Bring Clone Service Back Please

Not for me. I coppied my rogue when they activated it but many of my friends just left after with pre-patch with no interest about TBC or WotLK and their characters moved on those expansions in time.

Even a friend of mine was on his military service which takes 12 months to complete and no chance to gain access to game so they couldnt ‘save’ their beloved Classic toons. There are lots of memories hide in those toons, dont come to say ‘level a new toon’. Some of my friend already started to level but they would love to access their 60 level snapshots.

Blizzard didnt send any e-mail warning btw about auto-progress. As I said above, many moved from game back to their ‘real life’ so they dont heard about it.

So, just activate clone service back please. I’m sure Blizzard got ‘snapshot datas’ somewhere else for emergency call! They never said ‘we deleting snapshots’ so just bring service back and let the people enjoy what they love about Warcraft!



Yeah, didn’t know ERA was alive and made the wrong choice. Please give people one more chance!


Please blizzard! If you’re unable or unwilling to do so please just come out and say it so we can move on

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They have already and it’s quoted in one of the many other threads about this.

And no, more threads do not mean more visibility for Blizzard, they don’t come here except to ban posters.

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It ain’t happening. Let it go, for god’s sake.

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Cloning was up for 18 months, so that excuse does not hold water.
But I do wonder a bit here: If he really is a friend, why don’t you help him levelling a new character?

Lucky that their friends excuse has 0 to do with you and no one cares about your opinion on if it holds water.
You’re not the devs. You’re just a nobody like the rest of us

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You really don’t know if blizzard checks out these forums or not so don’t pretend you have some understanding that the rest of us don’t.
Blizzard have given us mixed signals on character cloning and all we are asking for is clarification.

Yes they have said it’s deleted the data but blizzard gms have also said it might be brought back if we post on the forums and other social media outlets.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about

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You don’t know what you’re talking about.
If we had listened to people like you we would never have even had classic in the first place. Maybe you should let it go

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Of course I know, Blizzard never post replies and only look at the US forums

I do not believe you, you are making that up. How can they bring back deleted data? They don’t use the recycle bin you know.

I think that’s called “the pot calling the kettle black”.

Blizzard have never said they would never do Classic, they only ever said “We have no plans at present to do Classic”.

I don’t know how to post links in here so you will have to Google “ blizzard’s response asked character cloning” and you’ll find a Reddit link with a gm telling us to drum up publicity on forums and social media if we want it back.
You are welcome

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You can use Prefomatted text </> to post a link.

The GMs are not Devs and don’t know what data they still have and since Blizzard say they moved the players characters to Wrath then that would mean the data is gone from classic Era.

I found the post btw but it’s best not to link the whole of the picture as it breaks Blizzards rules.

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Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about. That is your guess. Only blizzard know if they have a backup of the data on a floppy disc somewhere.
The gm is better informed than you most likely and is still a representative of blizzard. We are simply following what they told us to do if we wanted cloning back.
Asking for clarification from blizzard after a gm said what he said is not a big deal. Let it go. You don’t speak for blizzard and your info is guess work

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A floppy? It would need a multi terrabyte hard drive and be huge waste of time and money.

GMs are just 2nd line Customer support now, they don’t make the game.

You really don’t see that the paragraph is just the usual go post on the forums dismissive they use to get rid of people to stop them making more tickets. How Naïve.

I don’t know 100% but I can make highly educated guesses.

Can you find an actual Blizzard post saying that they still have the Classic Era data or even a suggestion they have plans to bring back cloning?

I’ll use Blizzards words "The Classic Era version of the character will be permanently deleted and unavailable for cloning.”


Mixed signals? All they said was it was ended and clones where deleted. What mixed signals are there?


Don’t bother, they are like conspiracy theorists, you can give them proof and they will still say they are right.

They gave us a chance to clone our characters for a good chunk of time and warned us that if we didn’t, we’d lose the Vanilla version characters for good.

It’s too late. It’s over. Move on.


If you can’t see that a blizzard games master might perhaps know more than you about the internal goings on at blizzard then you are beyond help.
Why do you people care so much? If blizzard come out and say once and for all that the gm was wrong, there’s no hope then we will drop it.
I really don’t care about your opinions on the matter. You could be correct but I’d like to hear it from them to put my mind at ease.
It’s not a conspiracy, you just don’t want them to bring back cloning so you have an agenda just like me

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I don’t care if they bring it back or not, the more people playing Era the better. I’m saying they won’t.

As I said above, they don’t have the data, they have already said that, I quoted it and gave the source. So they have said it and you and the others seem to be selectively ignoring it.