Both classic and retail are boring in my opinion

I’m just so unmotivated to play, I really wished that there was more flight paths, hearth stone was 30 mins or you had 2, its just a walking simulator.

I got to level 34, got a warrior to level 12 and a healer to level 14 and I cannot for the life of me fly to Booty Bay to run to the top of the map again.

I don’t know what is worse; the combat in retail or the combat in classic.
In retail everything is fast and 123, in classic everything is slow and 1,1,1,3 basically.

I really, really enjoyed classic to begin with but in all honesty its as boring as retail is, for example as a rogue I go sinister strike, sinister strike, slice and dice - auto attack. Just before target dies, I use slice and dice, go onto next target and repeat. Very fun.

Everyone bangs on about the community and yeah sure enough people need to group up which feels 10x better than retail but again I have seen just as much toxicity in classic as I have done in retail.

Another annoying factor “Oh, I want to do pvp. Better run to Arathi Basin”
“I have 9 gold, oh I have levelled up. Time to learn talents and now I have 30 silver”

Classic is better than retail but in all honesty Classic is dated and boring and Retail is just plain bad.



Play a different game then, clearly WoW isn’t for you. Atleast for the time being.


Noone force you to play. You can stop playing WoW and find another game.
Stop crying.


It’s not a combat game. If you really want to feel like a god then play BDO… but combat is the only thing it has going for it, unlike classic.

Classic is not really alt friendly. Better pick a main and stick with it.
Tbh, most of the things that turn you off is what I like about Classic. It’s a very different game than the live game.

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It sounds like you’ve just had enough of WoW. You might be better off taking a break and finding something else to play.

WoW will still be here if you feel like giving it another whirl at a later date.


Make a friend, play together, that makes the experience so much better, or just ask in general for people to quest with, u can chat on the long runs, do some pvp etc. Everything is exponentially more tedious why you are doing it alone.

Take a break, if the games not for you don’t play it.

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There is no video game on the planet which will satisfy everyone… I repeat EVERYONE. There is bound to be that 1 guy out of 100(at least) who doesnt like X for reason Y.

Sorry to hear that both Classic and Retail is not working out for you. But well, what exactly is the reason for this thread? You are not expecting for people to change your mind and make you play a game which you don’t like?

You don’t fly to booty bay for the top of stv. You fly to westfall and do the short swim to nesingwary’s camp from there.

You are bored with World of Warcraft? Play something else. The market is big enough. There should be something there for you.

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Yeah, agreed. Sad because I’ve played for too long but personally I found that over the years LOADS of improvements were made and LOADS of terrible things were brought in.

I know its impossible to suit everyones needs and there is so much I like about classic but I just login atm, sigh and think “I need to spend about 10 minutes, flying, running and hopefully not dying, to wait for respawns and terrible, terrible drop rates on certain quests. Just to level up at an even number, go back to SW, learn abilities and run back”

I would have just preferred it if there was more flight paths, closer death spawns, better drop rates on certain things and thats it.

For me it is a walking simulator 50% of the time and as cool as it was on its release back in 2004, in 2019 with everyone playing it for copious amounts of years. Its boring.

I predicted how BFA was going to be on Day 1 of the expansion and I personally give classic about 2-3 months. Already know 2 friends in real life that have stopped playing.

I hope I’m wrong and I hope you guys enjoy it as I wish I could too but I cant


Sounds like you got burned out on WoW my friend, and there is no shame in that. I think we all had moments where we asked ourselves “I’m not having fun, why the hell am I still playing this?”. That’s when most of us just put the game aside for a while and do different things, maybe play some single-player games, maybe try a different MMO like Guild Wars 2 (it’s honestly a pretty good MMO to play as your “back up MMO”).

Eventually you’ll feel that itch to play WoW again, in that case, this game will still be here, waiting for you in all its glory.

Or not. Perhaps you don’t ever feel the need to return to WoW, which is also fine. Some people just outgrow this game. I’ve seen it happen to my friends. Hell, for a while I thought I was one of those people too, until I gave Classic a shot and immediately got hooked again. :rofl:


Very sound advice, hopefully I do feel that itch again.

I hope you continue to enjoy Azeroth brave young adventurer x)


Sounds like a burnout to be honest.
Before classic hit, i took a little break from wow, set up a minecraft and ark server with some friends, loads of fun, many hours invested.
But in all fairness i still felt as empty as i did since Legion after a while.
I delved into alot of games to fill it up, none really stuck.

Classic has rebooted me for now, as it feels rewarding to play.
It is also a game that isn’t that intensive to play.
Carpal tunnel is a pain in modern online games as BFA.
With classic i don’t find myself stretching my wrists every 5 minutes, so for me it’s perfect.
I’m not getting younger and i like the slow-paced layed back gameplay.

Hell, i’m playing warrior and pretty much all i do is auto hit with the occasional ability since leeway killed my hamstring method.
I still find it amusing.
“damn that turtle is 35, wonder if i’ll take him or have to start running for my life half through the fight”
So i manage my resources, make sure i have food, bandages, potions, whatever.
Because that can make a 5-10 minute difference into finishing my quest.

I also had to reroll realm when i hit 25 on shazzrah, now 33 on my new warrior and i’ll have to making some friends for my whirlwind axe.

Set goals, enjoy it, don’t have level 60 in your mind while leveling, but rather just the next level.

Maybe you just need to step back, do something else, clear your mind and ask yourself if you really want to play the game or just want the ‘epeen’ status by rushing it.

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if you need motivation to play you honestly need to find a game you find fun again. clearly burnt out mate

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Yeah, I agree mate. I played Overwatch but found that extremely frustrating/annoying and apart from that I actually don’t like gaming really anymore.

I absolutely loved classic for the first few days but having got to mid 30’s I cannot bare myself to level in STV its just too much walking around and I’d rather not do it.

Think I’ll put the time into learning guitar, gym or something. Hopefully I get that itch to play sometime soon :frowning:

Take care guys, all the best

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Go back to re…oh wait. GO BACK TO STEAM


You should wait for the next retail addon. I think that you’ll like it.

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In my opinion you might have a class issue. I had the same feeling while leveling my rogue (I always played warrior). I got it to 22 and then decided to get a warrior again. Even if it’s tough I’m a lot more fun than with my rogue. Maybe you haven’t found the class that clicked or maybe wow isn’t for you.