Both the EU / US forums should be combined

There’s too much of a cultural divide between America and most of Europe. I’ve also encountered that problem, even when being incredibly polite and civil. One guy lost his mind because I offered to ‘agree to disagree’. Another threw a fit over my use of the word ‘antagonist’ to describe a character instead of ‘villain’.

Especially with how many terminally online types there are these days, it’s just a recipe for disaster. There’s no shortage of people with too much free time on their hands who can spend most of every single day looking for things to get upset about.

Worse yet? They’ll relentlessly stalk and harass people for months if not years and then the moment their target so much as pushes back lightly, even with a sarcastic comment, they risk getting banned. I’ve seen it happen many times.

I was banned from the FFXIV forum for pushing back against a credible death threat sent my way. I called it ‘disgusting’ and got banned for ‘hostile language’ and ‘creating a negative atmosphere’.

Naturally, I’ve since left that joke of a game behind.


Somehow these super low pop realms manage to have me meet more peole regardless.

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I haven’t found that at all. My main account is US Oceanic and I gave up posting there. It is a cesspool and the number of ignorant people there is depressing.

The EU seems quiet in comparison and I rarely find anything I’d bother to comment on.

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I don’t know if we are less active users or more split over language forums.

You might’ve been speaking to Americans on the west coast then.

Many forget just how large the US is, and the culture can vary with each region. Moreover, online culture is obviously very different compared to interactions in real life.

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When I lived in the States I lived in Florida. The culture is completely different from the culture in Kentucky and California, Pennsylvania is completely different from North Dakota and New Mexico.

But what I found was universal was idiocy and bigotry and a “Im right You’re wrong” mentality.

Just like here, so in some regards, the internet has no cultural differences.

But we all hated Texas.


Tbh for a long time already it seems that this left-right, black-white, either-or, democrat-republican mindset is being “imported” from the USA to the rest of the world, too.

Social media was a mistake? :slight_smile:


Yes, we all hate Texas, lol.

Absolutely social media. Let’s not forget about Russia and China interference, as well…

Social media is just another branch of the internet tree growing in the woods of the Violent against Themselves.

The tree I refer to is not the Suicides, but the bushes and shrubs that contain the souls of the violent destruction of their own substance.

Metaphorically, they have become so determined to destroy their own value through social media that they have destroyed any value to their opinion to be taken seriously so it now devolves to "oh let me post this meme about (insert public figure Ive been told to hate here) because all the likes and hearts will validate me.

So now their only way to speak their voice is only when an event (allegorically the ravening wolf crashing through the bushes to chase down a sinner) smashes into them and causing them to bleed which allows them to speak. In the Wood of suicides, the Damned are only given voice when a twig is snapped and can only speak as long as blood flows, the allegory here being that an event or post breaks their twig and they feel compelled to rage at or mock what they are seeing before their blood stops, (in this case rage or mockery) and they return to silence until the next time.

And both sides of the “divide” are guilty of this.


This thread :popcorn: Having different opinions than the ‘‘crew’’ Might end you up with a ban or make them explode… Their discord doesn’t exist but actually does… But they don’t flag anyone though and you should take their word for it.

Don’t call anyone anything and I mean seriously anything no matter if its deserved or not Just don’t.

Having a different view and opinion is childish and to pick a fight. Just always agree… Flow with the flow and don’t speak too honestly.

Derailing threads are bad unless they do it. In witch case they will openly celebrate having done so. And just never -ever- speak against a forum regular.

Never defend your self against a forum regular either… Or at least never get offensive in return. No matter how condensending and troll like their replies might be. The moment you bite back, You are considered toxic and you will be taken down.


Oh look…

It’s Mr “You all hate me!!” back with his usual “sshh… they’re out to get me…”

Or did you get tired of peddling certain posters names in AD chat?

No one hates you Skull. We’re tired of you. There’s a difference.


the forums should stay separate, but blizzard has to remember this forum exists.


Out to get me? Nono… Your out to literally pile bomb anyone who’s opinion you deem offensive… Regardless wether it is or not…

I have been watching.

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Shtt, be carefull, they might be listening, under your bed !

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Or you know, you could just not insult other posters and adhere to the rules of the forum. Big ask I know :dracthyr_nod:


To quote Soul ‘‘i’ve heard about this thread from discord… Not the secret flagging discord! But totally another discord’’ xD

The whole post you just made screams “flag it” will you never learn :frowning: just stop before it gets out of hand and closes another thread and you get another vacation just for once stop.


But being condensending and rude gets a pass… You can be as rude and everything as you wish to be in your book. Until one fires back with a ‘‘Insult’’ I can’t believe you actually reported me for that word lmao… and under that entire context. You deemed me the toxic one.


I’m not really interested in going down this rabbit hole. Stop blaming others for what you type on a forum that gets you into trouble. My best advice to anyone who frequently gets into trouble is, re read your post before you hit reply, remove anything that is rule breaking. You will have a much better time.

If a person doesn’t attack others, debates in a adult fashion, doesn’t circumvent the language filter etc etc. They don’t get timeouts from the forum.

There are plenty of people who disagree with each other and don’t have any problems.

But I won’t comment on this again. It’s just counterproductive. Those that blame others will never stop doing so.