Bring back 2H frost

Bring back 2hand frost!


Bring back 2 hand frost !


Cry more please

It’s somewhat painful to read a whole bunch of people who play this game a few hours per week want to completely change a spec for some Aesthetic or Lore reason.

What’s even more painful is that Frost DK currently plays exactly like a traditional 2h Frost DK played in WoD and MoP, if BoS is not selected.

I honestly don’t understand how this discussion has been held for over 2 years - play the game, get good and then make an argument for change.

Something much more relevant than a 2hand is the last talent tree and how extremely skewed the balancing and ideas behind the talents are. It’s almost like the 0.1 devs working on Frost had to get home from work early for family reasons when he/she/it was working on it


How can I get good, if this game is sh1t, I don’t want to play it until they fix my class OR (“and” would be an utopia) their approach to system of rewards. I’m 365 @ my pala and I haven’t done anything to earn this ilvl (which is not high, but not low either) and this doesn’t feel rewarding. When I loot 370 item, I just sell it for gold, when I loot mount, I don’t feel literally anything.
I can see your replies in recent topics where you cry that this class is good and game is fine, while 99% of ppl say it’s not. Why are you even here, buddy? Go play diablo immortal. And frost dk disign with 2 toothpicks is a dull piece of sh1t.


maybe u should move to another game

not being harsh, but u sound like u need help and ur venting into the game

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I enjoy watching Asmongold talking sh1t about wow more, than actually playing this.
The only fun thing I’ve done during whole expansion was Ulduar timewalking today, but it’s not a part of bfa content.
And being positive in every situation when developers are sh1tting in your mouth isn’t a good behavior as well. And I’m not even mad or trying to be toxic, I just talk like that, because I’m not trying to be polite to anyone on internet. Sry for hurting your feelings. Ban me.

perhaps you are missing the point, now that abilities are not tied to weapon damage, there is actually no reason for them to be limiting weapon attacks.

A new rune can easily be added to provide both razorize and fallen crusader for frost alone.


Dual wield makes frost DK unique. I think Blizz should rather fix the oh so boring button smash rotation frost dk has.


Dual wield is an abomination for a deathknight. One of the worst decisions blizzard ever made was splitting Frostmorne in half and pigeonholing frost into DW. It should have been ‘frostmourne reforged’ or something like that, now unable to steal souls but still whisper to you like arthas does on the shadowmourne quest.

It was a MASSIVE mistake denying deathknights the ability to wield the real Frostmourne, a proper feeling of being cheated. It wasn’t the power of the weapon, they pulled off the Ret pala perfectly!

Unfortunately it looks looks like the best we can hope for is a transmog option now. Also so many threads on this topic yet not a single reply from blizzard. Glad to see people keep fighting for this issue.


As I keep on suggesting, Frost should have either 2 viable builds for DW and 2H based around Fast Frost Strike for DW and Slow Methodical Obliterates for 2H.

Or, why couldnt they have made some cool “weapon swap” mechanic to allow different stances for different types of Frost Gameplay.

You basicly described how frost DK used to be before they were made to dual wield. You could also change between aspects. Unholy, frost and blood, even in a middle of a fight.

Well yeah, because I used to play one back in WoD. Such a shame that they forced DW… I honestly think they could have made Frost cool by giving them something like weapon swapping stances.

Give us scythes. Only dks can use scythes. x)

i miss chillblains :smiley:

I miss the old days when DK was released.

We were still slow, but we hit like a God damn truck when we finally got close enough. 2h obliterate, runestrike.

Want that back.


I agree. I would absolutely love for 2H Frost to come back. I loved playing it in Cata through MoP and I was very disappointed when they removed it in Legion.


Not only that.

Every trait line is obviously. There is no versatile gameplay. The same happens on other classes. There is always a " way to go build" because blizzard never reworks their class balance .

I don’t understand how can it take so long to Rework / change damage numbers or certain skills, move trait lines, replace futile talents.

I kinda regret coming back for this honestly :confused:

As i have mentioned a long time ago, unholy completely covers all of the traits which 2h frost had and then enhances them, azerite traited festering strike is perhaps even stronger than obliterate ever was and clawing shadows fills in for frost strike.

failing this, the litereal 2h frost dk is present in survival hunter.

Could not agree more. Frost 2H was my favourite specc. I enjoy Unholy, but I enjoyed Frost 2H more.