Bring back 2H frost

Class fantasy ffs. Is it this hard for you to understand ?

Didn’t read entire thread but what’s wrong with fdk? Wanna lvl one for some casual pvp fun. I can’t get any spec but frost, it just feels nice for me.
How are they hmmmm
 “crap”? As I can see on forums — 5% weaker is enough for people to call spec “dead”.

They should give us 2 wands instead of axes and swords really why not the damage is gonna be the same.

Jokes aside they really should fix the talent tree not only for Frost DK but for every spec you know. Ideas enough like a pyramide with inside 9 big talents. Ofc there are 3 specific big talents for each spec. Those big talents are again devided in 3 smaller one so in total you will have 27 smaller talents. Once you chose a certain way like Frost DK example you again have 3 big talents with each having 3 smaller talents. So in total you will have 6 big talents and 18 smaller ones whoever cause we are DK and we are just chosing a different school of power being Uh,blood and Frost. We can chose 8 big talents so as a Frost DK you can have some talents from blood and UH and like 22 smaller talents so you also can chose some smaller talents from the Uh and blood branche. Just an idea nothing to hard right blizz right blizz!!!

Anyway bring 2H back :grin:

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Frost 2h was a lot of fun, its sad what they did with it.


Atleast add the option (a talent for example) to allow 2H frost again.


So it can be a dps loss for another 2 years? DW frost has always been the superior option and any serious DK was DWing before and after the option was taken away.

Litterally this made a talent will never be actually viable. You are asking blizzard to allow you to nerf yourself

The only way it will work is if they actually remove DW from frost in trade for 2handed.

Maybe we should concentrate on complaining about how awful the specc is to play before we want a cosmetic change so players can gimp themselves again.

Technically, they already do this, it’s called the frost dk specialization


What Siffrah said.

By playing frost you’re already Nerfing yourself because unholy is currently better

Indeed such a shame

But even if we get buffs it its not gonna change the fact that frost is in a coffin somewhere deep under the ice in Northrend to be forgotten.

Have you looked at logs? Frost DK is performing well dps, it’s the design which is garbage.

Logs defintly don’t show this is the current raid

Logs place frost DK mid pack upwards and unholy 3rd to last.

Idk where you got that but last time I checked frost was (and still is) at the bottom of the rankings

Wow logs for eternal palace? Lol.

Litterally first 4 fights I look up all frost above unholy.

If your talking mythic+ then yeah unholy is stronger. But raid wise frost is doing more dps then unholy.

2H frost was good fun and interesting, frost right now is dead as in boring and crap.


So your arguement is that frost is mediocre and unholy is terrible on the 4 easiest fights in a raid tier?

No my point is, it’s pretty obvious frost is the stronger specc in a raid.

If you look at the averages frost is like 8 speccs above unholy.

On average over eternal palace raid.

Your In 6th place dps wise. Litterally your above rogues.

Your high mid pack dps at a absolute minimum.

“Mediocre speccs” don’t take 6th place in dps. Stop making out as if frost raid dps is bad. Because it ain’t. Litterally your like 8k dps below the 1st place dps, which is getting nerfed.

Frost DK playstyle is shambles, but it’s raid environment dps is fine. If your talking mythic+ yes both sides of DK are trash as of current. But we aren’t alone in that boat. A lot of classes are trash in mythic+

P.s if you think your dps in raids is mediocre, so are rogues, as ur litterally above all 3 rogue speccs on the average stastic rates on eternal palace :stuck_out_tongue:

Frost DK isn’t bad dps. The way the damage is applied is awful for anything but boss fights however which makes it Ill-suited to a mythic+ environment which is a playstyle problem.

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Frost is completely fine in M+ as well. It’s not meta but it does a lot of dmg.

You realise i made a rogue recently right? and that rogue within 1 day of being max level is getting within sight of challenging my dk for higher dps position

and im not even taking that rogue seriously either, right now im exploring combo point focused playstyle but mostly i have focused on literally just spamming gloomblade builder for everything so don’t tell me rogues are doing less dps than death knights because that is the biggest joke one can tell.

hell if i actually bother to put effort in I WILL be out dpsing my dk by next week and with less buttons but that is only if i can be bothered to run some M+ which i probably won’t.

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Sounds like you can’t really play frost?

Well. The mythic raiding FDKs are out dpsing rogues :stuck_out_tongue: so I don’t rly know what to tell you there