, I believe in you!
Nah I get it. You bought it thinking it would not be returning then announced it would return. I get your frustration but it’s not that big a deal
They did. Vociferously. “Muh prestige man, muh prestige”
I know its not, just frustrating.
Just to point that out.