Both the EU / US forums should be combined

You are welcome to join too if you want !

Its not like I will refuse any of you. Unfortunately we can only do parties of 5 though … :frowning:

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Ah, thank you. I knew Oceania used the US servers, but didn’t know about the forums.

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You can add me on bnet if you want, its . I dont really play much right now, mostly working on DF quests i havent done when i play wow, but just hit me up if you need a mediocre healer or bad dps for something (not pvp though!) :laughing:

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You should delete your BNet ID from your post (I copied it, I will add you later when im online). For privacy purposes.

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I’ve heard that one before from Blizz (directly, I was talking to a CM on Skype) for WoL which has a similarly antisocial structure where there were no public chatrooms. It’s true, you can always do more outside the game or use your existing community, but that doesn’t make the game as good social network.

For WoW its equivalent is the open world space that’s been split into tiny shards dynamically and are more often than not empty.

No matter where I seem to go in the world it’s either empty or has people who couldn’t care less about one another.

That is definitely a radical departure from classic.

The gold and communities finder are also full of dead communities at the top. It’s very hard to find something that’s actually alive and welcoming.

This is a very large departure from classic. On classic era I can’t go 2 hours before I meet like 3 people organically and start questing together.

Basically the only chance you have in retail is finding your friends from elsewhere. That’s just how it works.


All realms atm are med to low and forums begging for more connections and merges or free char moves because the game is dead so no idea what lucky realm you are on.

Puny has linked the top ones repeatedly that do keys from 2- 20 24/7 and nice and calm and fun at same time they are out there you just need to look.

What Do I Do? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

There all those do high keys and in a none toxic way.

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Any time I’ve checked the US forums recently (last few years) they’ve just been a swamp of Culture Wars nonsense.
Also we’d be outnumbered signigicantly. Europe is split into various languages whilst America only has English and Spanish (I assume they has Spanish servers over there).

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Hell-no! Their playerbase is 100 times more toxic than ours.


Yes both pvp pve and rp so i really hope blizzard put some effort into that like when i ganked hordies in hillsbrad foothills on my rogue Nightfade in turtle wow i got so many angry comments like telling me to kill myself or they hope i get cancer while i just licked my knifes clean my character’s rp was he was a night elf there went back in time after war of the thorns.

Because people think only people with certain issues gank the opposing faction. We have come so far from the RPG nature of this game that a big portion legitimately thinks that if you kill a low level opposing faction character you must be out of your mind.

I totally understand you and sorry for your experience.

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Eh it’s all good i just kept ganking them until they brought a level 60 then i would either log off or get a friend to kill him

This sentence is the greatest sentence Ive read all week.

Well my post and a few others got blitzed this morning so the mods are doing something right.

Im glad we appear to have a mod who doesn’t just knee jerks every post that looks daft with a ban. That just scalated this ridiculous conspiracy of “secret flagging gangs”.

I’m saying no more on this “issue”

No. Very bad idea, not just because of the technical issue but because of the mixing of servers and cultures. I’ve played online games way back on the Dreamcast with Phantasy Star Online where the only separate servers were Japanese and rest of the world. Belkieve me. Last thing you want is to be stuck with a horde of screaming 12 year olds and even louder screaming adults.

It was… Fun.

I haven’t. I’d gladly sacrifice you all the great Paella in the sky.

I think that in itself is a problem, its too easy to isolate yourself. Paradoxically I usually play alone except for LFR. But on the flip side, you could force too much group play.

Not everyone plays at the same time.

Oh… OH I SEE!! So I’m the only one who gets yelled at!! Fine I’m taking my Tunnock’s teacakes then. snaps fingers and struts away

My greatest failing. I really ought to know better, Ive been “fighting” with people for god knows how long.

The vast majority of those threads, if not all of them, serve one purpose.

Disingenous troll bait threads.

Best course of action is to open it, go right to the bottom without pausing and hit the “Mute thread” button. It won’t even appear in the forum threads.

Notices a lurking Nim and pulls out carrot gun.


Well just because some don’t like it in the beginning does not mean it’d be bad like some most likelly thought it was a bad thing that alliance and horde got shamans and paladins but look where we are at now.

Merging eu and usa servers wouldnt be possible cause of the latency issue that comes with location of servers. Playing with 300ms wouldnt be something I would get used to in time sadly. Like said it would be great for participation to merge servers but untill you provide solution how its possible latency wise this wouldnt be viable to consider. People are dying in 2 second windows in pvp if not them or healer press anything, I cant have any delay from gaining information of something or from my keypress.

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It was referring to the forums not the game itself btw just encase you missed that :smiley:

Is it necessary? Because you can easily make a Level 1 character, level it to 10 and then post on the US servers, all for free.

Personally, I’ve never got along well with the Americans (they say I’m too blunt and hurtful…I’m just honest, in my view) so…

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I kinda have to agree we the EU side of things have it better as EU.

We already pay to use this forum. But we are able to use the US ones for free with a level 10 alt, without any US sub. They will have to pay to use the EU one.

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The US customer support forum is pure entertainment though.

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It’s probably why you don’t see any US posters here, because of the costs for the EU version.

And for the Oceanic players (Australia and New Zealand), not only the cost but the high latency just isn’t worth it for them.

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He made suggestion to merge servers and I replyed that it would cause issues with latency.

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