Bring Clone Service Back Please

No I hear that and acknowledged you may be right. However slim the chance is I would like clarification seeing as a gm said what they said. Not hard to understand but you won’t acknowledge that I have a point

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That Blog post is confirmation, the GM was wrong and used that bit to get rid of the player to stop them sending another ticket.

You don’t have a point, the data for Classic Era “ghost” characters is no longer there. It’s gone, it has ceased to be.

You want Blizzard to confirm it again, that’s really it isn’t it? Then you will still say that they can do it.

And thus a new Era of “Clone Wars” begins…


Haha sick reference, bro

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I don’t know if you’re trolling me or you simply are unable to understand my point so I will leave it there as I’m not going round in circles any more.

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I had the exact same reaction to your posts. I know your point and it’s wrong, I’ve proven that.

I know Blizzard is known for their famous lack of communication (and there were especially slow communicating SOM transfers out), but they DID write loud and clear that clones would be permanently deleted. So what is to clarify?

Some people won’t listen even if they are given the evidence, there is even a new post in CS about this.

they think the data is still there and not moved to the Mograine realm in Wrath.

To be fair - back in 2005/6 they said there would NEVER EVER be PvE to PvP transfers.

They also said there would NEVER EVER be classic WoW (recall anyone Keg’s wall of no?)

Edit - they also said there would NEVER EVER be sellable enchants on AH

So don’t say on here things won’t “ever” happen.

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+, bring back clones! @Blizzard


That’s true, but then it is not clarification but simple “Mommy can I have a cookie”-kind of questions - ask until she says yes :slight_smile:

indeed yes…just saying "dont be a Dottie and say Blizz say never…coz tney said “never” before.

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If they did come here to ban, then they would ban you for your actrious hat.

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Lol I’m sure in your mind you have “proven” something but in reality you have proven nothing other than you in fact don’t understand how proof works

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Really? So Blizzard saying the data is gone is not enough proof for you?

Like I said, that’s conspiracy theory level denial.


Round and round we go lmao get a hobby

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I do. He and others also kept repeating that the data is gone. History repeats itself. :slight_smile:

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I don’t, all I remember is Blizzard saying there are no plans at present, I don’t think they ever said there will never be Classic. Wasn’t Keg just a player like us?

I got a GM answer to the question


Yes he was (just a player), he just reposted what was on US forums though.

Either way blizzard (when they posted in the EU forums back in the naughties) 100% said there would never ever be pve to pvp transfer……and they said there would never be classic wow as it ‘took away from the main game’ ……ets

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