Both the EU / US forums should be combined

This is another thing that is bound to happen soon, I think. Sooner than most think. Biodigital convergence and the new era is upon us and anonymity as we know it has no place in the “new world”.

For now, I am enjoying the pseudonym/avatar system we have right now. With this, I can choose to be taken more seriously than those who have their profile hidden (and those who wish to find out about my characters are free to do so but have to make those extra steps) but I can still maintain that thin layer of anonymity which I feel is necessary for arguments to be judged on their merit and on their merit alone.

I also feel that the other forums got a btag system because of how much more impulsively toxic the players there can be, i.e losing a match in OW and coming to the forums to spout pejoratives and vulgarities.

I kind of feel that the current system here is relaxing because even while not playing a game I feel I am with one foot still in Azeroth :smiley:

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I think it’s too easy for people to troll with the number of characters we can create on one wow account. We can have all those retail characters, then the limit of each classic.

It would also prevent a lot of the in game stalking some fear/suffer as you wouldn’t be able to just track others down in game. They couldn’t whisper people randomly either if they didn’t know the character names because you’d need a bnet friend add to be accepted. I decline most random requests I’m not expecting.

On a battle net level it certainly works on friends lists etc so would be more likely to work for any future joint forums, should they decide to go that route. I have Americans or Europeans that play in the NA region.

I did mean it. 100%.

Add me on discord so I can give you my WoW ID there.



I play from ~10pm onwards.

Also by play I mean anything. We can do raids of any level, keys of any level… whatever you want. With voice or with out. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

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And people say the social aspect is gone. Its all what you make it to be yourself :smile:


Let’s combine eu and us servers aswell as that way we’d get a much better community and not just eu and us as why divide the playerbase?

Also covers Oceania countries as well :smiley:

No it does not, just wether you believe it or not some of the posts you make are trolling/rude and people actually flag that and agree on it. Yet here you still are after you have been disrepectfil recently to a few people and down right rude.

WoW is socially fine when you know somebody. It’s the process of finding people that got damaged.

This did not happen through the game. That happened through the forum.

Glad it did though. :slight_smile:

Latency would be a big problem. Try playing on the PTR or beta and experience the pain.

I rarely get flagged.

There are plenty of posts I don’t feel are rude at all that do, though.

We are all guilty of that i agree but this nonsense about a flagging group is bothersome and tiresome and should not have even been bought up in this topic. People get banned because they did something wrong and i admit i do often.

I still think its all about what you do yourself. I have made alot of new friends after i returned in BFA. In game, via forums and through discord. But they didnt just magically show up while i was sitting in some capital spamming the lfg queue, i had to work for it myself. Just as i had to back in TBC by applying to guilds and taking the time to put myself out there chatting and being social.


Would be nice for playerpools to increase activity in pvp and all but sadly there is problem with servers, what do we do with the latency issue and how do we decide which gets to play with poor speed and which doesnt. If we can make EU and NA servers somehow work together without increasing latency for either then this would be perhaps best improvement for wow in 20 years. There would be time differences aswell but it would be worth the more activity we gain on many systems like pvp with more participation.

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This ^^ and also realm names as well there would be 2 ravencrests for example due they connect or rename or? :slight_smile:

Im also thinking time zone differences would rise issues and different reset times but I guess these would have to be sorted after the server issue would be figured first. I dont know how they could combine eu and na servers into one game without create latency for either. Ive played on servers located somewhere far and there is constant delay on actions when we go 300ms from 30ms that we have in EU and I dont want to play with that delay. But for participations this would be one of the best thing that happen to the game. :smiley:

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That could probably be fixed by adding some EU/US to it, like it is on raider io or check pvp sites. But i dont think a merge like that will happen.


i played with chinise on turtle wow and it was amazing so many honorble kills i got from rank 1 to knight by just farming pvp kills

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I’ve made loads of friends via the forums and in game. I think you’re spot on, it’s what you make of it.


Well, forums was always what we make it to be. Its up to us and I dont mean the continent pun uninted :smiley:

Indeed, it’s very easy to isolate yourself. Some players want to play like that and there is nothing wrong with that but to form friendships/bonds with other players you need to socialise.

The game can equally be very social if you want it to be. I’m not as social as those who sit on discord all day chatting on voice chat. People just have to find their comfort level. I tend to voice if I’m doing an activity with others.

Most of my interactions with others (on the whole) are great. Especially those I’ve chosen to build friendships with. There are always going to be some toxic people whether it’s the forums, in game or on other platforms (reddit/twitter etc) but it’s best not to get dragged into those kinds of exchanges. Ofc at times we all fall into those traps from time to time and do respond.

The internet is what you make of it, WoW is no different.

Anyone who has done any kind of testing can see what effect the latency has playing on the US realms from the EU. It’s improved a lot of over the years but it’s still not like playing on our own realms. I don’t think we’ll see any merge like that unless the game was going into maintenance mode.

I agree different resets would make for some confusing conversations and announcements would need to incorporate all the different region start times/days. That’s possible ofc, much of what is pushed out on social media is all aimed at the US market. But we do get our own announcements in blue posts here with the correct information.

Half the posters would be getting content before the other half. Also would all the other European language servers still be EU forum based? Would seem an odd split forum wise.

I don’t look forward to having the topics about wokeness, race and so on quadruple in number.


Good example of this would be when sometimes playing pvp chat disabled, can go day without talk to anybody in game like this and will never make a connection with anyone like it either. Then the other end of spectrum when I enable chat and talk random with people I play with and every friend I got is someone Ive randomly met, played and interacted with and add. Its up to ourselves to make friends and connections, sometimes somebody engages with us first but overal its up to ourselves what kind of interactions we have with other people and how much. I dont think its something blizzard has alot affect either with when its something that comes from us alone and we deciding how and how much we want to socialise with others.

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Looks at forums
Oh you lot definitely magically showed up :dracthyr_hehe_animated: