Boost runs is destroying the game

True, I leveled a Mage with Aoe Farm in early classic and I must say I really didnt enjoy it due to the min/max mindset I had.

Now Ive rerolled on this Warrior doing quests/leveling proffessions and real dungeons grouping. (Only bought 1-2 Mara boosts just to see it) and it this char felt much more Vanilla than the Mage.

Ive decided to also save the money for epic mount grinding it on my Warrior and not just make a transaction from my mage just to keep things clean.

The Spirit and Soul of Classic. Get boosts to level, buffs and min/max to Zug Zug Raids, then complain about how there’s no content and how the next phase should already be released.

We are great at sucking the living joy out of everything, are we not.


Getting my first char to 60 in 2005 took me literally 4-5 months. The journey I had with my Tauren warrior back then made me enjoy every moment of endgame content that was later released. Everything from farming pre bis items to raiding and casual ranking in PvP.

I get it why people would like it if most players would still level through zones, and while I think a lot still are, don’t forget that even with diminished levelling populations some zones can be barren gankfests because there’s still two dozen people from both factions around.

Hillsbrad Fields, for example, have pretty much been terrorised by Alliance gankers on Zandalar Tribe RP-PVP since at the very least last thursday. I wouldn’t blame others that they prefer to boost through a dungeon as opposed to being corpse camped for hours, every day.

Pretty much the reason why people buy boosts as well.

This is one reason why mages are broken in classic lmao.

Not boosts, Frostmage-KiteAbuse destroyed. Like in my Post explained

Classic based on 1,12 data and community with toxic/elitist retail thoughts dont work buddy. Either accept we are in 2020 and take some minor changes, or stop commenting ;D

Not an issue. Levelling my fourth toon now, and there are plenty of groups to be found.
Exceptions are less popular dungeons like BFD and SFK, but otherwise never had an issue.

As fun as losing a pvp encounter against the same class right from the race selection screen. #nochanges right? That is what you get.

You can still find dungeons groups fairly easy. But it will depend on your character and realm. As a warrior for example, you will not only be able to find groups fast but also you’ll get a ton of whispers, tank this tank that. You can easily ignore the WTB boost people as they won’t be interested in doing “classic” dungeons anyway. They either buy boost or return to questing as it is more XP/hour, and they won’t need items either. And most alts won’t even exist w/o the boosting service anyway.

A useful tip is to try and create the group yourself by LFM rather that spamming LFG and stare at the LFG add-on as most people are doing. It’s like 10 peeps want to do RFK but they can’t because there’s no group… Also try to find a guild that have players that are leveling, doesn’t matter if they are alts or new. You can’t compare now with the launch but it’s far from empty and disaster like many imply. Idk what expectations had some, maybe they though they’ll encounter 40 people raids in WC or something.

I play prime time on my main, and the alt is on another sever so I can play with my friends…and whatever is in the morning or late into the night I still find players and gangkers alike.
Ps. I still don’t know what joy finds a 60 killing grey players but this is how it is.
Back to the story.
So my advice is to choose a realm with care. As there are some with almost no Horde or Alliance and also low realms where it’s a lot harder finding people anywhere actually. Be a little more social and take initiative or find someone who does :). Take into account that some zones will be less populated than others with dungeons like BFD and RFK that are a bit remote from questing areas and Saul Goodman.
PS Got a friend leveling a druid with no experience what so ever in this game that’s also kinda shy and he is having a blast although he is playing most of the time solo.

Fully agree. Was about to write about the same thing. Paid boosts are an affont to the mature, adult spirit that made Classic a thing again. An atmosphere that encourages hard work, comradeship and perserverence, and discourages the urge for instant gratification, nor exploiting your leads seasoned fellow comrades. It is almost as bad as buying gold, and that’s not even taking all the drama it leads to into account. Its almost as bad as “deathrolling” in that regard.

Blizzard, please ban paid boost runs.

They can’t ban paid boosts for ingame currency.

They can fix dungeon mobs’ pathing and that is enough.


It is that simple!

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it affects us you crazy money sucker… you take away the low levels we can play so plank you!

But they are and have been since release? What are you on about lmao

K then, forums certainly gives clarity

If you can guarantee one minor change, fine. But we all know, including you, that when you add up many small changes, it’s no longer “minor changes”.

I understand what you mean OP. I don’t like it either even tho I have done it myself from level 58 to 60 in ZG. It is a lot harder to level the normal way nowadays when no one wants to go Deadmines or stockades with you because everyone is boosting their way up.

i don’t understand why people are willing to pay their way from 57-60, you’re gonna want to go dungeons like strat and scholo and quests in plaguelands anyway, which all get you from 57-60 quite fast as well, so imo its just wasted money.

im sure your zg raids love you for joining in lvl 51-54 blues and greens (with absolutely no prebis, and your best trinket being the carrot on a stick) as well once you get to 60 and are ‘ready’ to do this raid.

not only are you gonna be carried (hard) but you’re also gonna be needing on stuff some actually geared (carrying) people have been attempting to get since zg was released… so essentially you thank them for carrying you by stealing their hard earned loot. disgusting tbh.

if its your guild and they give the ‘OK’ for you to join and get carried then thats one thing, but i’ve seen people in pugs (and semi-pugs) doing this way too many times for my liking, and they know they can get away with it because when you point it out to the raid leader he will more often than not say “its okay i just want to get this raid going” or something along those lines.

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