Both the EU / US forums should be combined

Just redirect!!!

So do you take part in the US forums much yourself?

I sadly don’t I haven’t really made a US forum account, I mainly just sit and spectate stuff mainly due to my anxiety as I have noticed a lot of people are very pick nicky on how people say or describe things.

I did feel like having both sides of a coin in a discussion like the US side etc would be cool but some people have made some interesting points against it though.

But I do have a lot of US friends :slight_smile:

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Until both EU and US are combined servers, I don’t think this would be appropriate because although this forums are for players to have discourse about topics, it is also a place for blues to talk with us and that will probably be messy if blues have to separate their posts for EU and US in the same forums, it will almost be a duplicate but maybe one small thing might be different and that would necessitate a whole different thread or something.

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Moderation would be another concern. Our day starts during their night.

Would lead to more ‘weekend’ posts.

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From what i saw in us forums there
it seems the topics about the state of the game and how to fix the problem in pve and pvp is more to read.
i dont know but eu and us combined is good and bad at the same time in my opinion


Americans make being human political. It’s depressing

I think we are a much bigger variety on the EU forums as well.

Probably. i just hate the idea that diversity is political. Its a very American idea


Do I want to talk to them ? Why I want this ?

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I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Final Fantasy XIV’s official forum throws English speaking American and European players together and it didn’t work out very well at all.

For starters, any issue related to the European region is often overshadowed and ignored.

More importantly, players who would never ordinarily interact with each other in any way are forced to interact. Myself and various friends were stalked and harassed by unhinged American posters because we happened to like and dislike the ‘wrong’ characters in the game.

There was also a lot of weird racism aimed at European players who could speak more than one language, as some American posters tried to claim it was ‘arrogant’ to be able to do so.


They will need to do some adjustments to how forum accounts are handled as well, and migrate existing user accounts to the new format, unless they decide to wipe everything and start over.

Why? Because the forum user accounts have the format charactername-realmname. In a world where the realm names were unique worldwide things will be easier, but there’s the same realm names in both regions (or more), like Alexstrasza, Ragnaros, Ravencrest or Zul’jin. Meaning that at some point you will need to change the format to charactername-realmname-region.

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Yeah, knowing more languages is appropriating a foreign culture for some people and disrespectful. Very wayward for us Europeans I imagine.

Totally agree with you, they should hold off from further centralizing as much as possible.

Usually during new expansion times come some changes to the forums too, so here is hoping we have a few more years to our own here, so to say :slight_smile:

edit: I have also heard about the so-called lore-stalking in the US forums. It seems the desire of some people to make others think like they do is indicative of the polarization?

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I’m sorry wat xD

I’ve always read both forums since they came into existence I spend at least 1-2 hours everyday casually browsing in that entire time but never really post. Only reason I would like to see them combined is so that there’s more people l and discussions happening in the same place. I also understand why it wouldn’t work. The amount of anti EU posts I’ve read over there!

That’s always going to be the case because EU covers Europe, Middle East, North Africa and probably lots of other places too. We have a huge diversity of nationalities, languages and outlook on life. Yet most of the time we rub along fine together. The US forum has the US (and I think Canada? that would be logical anyway).
I like that so many people from so many places can, for the most part, get along together and talk about stuff because of the games we play. I don’t think the people posting in the US forum would look at it the same way.


Maybe it’s finally time to swap the wow forums to btag posting like other blizzard games.


Been making this point for 16 years.

No, I am not exaggerating. It will never happen. Which is stupid, but it just won’t.

Oh we’ve got one ourselves, BELIEVE ME.

Agree. I think they should merge them.

I also think they should ditch the 1000 languages of EU servers too. Just let people post in whatever language on the same forum platform.

EN forum is so much more active anywais. And google does a fantastic job at translating things. So I would not see an issue.

TW forum has like 1 thread a week. :'D At least they’re not that dead.

Did you mean what you said yesterday about wanting to play btw? No hate if you didn’t, I’m just wondering since I’d be happy to.